You've got it backwards. Foreign leaders respected Trump. They're laughing their asses off at the current regime and the state of our society, largely pushed by this regime.
With Trump there was more peace than we've seen in a long time, including Israel for the first time in recorded history. He was getting us out of Iraq without any loss of troops and I'm certain he wouldn't have abandoned US citizens along with billions of dollars of equipment like Biden did.
Trump had the respect of Putin, North Korea and the CCP. Biden is owned by the CCP.
The stock market was on fire, fueled by low energy costs. We had a net export on crude oil... now we buy it from people who hate us. Biden banned fracking and canceled the keystone pipeline by executive order on his first day. BTW, he criticized Trump up and down for the number of executive orders he signed and said he wouldn't do that. He signed more executive orders that Trump and Obama combined.
Trump had the southern border somewhat under control. Now it's maybe our biggest national security threat... at least up there.
Is Trump disrespectful to women? Maybe. Yes, he sent a lot of mean tweets. Is he a likable person? Not particularly. The guy is flawed. You know what? I don't care. I want someone in office that's not part of the establishment and gets ish done.