My legal thought is that the indictment regarding the classified documents is much stronger and clearer. He had them, he was repeatedly asked and then lawfully ordered to return them, and he repeatedly refused. He is alleged to have shown some of them, highly sensitive, to people he had no business showing them to. Then, when subpoenaed for the surveillance tapes in the context of that having occurred, he is alleged to have directed that the surveillance be destroyed.
Legally, if a jury finds those things to be true, he ought to be and will be convicted.
The current charges are going to involve a lot of interpretation. Did he actually know he lost, or just think it? Or think probably but not for sure? Legally, its a lot harder to prove than the documents charge.
Now, morally, the insurrection charges to me are far more serious. At its core, its about Trump using the rioters and his power over state officials to try to stay in power unlawfully. It is hubris at its absolute worst and I genuinely don't think that Trump has enough sense of self to realize what he's doing. He truly feels entitled to have everyone sacrifice themselves, their livelihoods, their careers, for him.
Given his history even prior to being POTUS, that is evident to me. And he will never change. He will never get that sense of introspection. And so even if convicted, sentenced, and it holds up on appeal, he will always insist he did nothing wrong and it was all undeserved.
His inability to understand that is what drives him to do the idiotic things he keeps doing. And it has worked to a point on others who misinterpret it as strength when in reality is is an enormous weakness.