The Obama/Holder drug cartel arms smuggling scandal (merged)

It appears to me the real solution is for ATF to funnel guns to criminals then no one will steal them out of cars.

I agree.
Some would have you believe the actual criminal acts and those who carry them out are the real problem.

Such foolishness.
The reason the car scenario should matter (gun in sight or not) is that cars are so frequently burglarized and so easily, relative to a home. They are crimes of opportunity.

Doesn't come close to meeting the burden of "forseeability" commensurate with charging a crime victim with liability for something stolen. (Though it wouldn't look good if it could be proven the weapons were in plain sight or the vehicle was unlocked or both)

Your other point is a matter of convenience. Don't take your gun with you in the morning when you get in the car if there is a chance you will got a place you cannot take it with you.

This is bewilderingly absurd. It's the opposite of convenient. The point of having the permit is to carry. I can't think of a situation where one is less culpable than having someone else's conditions foisted upon them.

Yes, this means that if your job forbids them, then you cannot take it with you and leave it in the car.

Ah, no. See above.

If midday you find out you have to go somewhere you didn't expect and that you cannot take a gun with you, then you are faced with the choice of making time to run it home, or facing liability if you take it with you anyway and leave it in the car.

Lunacy, mostly because you are trying to argue that there IS liability there. That you are trying to contend this is (or should) be the case has been rightly scoffed at here.

As a lark, I Googled the phrase "gun stolen from car."

Holy crap.

Are you even dimly aware that you seem absolutely content with pushing the idea that criminals can dictate the actions of law-abiding citizens with this tripe? Ye Gods man...
So let me get this straight.

You blame the administration because they allowed guns to fall into the hands of the bad guys. In fact, you specifically say that they are at fault for the death of the border patrol agent.

I assume, therefore, that you agree with me that when someone allows their hand gun to get stolen, that they ought to be held liable for any damage done by the gun?

If you're a lawyer you know this term you just threw in here would be thrown out in ANY court if you tried to compare the difference between "Knowingly allow" and someone breaking into your car and stealing your gun which was locked up in your person vehicle. The courts have already shown that the inside of your car is viewed the same as the inside of your home in invasion cases. You just used the term allow so you could dodge what just happened during Fast and Furious.
If you're a lawyer you know this term you just threw in here would be thrown out in ANY court if you tried to compare the difference between "Knowingly allow" and someone breaking into your car and stealing your gun which was locked up in your person vehicle. The courts have already shown that the inside of your car is viewed the same as the inside of your home in invasion cases. You just used the term allow so you could dodge what just happened during Fast and Furious.

I don't think that's the case least not quite to the legal threshold you cite. I believe in most (maybe all) "castle doctrine" states that is the how the law reads. (He'll probably try to argue that only applies if someone is in the if that's somehow a universe removed from an unoccupied home)
He used the word allow. He injected a term that any god lawyer would have striked. He knows it too. He is, at best, someone who dodges questions.
He used the word allow. He injected a term that any god lawyer would have striked. He knows it too. He is, at best, someone who dodges questions.

My post was really just going a bit further with the part of your post I'd boldened. Otherwise I agree with you.
The reason the car scenario should matter (gun in sight or not) is that cars are so frequently burglarized and so easily, relative to a home. They are crimes of opportunity.

Your other point is a matter of convenience. Don't take your gun with you in the morning when you get in the car if there is a chance you will got a place you cannot take it with you.

Yes, this means that if your job forbids them, then you cannot take it with you and leave it in the car.

If midday you find out you have to go somewhere you didn't expect and that you cannot take a gun with you, then you are faced with the choice of making time to run it home, or facing liability if you take it with you anyway and leave it in the car.

As a lark, I Googled the phrase "gun stolen from car."

Holy crap.

I actually agree with this. My car has been broken into twice - so I don't keep anything of value in it. Keeping a gun in your car is irresponsible, imo.

...unless you're a cop.
I actually agree with this. My car has been broken into twice - so I don't keep anything of value in it. Keeping a gun in your car is irresponsible, imo.

