The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

You guys need to think bigger about what we're seeing. Thus is not just an attack on Trump, this is an attack on our republic. First, let's remember that anything democrats claim the other side is doing they are already doing. Next, recall when Biden said over 3 years ago - "I'm not sure there will be a Republican Party in 2024". Pepperidge Farms remembers.

The Biden Administration has weaponized almost if not all agencies and unelected positions of the federal government. They issued an executive order in 2021 for all of their agencies to help with voter registration.

What pro China policies, positions, or opinions would you say Biden has taken or expressed?
He has received millions from China. I guess they paid him out of the goodness of their heart. The fact that it may not be obvious begs the question what did they get. Great question.
I heard it was bazillions.
Check the Republican House investigation. To say the amount of money he has received from not only China but from multiple countries was significant is an understatement. We know Ukraine has received millions of aid for his son’s service on the Burisma board. He is obviously not above selling his influence.
You are right about the report but wrong about the need to withdraw. In all cases in all states, you would need to withdraw if your client incites their plan to commit a felony. There is no exception. You are then an accomplice if he carries through with the act.

You typically are not required to (and sometimes cannot) report unless their is serious bodily injury or certain felonies. I should have been more specific there.

Recording your client is a big "no" for many reasons. It opens the door for leaks (professionalism towards the case comes in question) and it could violate privacy laws if client is unaware. Granted there could be a strategic reason both parties may record a session but generally it isn't something you do.

Regarding different districts, you are over generalizing. Most states based their laws off uniform rules of professional conduct so the variances are not that great.

I generally agree with a lot of your posts but I think you are a little off here. Professional Rules are pretty clear and you don't step on them. Penalty might be the difference.
The rules contain many of the same features but differ on a lot, too. That’s why most of the things you’re talking about are not in the Tennessee rules.

1. There is no ethical rule against recording clients in Tennessee. I haven’t checked AG opinions, it’s possible it’s deemed flatly unethical by the AG, which isn’t binding but is generally a good indication of how a disciplinary hearing would go.
Is It Ethical for Attorneys to Record Telephone Conversations? | UIC Law Review | University of Illinois Chicago

The Cohen/Trump saga spawned law review articles and the answer to the question is not cut and dry.

Ultimately, like almost anything that is not expressly prohibited, it probably depends on whether it violates another rule, which means your reasons, how you go
about it, and whose interests you’re serving are relevant. I just don’t see a meaningful distinction between recording a client and sending a letter detailing a conversation in which the client solicited assistance with a criminal enterprise or fraud and you told them no to create a written record of your refusal, which is a pretty common practice.

I still vehemently reject the idea that the possibility of inadvertent disclosure as a consideration in determining whether to create and retain any record. Anything could “leak.” The duty to make sure they don’t leak is an entirely different legal obligation.

2. There is also no professional rule mandating withdrawal of representation if your client discloses intent to commit a crime, in Tennessee. Even if the attorney’s services are used to perpetrate the crime or fraud, withdrawal is permissive (may), not required (shall). See Tenn. R. Sup. Ct. Rule 8 section 1.16(b).

1.16(a) mandates withdrawal when the representation would result in violation of the law, but that doesn’t result from simply knowing the client intends to commit a crime.
See comment 2 and 7 to rule 1.16:

2 A lawyer ordinarily must decline or withdraw from representation if the client demands that the lawyer engage in conduct that is illegal or violates the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law. The lawyer is not obliged to decline or withdraw simply because the client suggests such a course of conduct; a client may make such a suggestion in the hope that a lawyer will not be constrained by a professional obligation.

Optional Withdrawal

7 A lawyer may withdraw from representation in some circumstances. The lawyer has the option to withdraw for any reason if it can be accomplished without material adverse effect on the client's interests. Withdrawal is also justified if the client persists in a course of action that the lawyer reasonably believes is criminal or fraudulent, for a lawyer is not required to be associated with such conduct even if the lawyer does not further it.

E.g. client says “I’m going to go straight home and hot rail some meth,” attorney responds “I advise against that. Possession of Methamphetamine is a Class A misdemeanor and as a class II controlled substance, possession of methamphetamine for resale is a B felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison, depending on sentencing factors.” Attorney hasn’t done anything to facilitate or act as an accomplice to any crime and has no duty to withdraw in Tennessee. One can imagine a similar conversation about perjury where the attorney would have an obligation to withdraw under 1.16(a) because the conduct would violate the duty of candor to the tribunal.
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OK MY !!!

May 14, 2024

Trump is being investigated by the Senate Budget Committee because he’s trying to sell America’s energy policy for $1 billion to Big Oil at a recent fundraising dinner at Mar a Lago. Michael Popok examines the new investigation launched by Senator Whitehouse as the details of the smoke-filled backroom secret dinner become clear.

