The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

I don't think that's how it would work. The act is illegal. The communication is not, itself, illegal, but it can be evidence of the illegality of the act. Why wouldn't it be admissible? It’s not hearsay, it’s a statement by a party.
From the syllabus: (3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment’s remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be im- mune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment’s charges without such conduct. Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial. Pp. 30–32.
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From Merchan's letter to the attorneys:

"The July 11, 2024, sentencing date is therefore vacated. The Court’s decision will be rendered off-calendar on September 6, 2024, and the matter is adjourned to September 18, 2024, at 10:00 AM for the imposition of sentence, if such is still necessary, or other proceedings," Merchan wrote in a letter to Trump attorneys and New York prosecutors.

Teflon Don indeed. Trump makes Gotti look like a punk by comparison.

Granted, if they werent trying to throw made up stupid crap at Trump, it wouldnt keep failing so spectacularly. Still, for almost anyone else, when the full force of gov at every level is coming to bury you, you are going to get crushed.
From Merchan's letter to the attorneys:

"The July 11, 2024, sentencing date is therefore vacated. The Court’s decision will be rendered off-calendar on September 6, 2024, and the matter is adjourned to September 18, 2024, at 10:00 AM for the imposition of sentence, if such is still necessary, or other proceedings," Merchan wrote in a letter to Trump attorneys and New York prosecutors.

The cynic in my sees a late August/Labor Day mistral dump...
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Looking at the text of the opinion again, it seems like if the reimbursement was a private or unofficial act then Hicks’s testimony might be fine. But I don’t know enough about the content her testimony to say for sure.

Her testimony was to partly set up timing of Cohen coming to White House to make sure he got paid (i.e. the fake retainer scheme).

I'd agree Trump's actions here would be unofficial acts but is part of Hope's testimony off limits due to this ruling? That I do no know.

I don't think charges get dropped but I do think a mistral is a possibility.
Her testimony was to partly set up timing of Cohen coming to White House to make sure he got paid (i.e. the fake retainer scheme).

I'd agree Trump's actions here would be unofficial acts but is part of Hope's testimony off limits due to this ruling? That I do no know.

I don't think charges get dropped but I do think a mistral is a possibility.
It seems like the opinion is focused on discussions or records of things that would incite a jury and also fall under executive privilege being used as evidence in cases related to unofficial acts. Discussions with officials and advisors about unofficial matters doesn’t seem out of bounds.

Even if some of Hicks’s testimony is technically out of bounds, if those portions aren’t especially material, serve to corroborate something else, and/or are not unfairly prejudicial, the judge could find that any error was harmless.

Also, given that it is an evidentiary issue, it might depend on whether the defense made a contemporaneous objection, which is what supposedly sank them on Daniels’s testimony.

Again, I don’t know as much as you do about the proof. I’m just giving a range of other outcomes that would still fall in line with crim law norms. The court did pretty explicitly create a two-tiered system of justice so I’m not sure “this is how it would work if it were you or me” is very helpful here.

Straight up, I’d still bet on no mistrial, but I wouldn’t bet more than like $20, and I’d see what kind of odds I could get on a mistrial.
It seems like the opinion is focused on discussions or records of things that would incite a jury and also fall under executive privilege being used as evidence in cases related to unofficial acts. Discussions with officials and advisors about unofficial matters doesn’t seem out of bounds.

Even if some of Hicks’s testimony is technically out of bounds, if those portions aren’t especially material, serve to corroborate something else, and/or are not unfairly prejudicial, the judge could find that any error was harmless.

Also, given that it is an evidentiary issue, it might depend on whether the defense made a contemporaneous objection, which is what supposedly sank them on Daniels’s testimony.

Again, I don’t know as much as you do about the proof. I’m just giving a range of other outcomes that would still fall in line with crim law norms. The court did pretty explicitly create a two-tiered system of justice so I’m not sure “this is how it would work if it were you or me” is very helpful here.

Straight up, I’d still bet on no mistrial, but I wouldn’t bet more than like $20, and I’d see what kind of odds I could get on a mistrial.

I still wouldn't bet mistrial but pushing it that far gives me the impression judge will consider it...

Honestly, a mistrial might be best political path for Ds....
Teflon Don indeed. Trump makes Gotti look like a punk by comparison.

Granted, if they werent trying to throw made up stupid crap at Trump, it wouldnt keep failing so spectacularly. Still, for almost anyone else, when the full force of gov at every level is coming to bury you, you are going to get crushed.
gov't agencies have billions of taxpayer dollars they cannot account for but if you have $1000 in unaccounted income the IRS will nail you.
I think so but no need to go there and tangle with the immunity claim. Just prosecute the President for murder, or related criminal charges.
I guess it would depend on whether you want expediency or a quick 'conviction'. Party in power is the determinant. No one in DC gives a **** either way. They won't do anything to anybody just like they always do. Trump is the ONLY exception and that is because BOTH parties hate him. You really should get on board and see that this is not about Trump, but rather about a corrupt DC.
Not at all. Tribal vs Facts. History vs Present. Dead President (60 years +) vs Current Candidates. Comparison of Party's policies/agendas (60 years ago) vs today is Useless.
I am a little more mature to be upset about a child's point of view when it has no facts and wanders aimlessly just to get a stupid response. Stick to the facts, and reality versus making 60 year old comparisons.
You must really hate my posts.

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