...unless you're a cop.

Now I don't think people should be prosecuted for it - but rather use a little common sense.
No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money: Project Gunwalker Too Big For CNN To Ignore Any Longer

With the exceptions of CBS's Sharyl Attkission and
Fox's William LaJeunesse, the mainstream media -
especially television news - have done their best
to ignore Project Gunwalker or Operation Fast and
Furious or whatever you want to call it. So imagine
my delight at seeing CNN's Jeanne Meserve looking
properly dour calling the hearings last week before
the House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee "fiery". She also said that Operation Fast
and Furious "has become quite explosive here in

It is about time that the major news organizations
recognize Project Gunwalker and the damage it has
done in an effort to build support for more gun control.

I don't believe any reasonable person can
make the claim that the real aim was to take
down major Mexican drug cartels.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Melson refuses to throw himself under the bus. An "oh, ****" moment for the White House. The loud creaking sound is WaPo finally covering Gunwalker

But law enforcement and other sources said
Melson has told associates that he believes
he has done nothing wrong.

Officials said the White House is watching the situation
warily and is concerned about the ATF but has not
asked for Melson’s resignation.

OK, folks, the remarkable thing about this story is
that it is in Pravda on the Potomac. This represents
a huge "Oh, sh!t!" moment for the White House.

Melson has been selected as the goat. Melson refuses
to be the goat, and says he "has done nothing wrong."

More likely what he's saying is, "I did everything you
anal sphincters ordered me to and I'm not throwing
myself under the bus for you."

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette op-ed columnist Jack Kelly,
writing today at To The Point News, says "GUNWALKER
OF OBAMA OFFICIALS," concluding "Gunwalker should
result in a fast and furious perp walk for a number of
Obama officials. The more the merrier." Here is the
piece, in part. I will have a couple more comments

Officer Terry's death put an end to an operation in
which ATF deliberately permitted the transfer of more
than 2,000 weapons -- enough to equip two infantry
battalions -- to Mexican drug gangs. These included
.50 caliber sniper rifles, and are thought to have
been used in the shootings of 150 Mexican soldiers
and policemen.


Assistant Attorney General Robert Weich told Sen.
Charles Grassley, R-IA, that ATF did not knowingly
allow the sale of assault weapons to straw purchasers.

Mr. Weich wouldn't be lying if Gunwalker were a rogue
operation no one in Washington knew about. But the
chairman of the Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa,
R-CA, obtained emails which indicate the acting
director of ATF and his deputy received weekly
briefings on Gunwalker. The director, Kenneth
Melson, had watched a live feed of a straw


"More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in
Mexico come from the United States, many from
gun shops that line our border," President Obama
said in 2009.

That isn't true. In 2008, Mexico asked ATF to trace
7,200 of nearly 30,000 firearms it seized at crime
scenes. Only 4,000 could be traced. Of these,
3,400 -- less than 12 percent of the arms seized
in Mexico that year -- came from the U.S.

note: (Obama was lying through his teeth and
he knew it)

"The paper trail created by the program renders
ridiculous Holder's claims not to have authorized
Fast and Furious,"
said Mark Tapscott of the
Washington Examiner.

Gunwalker should result in a fast and furious perp
walk for a number of Obama officials. The more the

Jack Kelly is a former Marine and Green Beret and a
former deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force
in the Reagan administration. He is national security
writer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

The Post- Gazette article has quite a bit more on the
facts of the case.

BTW, is there anyone on this board who believes
that Eric Holder would do this on his own without
letting Obama in on it???

Last edited:




Pajamas Media ‘Gunwalker’ Requires Special Counsel Investigation

We’ve watched as ATF special agents and
supervisors testified in front of Congress,
angry and ashamed, about how the multi-agency
task force they were a part of was responsible
for arming the cartel gunmen that have killed
scores of law enforcement officers and
civilians in two countries.

This scandal must come to an end not
with graceful and fault-free resignations,
but with deliberate and careful prosecutions
of those responsible.