You geniuses literally fall for everything. Schiff given up that evidence he said he had yet?

OK MY !!!

May 14, 2024

Trump is being investigated by the Senate Budget Committee because he’s trying to sell America’s energy policy for $1 billion to Big Oil at a recent fundraising dinner at Mar a Lago. Michael Popok examines the new investigation launched by Senator Whitehouse as the details of the smoke-filled backroom secret dinner become clear.

So he said give me your support and a donation and I'll follow thru on what I said publicly about owning up drilling???
How's that different then offering up college loan payoffs for votes?? Or reparations?? Etc..
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So he said give me your support and a donation and I'll follow thru on what I said publicly about owning up drilling???
How's that different than offering up college loan payoffs for votes?? Or reparations?? Etc..
There is no difference. But the truth and facts don’t matter. We got to hang the gangster. Otherwise he might get elected and the United States might just prosper. And to a Democrat that is the worse thing that can happen.
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So he said give me your support and a donation and I'll follow thru on what I said publicly about owning up drilling???
How's that different then offering up college loan payoffs for votes?? Or reparations?? Etc..

Biden did NOT go to a national committee of college students and tell them, "If you guys can raise a billion dollars for my campaign, I'll work to forgive TK amount of student loans." That is the OBVIOUS difference.
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Mike Johnson and other GOP politicians showing up at the federal courthouse where Trump is being tried was an absolute disgrace. The Speaker of the House does not show up at a federal trial to support some lowlife former politician. The GOP has allowed a deeply corrupt gangster to steadily attack and thus erode trust in American institutions in his effort at self-promotion and aggrandizement. They've put party and politics over country--the point Liz Cheney has been making for a couple of years--and enabled a freakin' gangster to damage our fundamental institutions in his--and their--lust for power. Look at Jan. 6: Most Republicans rightly, of course, denounced the attack, denounced the gangster, were rightly outraged---and then when he was impeached for lying to try and steal an election and inciting a mob attack on the U.S. Capitol that resulted in several deaths--they opted not to vote to kick him out of office. Most pathetic weasels on the planet. Trump would happily tear this country apart to get back in the White House. A very sick man--and those who continue to support him are sick too. Sick and stupid and disgraceful.
There is no difference. But the truth and facts don’t matter. We got to hang the gangster. Otherwise he might get elected and the United States might just prosper. And to a Democrat that is the worse thing that can happen.

Prosper? Prosper with a man who likes dictators and War Criminals more than our most important allies? Prosper with a man who said Covid wasn't a problem and you should try shooting bleach into your arms to kill the virus? Prosper with a man who doesn't respect America's most fundamental institutions? Prosper with a man who's directly responsible for several deaths after he incited a hillbilly attack on the U.S. Capitol with lies about election fraud? You've got funny ideas about prosperin', Earl. And last I checked the economy, job market and stock market were doing quite well.
Mike Johnson and other GOP politicians showing up at the federal courthouse where Trump is being tried was an absolute disgrace. The Speaker of the House does not show up at a federal trial to support some lowlife former politician. The GOP has allowed a deeply corrupt gangster to steadily attack and thus erode trust in American institutions in his effort at self-promotion and aggrandizement. They've put party and politics over country--the point Liz Cheney has been making for a couple of years--and enabled a freakin' gangster to damage our fundamental institutions in his--and their--lust for power. Look at Jan. 6: Most Republicans rightly, of course, denounced the attack, denounced the gangster, were rightly outraged---and then when he was impeached for lying to try and steal an election and inciting a mob attack on the U.S. Capitol that resulted in several deaths--they opted not to vote to kick him out of office. Most pathetic weasels on the planet. Trump would happily tear this country apart to get back in the White House. A very sick man--and those who continue to support him are sick too. Sick and stupid and disgraceful.
2 things.

1: You are correct that Johnson and other politicians should not be outside the courthouse giving speeches about the trial.

2: You and a few others here would happily tear this country apart to keep Trump out of the White House.
Prosper? Prosper with a man who likes dictators and War Criminals more than our most important allies? Prosper with a man who said Covid wasn't a problem and you should try shooting bleach into your arms to kill the virus? Prosper with a man who doesn't respect America's most fundamental institutions? Prosper with a man who's directly responsible for several deaths after he incited a hillbilly attack on the U.S. Capitol with lies about election fraud? You've got funny ideas about prosperin', Earl. And last I checked the economy, job market and stock market were doing quite well.
How can you tell others to not make stuff up when you repeated debunked lies every post???
There is no difference. But the truth and facts don’t matter. We got to hang the gangster. Otherwise he might get elected and the United States might just prosper. And to a Democrat that is the worse thing that can happen.
We will not prosper under any current candidate. Best we could hope for is a pause but neither will really give us that. This is a rematch of the worst election ever. People are stupid

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