Per earlier discussion, I'll say we had 7 blueshirts from the 2015 class. 2 got cut, 1 didn't make it in. That leaves 21 spots. If Stewart does enroll, number is back to 20, I believe.
Joc Bruce (cut before scholarship, doesn't count towards 2016 class)
Kyle Oliver (cut before scholarship, doesn't count towards 2016 class)
Vincent Perry (publicly written articles about his BS)
Joe Young (added after NSD, no OV or In-Home)
Zach Stewart (counts towards 2016 class if enrolls before Fall '16, otherwise eligible for 2017 class)
(last two are speculation)
Riley Lovingood (no OV or In-Home)
Ralph David Abernathy (mentioned by LWS a few posts up in this thread)