There were four federal agencies involved
in Gunwalker, including the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), the
Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS). Each of these agencies
deserves dishonor and a thorough post-mortem
review from their own respective inspectors
general. But that is simply a start towards
righting an unconscionable wrong.

Operation Fast and Furious was kept a
secret not only from the American public,
but from Mexican authorities, who bore
the brunt of the casualties from the
2,000 weapons smuggled into cartel hands.

Yet the operation was so high-profile inside
the executive branch that the acting director
of one of the agencies, Kenneth Melson (ATF),
watched raw covert surveillance of strawmen
purchases himself, as revealed by the House
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
last week.

We asserted that this plot to arm Mexican
narco-terrorists was issued from the very
top of the executive branch,
and that
these federal agencies were attempting to
fulfill Barack Obama’s goal of trying enact
gun control measures “under the radar,” as
the president said to proponents of gun
control earlier this year.

We admittedly do not have any direct evidence
of this allegation, but the circumstantial
case made has proven strong enough to have
few detractors and raises questions
that must be answered. At the very least,
the president’s views toward guns was known
throughout the executive branch. His
administration has fostered an anti-gun
atmosphere and created a hostile environment
for gun owners and dealers. In that ugly
petri dish, a program like Gunrunner could
be born.

Far from trying to achieve solutions within
the constitutional framework, the president seems intent on finding solutions via his
own expansive view of executive power.

As the Daily Mail reports:

The Department of Justice held a meeting on
Tuesday – the first in what is expected to be
a series – to explore how the
administration might be able to rule by


Allegations being raised that executive branch
agencies had such callous disregard for legal
precedent and human life demand nothing less
than the full attention of a special
prosecutor, a process that an innocent
executive branch would welcome to clear its

Put the shoe on the other foot, if another
country were smuggling lethal weapons into
America to arm criminals, what should we

That scenario isn't without precedent.

Norinco - Conservapedia

In 1994, some employees of Norinco came
under American investigation from both the
FBI as well as the BATF after a successful
sting dubbed “Operation Dragon Fire.” In May
of 1996, in what was called "the largest
seizure of fully operational automatic
weapons in U.S. history,"[4] 14 individuals
and an Atlanta, Georgia company were indicted
for the unlicensed importation and sale of
2000 AK-47's into the United States. U.S.
Customs agents posing as arms traffickers
convinced a group of Chinese arms dealers,
including three Norinco representatives,
that they were in the market to buy guns
for drug rings and street gangs.[5] "The
defendants offered the government undercover
agents more sophisticated weapons, including
hand-held rocket launchers, mortars, anti-
aircraft missiles, silenced machine guns and
even tanks," said a spokesman for the U.S.
Customs Service.[6] The Customs Service
discovered during the investigation that
these weapons were bound for Oakland,
California street gangs.[7] According to an
affidavit signed by two of the undercover
agents involved in the investigation,
representatives from Norinco offered to sell
urban gangs shoulder-held missile launchers
capable of downing a large commercial airliner.

Norinco Ak-47

War zone.

Chinese Got Long Beach Deal (1997 - Clinton Deal)

The deal finally approved by the Secretary of the Navy turns over control of the Long Beach Naval Station, with a value of at least $65 million, free of charge to the City of Long Beach. The city has agreed to lease it to the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China.

The Chinese deal apparently went forward without a national security review by wither the CIA or National Security Council. The White House apparently avoided normal and routine government channels in pushing the deal through in 1995. '... there seemed to be no reason to check with the National Security Council on the decision ...' White House spokesman Lanny Davis said.

However, the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China has been actively involved in several recent controversies in addition to a Russian AK-47 gun-smuggling episode on the streets of Oakland, California. In another shocking incident in December, one of the company's ships plowed into a crowded boardwalk in New Orleans, injuring 116 people.

Then, in 1992, the shipping company was fined $400,000 in a violation of U.S. shipping law in connection with is practices involving bribery of government officials in order to avoid paying U.S. tariffs on its imports at United States ports of entry.

