The Obama/Holder drug cartel arms smuggling scandal (merged)

This scandal is far bigger than watergate!!!!!

That was a coverup by Nixon of a breakin of DNC
designed to uncover campaign donations from Cuba
to the democrat party.

How many of these programs were/are there under the
'gunrunner' program???

'Fast and furious' was one,'castaways' was the program in Florida and now we hear that the ATF office in Tampa
is shredding documents faster than Ollie North!!

Is the president soliciting contributions from the Mexican drug cartel ? - Phoenix Conservative |

This is an outrageous title indeed. We do know however
that there was some controversy as to how the
president got his campaign contributions when he was
first elected.

Through a loophole, he may have received up
to a third of his contributions illegally and from

Why wouldn’t the Mexican drug cartels jump in to
support the president with their billions. The president
is doing quite a bit for them. Firstly, the president has
told his border patrol not to enforce immigration laws
through a back door DREAM Act and through a “catch
and release” immigration policy. This makes it very easy
for drug traffickers to hide amongst the illegal aliens
coming over the border.

There are 500,000 coming into Arizona every
year alone.

(and when Arizona objects Obama takes them before
the UN (un)human rights council where they are
vilified by the like of Gadhaffi of Libya.)gs

These policies seem especially designed to make it as
easy as possible for the drug cartels to practice their
trade in as convenient a manner as possible.

A gang member of the Zeta Mexican drug cartel was
caught recently and he testified that all the guns
they needed were supplied by the US government

(Yet Obama wants to use that sort of thing to try
to squelch the 2nd amendment)gs

What is there not to like about Obama if you are a
Mexican drug cartel? Not only will you not be hassled
when you come over the border illegally, but the Obama
administration is more than happy to supply you with
your own AK-47 rifle so you can come and kill police
officers like Brian Terry.

Let’s also not forget the hundreds of Mexican citizens
and police officers who are also being killed in Mexico
thanks to the thousands of arms supplied by Obama’s
stimulus funds.

Yes! You read that right. $10 million came from
the stimulus funds so that the Mexican drug cartels
could get free guns so they could come and terrorize
Mexican and American citizens.


So there you have it. The president’s immigration
policies are wonderfully useful to Mexican drug cartels
making it as easy as possible to come over the border.

You even get a bonus your very own gun free of charge
and compliments of the Obama administration stimulus
funds. As a special added bonus, the terrorist organization Hezbollah is setting up shop in
no doubt because they have heard it is so
easy to come across.

Numerous links in the text above to support each


Pajamas Media Gunwalker Terrorizing America, Too: Guns Show Up in U.S.

KNXV-TV in Phoenix, AZ, conducted an investigation
regarding weapons the federal government “walked”
to drug cartels, and can confirm that those weapons
are turning up at crime scenes inside the United
States — some scenes just blocks from each other.

They have documentation proving that “Gunwalker”
firearms are turning up in Arizona gun crimes, and that
some of the firearms in question may not have ever
left the United States at all.

KNXV reporters cross-referenced serial numbers of
weapons recovered from area crimes with those of
firearms that the multi-agency federal task force let
arms smugglers purchase in area gun shops. More
recently, they uncovered that an additional 43
Gunwalker firearms were recovered in a single bust,
out of 59 total firearms recovered.

The news is far from surprising. It was, after all, the
murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry within
the U.S. — in the Arizona desert — that triggered
whistleblowers within the operation to come forward.

Two “Gunwalker” guns were recovered at the scene of
Terry’s murder. ICE Agent Jaime Zapata was also killed
with Gunwalker guns, and a fellow ICE agent was
seriously wounded.

These are just two confirmed American deaths. We
don’t know how many Americans have been murdered
by guns provided by the Obama administration to
narco-terrorists, and they certainly aren’t going to
volunteer that information.

Further, in one of the most absurd
revelations of Gunwalker’s malfeasance
(other than the fact the ATF was giving
guns to FBI and DEA informants), we
now know that the same federal
agencies told gun dealers to sell guns
to cartel members (even after gun s
tores expressed concerns about the
sales) then built cases against the
gun companies for selling the guns.

This is far worse than watergate and Iran/contra

Obama promised transparency, well now we are
getting just that, anyone who can't see through
this scam is blind as a bat!

BREAKING: DoJ announces gun reporting requirements; Issa, Grassley respond - Seattle gun rights |

Here is Issa’s blistering response:

“This political maneuver seems designed to protect
the careers of political appointees at the Justice
Department and not public safety. It’s disconcerting
that Justice Department officials who may have known about or tried to cover-up gunwalking in Operation Fast
and Furious are continuing attempts to distract
attention from clear wrongdoing. In Operation Fast
and Furious, gun dealers didn’t need this regulation as
they voluntarily provided ATF agents with information
about suspected straw purchasers. In return for this
voluntary cooperation, the Justice Department betrayed
them by offering false assurances that they would
closely monitor sales of weapons that dealers otherwise
did not want to make.”

And here is the statement from Sen. Grassley:

“We’ve learned from our investigation of Fast and Furious that reporting multiple long gun sales would
do nothing to stop the flow of firearms to known straw
purchasers because many Federal Firearms Dealers are
already voluntarily reporting suspicious transactions.

