The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

All you are doing is throw Crap against the wall and seeing what sticks. Desperate people do Desperate things. This as you stated has no relevance to today's events.
The "Y'all" thing is just a coping mechanism and shows you not serious about the issues you raise.
Deal with it, shift the narrative, well it is a precedent, not much of one.
The detail plan of today trumps Trump need to quit living in the past. Even the author of the plan said it was a longshot. So Trump got duped, or he was told and did it anyway.
So if precedent is set that makes any charges related to the fake elector scheme moot...which is what most long have you support solicism??? And why do you live in this country instead of once more suited to your ideology??
So if precedent is set that makes any charges related to the fake elector scheme moot...which is what most long have you support solicism??? And why do you live in this country instead of once more suited to your ideology??
Because I can, I have, I served, I defended and it is right of which I choose to do. Who are you to question? Why do you? I could care less...You are dumb and I contemplated using an idiot for asking a stupid question. Use it only to distract.

The only problem I have is ridding this country of crybabys, whiners, and those who cannot face reality.
The Reality is that it is ballgame over for Trump and it should be for Biden as well.
You can "Y'all" that to death. It's over so quit wasting your breath. Them Dems have got Trump in a Mousetrap and once one is figured out or defended they will throw more at him. Need to look forward, The GA case will nail him and it is a state felony.

The reality is that you throw enough depth Charges in the water and something will eventually float to the top.
You don't have to be an expert, 60+ years ago and nobody cared. No social media, little if any reporting. Not much to compare. 1 state vs multiple states. Let it go...
The Kennedy comparison is more appropriate than some would like to think. What ole Joe allegedly pulled in 1960 makes 2020 look like child’s play.
One thing the GOP seems to keep overlooking is that the vast majority of Republicans who had any significant contact with Trump as POTUS now say he has no business being in the WH again. Bill Barr just last night was on CNN talking about how awful a president he was and how he ruined so many people's careers with his behavior.

As the primary season truly gets going, the commentary by these folks will be front and center. It would kill him in the general.
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One thing the GOP seems to keep overlooking is that the vast majority of Republicans who had any significant contact with Trump as POTUS now say he has no business being in the WH again. Bill Barr just last night was on CNN talking about how awful a president he was and how he ruined so many people's careers with his behavior.

As the primary season truly gets going, the commentary by these folks will be front and center. It would kill him in the general.

Trump can't win the general and the reality is probably no R can.
Nice....... Captain awareness
One thing the GOP seems to keep overlooking is that the vast majority of Republicans who had any significant contact with Trump as POTUS now say he has no business being in the WH again. Bill Barr just last night was on CNN talking about how awful a president he was and how he ruined so many people's careers with his behavior.

As the primary season truly gets going, the commentary by these folks will be front and center. It would kill him in the general.
I thought the same thing in 2020…and he still nearly won
One thing the GOP seems to keep overlooking is that the vast majority of Republicans who had any significant contact with Trump as POTUS now say he has no business being in the WH again. Bill Barr just last night was on CNN talking about how awful a president he was and how he ruined so many people's careers with his behavior.

As the primary season truly gets going, the commentary by these folks will be front and center. It would kill him in the general.

I don't understand why Trumps rivals aren't buying airtime and playing that Brett Bair interview 24/7.

It's gut wrenching.

Sprinkle in a little Trump cancels WW1 memorial at U.S. cemetery in France due to rain | Reuters for all these "Patriots" let it wash over them.
I thought the same thing in 2020…and he still nearly won

Fair but its a crescendo now. Pence, Barr, Hicks, the list goes on and on. And they feel so strongly about it that they are showing up on tv with increasing frequency, warning about how bad things were and would be again. Eventually, even Fox will have to start acknowledging these comments.
I thought the same thing in 2020…and he still nearly won

You are right--and it is a disturbing indictment of the American people generally and conservative voters in particular. It's fine to be conservative and support conservative candidates. It is not fine to support trump---who is a deeply corrupt and dangerous lowlife who is not fit to be a dog-catcher much less president. He's a terrible and sinister human being--fact. Lots of conservative voters--especially those with little education--have been so poisoned politically that they've lost their bearings. Jan. 6 proved that in spades. And their constant response to the gangster's lawbreaking is to just pretend
that Biden and all other Dems are just like him--which of course is utter nonsense. The GOP will continue to suffer until the adults take back the party from the crazies.
Both parties have sprinted away from the center the past 10 years.

Not necessarily a bad thing. Both parties at the center have moved us into a pretty bad spot. Something radically different needs to be done.

I would argue it’s not likely going to come from neither of the existing parties today because they are set up to perpetuate the grifting machine that is Washington D.C.