There is still more. Six of the company's ships were detained by the Navy and Coast Guard for violating international safety regulations just in the last year. The Coast Guard said, that is has placed the China Ocean Shipping Co. of the People's Republic of China on a target list of shippers to monitor and search.

Last summer China admitted that the China Ocean Shipping Co. was shipping 640 tons of raw waste from the United States to China when it suddenly decided to dump it into the open sea.

CIA director Robert Gates has said ' ... any time you turn over an American port facility to a foreign-owned company, especially one with significant [Communist Chinese] government connection, then at least it ought to be vetted through national security agencies.'

A Navy Department career official said that no intelligence review was sought because the China Ocean Shipping Company's was not considered a security threat, by the Clinton White House.

The Chinese will lease the Long Beach Naval Station base for a 10 year term at a fee of $14.5 million per year. The Chinese will have the option to expand the perimeter of the operation onto another 150 acres of old Navy shipyards that will be developed at the City of Long Beach taxpayer's expense.

Officials at the Chinese shipping interest's headquarters in New Jersey and in Beijing refused to comment or respond to questions about president Clinton's involvement.

Issa Warns – Spare The Whistle Blower; ATF Fires Him | Flopping Aces

Republican Darrell Issa of CA, wrote a letter to the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,
Deputy Director William J. Hoover, demanding that
there be no reprisals against the ATF agents testifying
in the illegal Operation Fast and Furious; the operation
termed "Felony Stupid" by Issa.

Twenty four hours later, Agent Vince Cefalu received
notice that the agency wants to terminate him, after
thirty years,
for an apparent "lack of candor".

He has endured seven internal affairs investigations,
since he blew the whistle, with an attorney present,
he answered every question.

He represents dozens of other officers with grievances
against the ATF and if he is terminated or retired early,
he thinks the ATF will consider those grievances dead..

Cefalu maintains that there should be prosecutions
in the failed Operation Fast and Furious, AKA as

I think anyone with room temperature IQ or better
would wholeheartedly agree with Cefalu!


Governor Rick Perry proposed a bill banning intrusive
groping by TSA agents, prompting the Justice
Department to threaten to cancel all flights to Texas.

This would force travelers to fly to Mexico and then
walk across the border to Texas. The federal
government can't stop that.
Because shady characters sell guns out of the back of their Prius.

No, just a shady liberal who happens to be the AG.

An AG who should be prosecuted for aiding and
abbetting murder among a number of other high
Media finally picked up on this, however it was
Pravda on the Potomac aka Wapo who published
an article and instead of exposing the program for
what it was, used their position to vilify Grassley
and Issa, instead of a scandal they called it a

To reitterate, the LSM has largely ignored this issue,
other than WAPO aka pravda on the potomac who
did an opinion piece that attempted to exonerate
Holder and actually blame the NRA.

Some of the smaller independent newspapers are
reporting that some of these ATF sponsored guns
are now appearing at crime scenes here in the USA.

Who would have guessed that wouldn't have eventualy

The head of the ATF has refused to fall on his sword,
saying he had done nothing wrong, indicating he was
taking instructions from Obama and Holder.

Did that defense work at Nueremburg??

Additionally the ATF agent with 30 years experience
who testified has been terminated, the ATF citing;
'insufficient candor'. (That's libtard talk for; 'telling
the truth.'


Pajamas Media Email Confirms ‘Gunwalker’ Known Throughout Justice Department

An email cited in Senator Charles Grassley’s testimony
in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee on Operation Fast and Furious indicates
that knowledge of the program was spread across
the highest levels of the Justice Department.

This lends even greater suspicion to U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder’s claim that
he knew nothing about the program until
well after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
was killed.

The October 27, 2009 email from ATF Phoenix Field
Division Special Agent in Charge (SAC) William Newell
regarded a Southwest Border Strategy Group meeting
that focused on Fast and Furious. It contained a
laundry list of high ranking Justice Department officials
that attended the meeting, including:

Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Division) Lanny

Kenneth Melson, Acting Director, ATF

William Hoover, Acting Deputy Director, ATF

Michele Leonhart, Administrator, DEA

Robert Mueller, Director FBI

Four other Justice Department directors or their
representatives came from the Organized Crime Drug
Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), Bureau of Prisons
(BOP), U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), and the Executive
Office for United States Attorneys (EOUSA).

