Especially the relationship between Naz/Chandra. Now we've seen firsthand that inappropriate behaviors can and do exist, I mean we have the example of Baumgartner here in our backyard. Them kissing, meh, whatever. But when she not only smuggled in the dope to calm his nerves before testifying, but more stash to use and sell while still there, I couldn't help but call BS. I mean JT told her they had a great chance at a win based on the 'shroud of innocence'. Why would an up and coming lawyer take that risk when, if she really has feelings for him, she has a very real possibility of actually being there for him when he gets a matter of days? For a show that did such a great job of character development through the first 7 episodes, where was her moment of moral crisis? I just didn't buy it. Okay, hypothetically speaking she went through her dilemma off most, she might give him one to calm his nerves in court, if she somehow genuinely believed that she had to put him on the stand, but the risk of sneaking in the rest too? And if she really believed that she needed to put him on the stand, they never did any prepping for him to be ready to take the stand against the prosecutor. None...they just threw him to the wolves knowing he was cracked out? And the video for the mistrial? JT taking it right to the judge rather than discussing with her whether it could get a mistrial if they felt they needed one. I get that they weren't really on good terms at that point, but even with the finale running 96 minutes, there were just too many parts I felt like they rushed through to finish out the episode.
I just feel like they needed 9 episodes to really give the series the ending it deserved.