The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Indeed. More so than ever. The Democrats have succeeded in unifying the party around Trump like never before. Never Trumpers Are even lining up behind him. Donations are pouring in a record rate.
The Dems just scored one of history’s biggest “own goals”
Then trumpers should be thrilled instead of crying and b!tching.
Elon Musk drinking the Kool Aid.

Yes, Elon, the entire point of the Justice System is that everyone is treated equally under the law.

Guess billionaires don't like that.

Except democrats aren’t treated equally under the law. I think people would be much less upset about these charges and convictions if there weren’t double standards between how democrats/establishment are treated versus outsiders.
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What are you wagering?
Your house, car, wife, and kids. Go for the gusto, or don't go at all, I say. And that's cause i know I'd win the bet. Trumpians don't realize or are willingly blind to how insidious, greedy, and beholden to Putin that he is.
See my comment to Bernard. Trump got the R nomination in part because he tapped into the racial component/angst that exists in a portion of the R base....

Of course, Obama got the D nomination, in part, for the same reason on 2008...
I agree with you.
Your house, car, wife, and kids. Go for the gusto, or don't go at all, I say. And that's cause i know I'd win the bet. Trumpians don't realize or are willingly blind to how insidious, greedy, and beholden to Putin that he is.

You have a bet.
Except democrats aren’t treated equally under the law. I think people would be much less upset about these charges and convictions if there weren’t double standards between how democrats/establishment are treated versus outsiders.

"Democrats/establishment"? Interesting hybridization there.

Is the Supreme Court not "establishment"?
See my comment to Bernard. Trump got the R nomination in part because he tapped into the racial component/angst that exists in a portion of the R base....

Of course, Obama got the D nomination, in part, for the same reason on 2008...
Weak. Trump actually won the nomination because he ran on being “anti-establishment” and because he was perceived as being a bulwark against the left and left-wing media.
Sure but had any of them been the R nominee the establishment fatigue would have greatly overshadowed Hillary fatigue.

That race had anything to do with Trump getting the R nomination in 2016.

People were just sick and tired of the political establishment regardless of skin color and Trump offered an alternative to the milquetoast mold of the typical R nominee.
Right...... your "Obama was divisive" with the quotes wasn't trying to imply anything lol
I was certainly implying something.
You said just because someone doesn't "like" Obama.........
Which is completely different than what I said....and implied.
What kinda hooker waits 10 years to get paid...dumbass
There is none so dumb as they who don't know asses don't have brains. What kind of hooker waits 10 years. A smart one who knows she has a big name client. One who when she sells her story will net her big bucks. Much more than a $200 one-night stand would. A whore still, but a smart one. JFYI, asses harbor shyte just like your posts, not brains. Kiss your Trumo University and cuddle with it.
"Today, the Trump campaign announced a record-shattering small-dollar fundraising haul following the sham Biden Trial verdict totaling $34.8 million – nearly double the biggest day ever recorded for the Trump campaign on the WinRed platform," Trump campaign advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement. "Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats with their election interference political witch hunt have awakened the MAGA movement like never before."

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