The chair of the Attorney Generals Advisory
Committee (AGAC) also attended the session.

Their names were redacted in the released document.
U.S. attorneys for all four southwest border states also attended.

Pajamas Media Gunwalker: The ATF?s Kenneth Melson Blows the Whistle on the Justice Department

In a blockbuster development in the Operation Fast &
Furious gun-running scandal, Acting ATF Director
Kenneth Melson secretly testified before House and Senate investigators on July 4 with his own personal lawyer present, former United States Attorney
Richard Cullen, without the knowledge of the ATF
or the Department of Justice.

This morning, House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Senate Judiciary
Committee Ranking Member Charles Grassley released
a copy of a letter they sent to Attorney General Eric
Holder on July 5 about Melson’s testimony.

Melson’s revelations raise even more serious issues
not only about the operation itself, but about
apparent attempts by the Justice Department
to mislead Congress on the details of the operation.

Contrary to the Justice Department’s denials, according
to Melson, ATF agents specifically witnessed transfers
of weapons from straw purchasers to third parties
without taking any further action. Melson claimed that
it was not until the public disclosure of the operation
that he personally reviewed the “hundreds of
documents” related to the case.

He said he became “sick to his stomach” when he
learned the full story. Even more shocking is that some
of the “gun trafficking ‘higher-ups’ that the ATF sought
to identify were already known to other agencies and
may even have been paid as informants” by agencies
such as the FBI and the DEA.

The details of Operation Fast & Furious just keep
getting worse from the standpoint of prosecutorial
ineptitude and incompetence.

But with Melson’s testimony, it is also appears that
the Justice Department and specifically Deputy
Attorney General James Cole have been obstructing
Congress and engaging in a cover-up to prevent
Congress and the public from finding out just how
much the leadership of the Justice Department was
involved in this expanding scandal. - Commodity Brokerage

Several good article in the link above, did you know
the project was funded by the stimulus bill??

Two big developments have emerged in Gunwalker.

First, as I "tweeted" on June 24th, ATF Director
Kenneth Melson has indeed spilled his guts and
testified on July 4th before Congressional investigators.

Gunwalker goes all the way to Eric Holder,
Hillary Clinton and that walking manifestation
of Incubus and Succubus, Barack Obama
and Valerie Jarrett.

Further, Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea over
at Sipsey Street Irregulars have broken news this
morning that Holder/Clinton/Obama-Jarrett also
were walking guns out of Florida into Honduras.

Here's the money quote: "There are emails in existence
where (Special Agent in Charge Virginia) O’Brien has
advised those involved that Tampa does not have to
report their walked guns
because Tampa FD is not a
part of Southwest Border or Project Gunrunner."


Sipsey Street Irregulars: Honduras? Why would ATF walk guns to Honduras? 1. The national scope of the Gunwalker Scandal & 2. Because that's where some of the action is.

Attorney General Roy David Urtecho says that street
gangs in his country are seeking to establish direct
business contacts with Colombian and Mexican cartels
and they have also tried to take over all drug smuggling
operations in the Central American nation of Honduras.

The gangs known as MS-13 and M-18, have recruited
over 70,00 youths who have traditionally been the
lookouts and sicarios for the capos, but they are now
making an effort to take formal control of the drug
trade within their own country.

Oh, well, just another garden-variety Obama
administration act of war on another sovereign nation.

What's the big deal? Nothing to see here, citizens.
Move along.


Photo of world's smartest woman. - Commodity Brokerage

Now we know why Hillary Clinton and Obama
were falling all over themselves to support and
prop-up the Honduran Marxist dictator-wannabe,
Manuel Zelaya back in 2009.

I never could figure out why they would create such
blatantly unflattering, pro-Marxist optics for the
Obama regime for a small country like Honduras.

