Ya know, bout the time I feel empathy or sympathy for Donald D Trump, he acts like a 7 yo school girl.I don't feel bad for any of them. They knew that they were hitching their wagons to a crook and a liar.
Ya know, bout the time I feel empathy or sympathy for Donald D Trump, he acts like a 7 yo school girl.
Has any individual ever been as toxic to American society, than Trump? And yet, people flock to him as if he is some Oracle at Delphi. Really, a child in adult diapers, big orange baby. Really, just enables infantile behavior. Yet, somehow he has a cult following.
This is reality.
Sans Obama. The Clintons lost a lot of respect due to connections. Biden has been stable thus far.Yes, Hillary, Obama and Biden
Sans Obama. The Clintons lost a lot of respect due to connections. Biden has been stable thus far.
Problem I have is that I had to choose between a megalomaniac and a career politician.
The only developed Country in the free world with no legitimate third party candidate. The splintering (polarization), of both parties is telling.
Only if you're amongst the uneducated, whites or elite who felt black men dont deserve positions in leadership. Other than that, he was one of the best Presidents to hold office since, Carter, Reagan, and Bush 2.Obama widened the divide more than it ever has been widened since the civil war.
Obama widened the divide more than it ever has been widened since the cihorseback?
Only if you're amongst the uneducated, whites or elite who felt black men dont deserve positions in leadership. Other than that, he was one of the best Presidents to hold office since, Carter, Reagan, and Bush 2.
Held position with confidence, class, and dignity. (no cigars either).
Only if you're amongst the uneducated, whites or elite who felt black men dont deserve positions in leadership. Other than that, he was one of the best Presidents to hold office since, Carter, Reagan, and Bush 2.
Held position with confidence, class, and dignity. (no cigars either).
You must be a big Biden fan then considering that in March of this year the unemployment rate for African Americans was at it's lowest point in recorded history.Ask black people that question and you may get a different answer. Yes, he "progressed" the normal elites but not the everyday African American. Unemployment remained high. It has been debated if that was his job. His job was supposed to have been to bring the country together. His last few months in office ended with a farewell tour around the world bashing the US. You still see the remnants of that type of behavior with the embarassments of the Linda Greenfields. Six figure leftists still playing victims.
Because he uttered the dreaded word 'black' in reference to, black people?Obama set the stage for the anarchy we see today being acceptable in the US with racial politics. No one can honestly say race relations is better today than 20 years ago. At this rate, there is no way the nation survives under the weight of itself.
Ok, Ill remember this when looking back on Trump's Presidency, and shall hence be how I rate each President from now on.Ask black people that question and you may get a different answer. Yes, he "progressed" the normal elites but not the everyday African American. Unemployment remained high. It has been debated if that was his job. His job was supposed to have been to bring the country together. His last few months in office ended with a farewell tour around the world bashing the US. You still see the remnants of that type of behavior with the embarassments of the Linda Greenfields. Six figure leftists still playing victims.
The Department of Justice on Thursday exonerated former President Donald Trump in its probe of plans by the FBI to relocate from the famous J. Edgar Hoovertrendingpoliticsnews.com
Ok, Ill remember this when looking back on Trump's Presidency, and shall hence be how I rate each President from now on.
'Supposed to bring the Country together.'
Constant rhetoric slighting minorities, fractious talk about our Democracy's systems and laws, impeding investigations & attempt to overthrow the Capital building, as well as stymie an election.
That President brought people together, alright. He became the mouth piece for angry, disillusioned, 'victimized' Caucasian's, who felt power slipping. Stoking a wave of nationalism, ideas of whom Neo Nazi and White Supremacists already subscribed. Oh he brought them together.
Its bad when David Duke would be considered a progressive in your party.
Actually, my thoughts about the Justice Dept pursuing any type criminal indictment against Trump, especially at this juncture would be PERCEIVED as exactly what they are, political.This always bring me to a chuckle. Admittedly Trump has a big mouth, but please source some of the other accusations besides the NY5 which he was wrong on.
Btw, we currently see how Garland's justice department works. I know you can't wait to link the leftist Jan 6 slobberknocker.
i am an independent and don’t like Trump…. you are FOS in almost everyone of your thoughts. Do you live around any black people?Ok, Ill remember this when looking back on Trump's Presidency, and shall hence be how I rate each President from now on.
'Supposed to bring the Country together.'
Constant rhetoric slighting minorities, fractious talk about our Democracy's systems and laws, impeding investigations & attempt to overthrow the Capital building, as well as stymie an election.
That President brought people together, alright. He became the mouth piece for angry, disillusioned, 'victimized' Caucasian's, who felt power slipping. Stoking a wave of nationalism, ideas of whom Neo Nazi and White Supremacists already subscribed. Oh he brought them together.
Its bad when David Duke would be considered a progressive in your party.
Live around? Lol, that makes 0 difference.i am an independent and don’t like Trump…. you are FOS in almost everyone of your thoughts. Do you live around any black people?