But running from the middle of what we’ve currently got going on seems wise to me.
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You are right--and it is a disturbing indictment of the American people generally and conservative voters in particular. It's fine to be conservative and support conservative candidates. It is not fine to support trump---who is a deeply corrupt and dangerous lowlife who is not fit to be a dog-catcher much less president. He's a terrible and sinister human being--fact. Lots of conservative voters--especially those with little education--have been so poisoned politically that they've lost their bearings. Jan. 6 proved that in spades. And their constant response to the gangster's lawbreaking is to just pretend
that Biden and all other Dems are just like him--which of course is utter nonsense. The GOP will continue to suffer until the adults take back the party from the crazies.

You talk alot about education. People that are obsessed with education, usually have very little.

My best guess is AT MOST you have a Bachelors degree from a state university. Try not to let it go to your head so much.
how does one define centrism?
conservatism by its very nature is static..the scale is always moving left by its nature so there is no thing as centrism without leftism
You are right--and it is a disturbing indictment of the American people generally and conservative voters in particular. It's fine to be conservative and support conservative candidates. It is not fine to support trump---who is a deeply corrupt and dangerous lowlife who is not fit to be a dog-catcher much less president. He's a terrible and sinister human being--fact. Lots of conservative voters--especially those with little education--have been so poisoned politically that they've lost their bearings. Jan. 6 proved that in spades. And their constant response to the gangster's lawbreaking is to just pretend
that Biden and all other Dems are just like him--which of course is utter nonsense. The GOP will continue to suffer until the adults take back the party from the crazies.
So the problem in your opinion is the uneducated masses…. which is the exact attitude that fuels Trump supporters. I’m not saying they’re right, but it’s easy to see why they happened. All they needed was a populist to listen to them and tell them their vote still counts.
You talk alot about education. People that are obsessed with education, usually have very little.

My best guess is AT MOST you have a Bachelors degree from a state university. Try not to let it go to your head so much.

I’m glad you said this because I’ve long thought it. Most people that constantly remind you how smart they are dream of being the smartest guy in any room. But are usually the ones who get run in circles by others. This has been my experience anyway.
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Both parties have sprinted away from the center the past 10 years.

No, that's much more true of the GOP than the Dems. There are still quite a few moderates and sensible people on the Democratic side. A lot of Dems are center-left. Most Republicans in the House nowadays are just right. There are a lot of GOP crazies in the House. Also, I would argue that a lot of leftist extremism has been a reaction to the conservative extremism. Fox "News" was a major catalyst for the political polarization of America--pushing nonsense and disinformation for profit. Thank Rupert Murdoch--a true capitalist scumbag. CNN was a boring straight news network before Fox came along. Once Fox starting pushing the crazy, CNN shifted to a more partisan approach and things have spiraled downward for our politics ever since. And the the gangster came along and made things much worse with his constant lying, his self-serving BS, and his strong desire to be an American autocrat. He should be in prison--seriously.
all those educated liberals out there..with a trillion dollars of student loans that they are having difficulty paying back
That is intelligent people I tell ya
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So the problem in your opinion is the uneducated masses…. which is the exact attitude that fuels Trump supporters. I’m not saying they’re right, but it’s easy to see why they happened. All they needed was a populist to listen to them and tell them their vote still counts.

Their vote as always counted. Populists and dictators always play on the least educated. That's what the gangster does. It is his base. You think trump cares about poor white rural people? Trump doesn't give a damn about them or anybody or this country. He's about promoting himself. He's a gangster--seriously--who wanted to be America's tinpot dictator. The man adores Putin War Criminal. What does that tell you?
Their vote as always counted. Populists and dictators always play on the least educated. That's what the gangster does. It is his base. You think trump cares about poor white rural people? Trump doesn't give a damn about them or anybody or this country. He's about promoting himself. He's a gangster--seriously--who wanted to be America's tinpot dictator. The man adores Putin War Criminal. What does that tell you?
It tells me you’re really partisan if you don’t think Democrats do the same thing.

I have a challenge for you. 10 minutes to solve an entry level thinking exercise. This type of problem used to be given in interviews for consultancies (the one I worked for specifically back in the day)

Are you in? It could be fun!
Both parties have sprinted away from the center the past 10 years.

Parts of both parties have certainly drifted to the extremes in the last 15 years or so. The difference is that the MAGA resentment portion of the GOP is growing due to their fear of demographic changes and their sense of entitlement to power and wealth being eroded, whereas what we knew as the GOP mainstream has dwindled and in fact in many cases are being forced out of the party by the MAGA wing.

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