Now it all makes perfect sense. Zelaya attempted to
overthrow the Honduran constitution and install himself
as dictator for life, a la Hugo Chavez. The Honduran
Congress AND Supreme Court followed their
Constitutional Rule of Law to the letter and removed

Within hours Obama and Clinton were threatening Honduras and demanding that the Marxist dictator Zelaya be re-installed.

Now we know why.

Obama and Clinton were arming Zelaya and were
coordinating with Zelaya to run arms through Honduras.

Presumably the deal was that some of the arms would
stay with Zelaya and most would move into Mexico from
the South. Then, Obama and Clinton could "find" U.S.
guns in Southern Mexico and Central America, and thus
use these optics to bolster their false contention
that "90%" of Mexican guns were sourced directly from
the U.S.

"See? U.S. guns are all the way down in Chiapas State
and Guatemala. U.S. guns are everywhere!

The Second Amendment simply is not feasible
any longer!"

I seriously can't believe this story doesn't have more traction. Stimulus money was used. Operations were underway in Miami, Houston and Arizona. It was a major program and Holder claims he never heard of it.

Phoenix recently traced numerous crimes and deaths to guns that came through the program. Mexico believes 100s of deaths can be traced to these guns and when they tried to trace individual guns the ATF told them the serial #s didn't exist (lied).
I seriously can't believe this story doesn't have more traction. Stimulus money was used. Operations were underway in Miami, Houston and Arizona. It was a major program and Holder claims he never heard of it.

Phoenix recently traced numerous crimes and deaths to guns that came through the program. Mexico believes 100s of deaths can be traced to these guns and when they tried to trace individual guns the ATF told them the serial #s didn't exist (lied).

It is pretty crazy. Hard to believe Holder wouldn't know, but they've got to get something solid on him before I rally around it.
Dude, seriously.

Seriously?? :loco:


Obama Orders Launched Fast And Furious at Pat Dollard

I seriously can't believe this story doesn't have more traction. Stimulus money was used. Operations were underway in Miami, Houston and Arizona. It was a major program and Holder claims he never heard of it.

Phoenix recently traced numerous crimes and deaths to guns that came through the program. Mexico believes 100s of deaths can be traced to these guns and when they tried to trace individual guns the ATF told them the serial #s didn't exist (lied).

Evidently my first reply to your post was deleted.

A Mexican Senator has called for felony indictments and
extraditions fo Mexico of those held to be responsible
for this fiasco.

It is pretty crazy. Hard to believe Holder wouldn't know, but they've got to get something solid on him before I rally around it.

How solid is this???

Welcome to the United States Department of Justice

Attorney General Eric Holder at the Mexico/United
States Arms Trafficking Conference CUERNAVACA,
MEXICO ~ Thursday, April 2, 2009

Remarks as prepared for delivery.

Last week, our administration launched a major new
effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department
is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest
border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing
Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions
on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams,
and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing
on kidnapping and extortion. DHS is making similar
commitments, as Secretary Napolitano will detail.

But as today’s conference has emphasized, the problem
of arms trafficking will not be stopped at the border
alone. Rather, as our experts emphasized, this is a problem that must be met as part of a comprehensive
attack against the cartels – an attack in depth, on
both sides of the border,
that focuses on the
leadership and assets of the cartel.

This isn't a blog, it is the DOJ website.

Eric Holder OBVIOUSLY lied to the Senate if he
stated that he didn't know about project Grunrunner.

He was running the program.

Hope this post isn't too long for your to read.
I seriously can't believe this story doesn't have more traction. Stimulus money was used. Operations were underway in Miami, Houston and Arizona. It was a major program and Holder claims he never heard of it.

Phoenix recently traced numerous crimes and deaths to guns that came through the program. Mexico believes 100s of deaths can be traced to these guns and when they tried to trace individual guns the ATF told them the serial #s didn't exist (lied).

It's starting to pick up alittle more traction it seems..Holder Lied: DOJ News Release Shows Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling - Salem-News.Com

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