In fact, in just the documents we’ve obtained, we are
aware of 150 multiple long guns sales associated with
the ATF’s Fast and Furious case, and despite the fact
that nearly all of these sales were reported in real time
by cooperating gun dealers, the ATF watched the guns
be transported from known straw purchasers to third
parties and then let the guns walk away, often across
the border. This makes it pretty clear that the problem
isn’t lack of burdensome reporting requirements.

The administration’s continued overreach with
regulations continues, and is a distraction from its
reckless policy to allow guns to walk into Mexico.”

Issa Says He Doesn?t Believe Holder?s Testimony Was Accurate |

Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell
Issa (R-Calif.) says he does not believe Attorney
General Eric Holder gave accurate testimony when
Issa questioned him in the House Judiciary Committee
on May 3.

In that testimony, Holder told the Judiciary Committee
he had “probably” heard only in the “last few weeks”
about the Justice Department’s “Operation Fast and
Furious.” Issa told he is convinced—
“absolutely”—that Holder knew about the operation
earlier than he claimed.

Operation Fast and Furious, begun in 2009, purposefully
allowed known and suspected smugglers to purchase
weapons at licensed gun dealers in the United States
—sometimes while under active surveillance by U.S.
law enforcement--and then allowed the smugglers to
get away with the weapons, in some cases delivering
them, as the government expected, to Mexican drug

Issa called the operation 'felony stupid.'

I agree.

Holder deserves a spot on 'world's dumbest criminals.'
Question: Do you support a Federal Reporting Requirement for gun shops in border states to report when an individual purchases two or more assault rifles?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I'm not even going to start on ARs. This place will erupt like a California wildfire.

So what are ARs?

Question: Do you support a Federal Reporting Requirement for gun shops in border states to report when an individual purchases two or more assault rifles?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Not necessarily.

They shouldn't and probably wouldn't make that
kind of sales to suspicious characters anyway.

Doesn't the sale of even one gun have to be
approved by the feds already?
So what are ARs?

Not necessarily.

They shouldn't and probably wouldn't make that
kind of sales to suspicious characters anyway.

Doesn't the sale of even one gun have to be
approved by the feds already?

You have no justificaton for your moral outrage, then. You are just as much of a hypocrite and demagogue as those you are railing against.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You have no justificaton for your moral outrage, then. You are just as much of a hypocrite and demagogue as those you are railing against.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Your total lack of social graces aside, a skewed
sense of moral relativism and rationale lead me to
believe you have nutty putty for brain matter.

NRA is filing suit to block this totally uneeded new
regulation that pretends to be a cure for what
Holder and the Obama admin created.


Hitler , who murdered millions of Jews and other
ethnics I think for a grand total of over 12 million
(battle deaths not included).

Stalin, who murdered around 20 million of his

Mao, the winner at 60 million murders is Mao.

Pol Pot, 3 million murdered is the winner on absolute
percentages, about 33% of the population was

Fidel Castro runs a close second in percentages and
yes he disarmed his citizens as well

They all took the firearms away from the public before
they executed all that stood in the way of transforming
their country into a SOCIALIST PARADISE.

Please note that Nazi was an acronym for
the National Socialist Party. Yes, Hitler was
a socialist but the media always claims he
was a right winger.

KiffinKiller Assault Rifles.

So what about assault rifles?

“My first priority will be to reinstate the assault
weapons ban as soon as I take office. Within 90
days, we will go back after kitchen table dealers,
and work to end the gun show and internet sales
loopholes. In the first year, I intend to work with
Congress on a national no carry law, one gun a
month purchase limits, and bans on all semi-
automatic guns.”

—Barack Obama, VPC Fund Raiser, 2007

In 2009 Obama was named gun salesman of the year,
people who had never even owned a gun were buying
them. :eek:lol:


Consider this from Atlas Shrugged:

"Then you will see the rise of the men of the double
standard--the men who live by force, yet count on
those who live by trade to create the value of their
looted money--the men who are the hitchhikers of
virtue. In a moral society, these are the criminals,
and the statutes are written to protect you against
them. But when a society establishes criminals-by-right
and looters-by-law--men who use force to seize the
wealth of disarmed victims--then money becomes its
creators' avenger. Such looters believe it safe to rob
defenseless men, once they've passed a law to disarm

excerpt from Atlas Shrugged, © Copyright, 1957,
by Ayn Rand.

Here is one for you.

A man from Honduras named “Abedin Zelaya” is
in prison in Houston for horrible crimes.
He is a member of MS-13.

Operation Castaway placed 1,000 weapons in the
hands of MS-13.


Is “Abedin Zelaya” connected to Mel Zelaya?
(Is Abedin related to Huma Abedin?)

Were the 1,000 weapons intended for supporters
of Mel Zelaya (before he was removed as president
of Honduras)?

Was MS-13 behind Mel Zelaya?

Did Obozo send weapons to Honduras for MS-13
to start a communist revolution there?

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Breaking: Grassley & Issa name Holder's "Dirty Dozen" of Gunwalker conspirators at the DOJ. Demand all communications. The big "or".

July 11, 2011

The Honorable Eric Holder
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avennue, NW
Washington DC 20530

Dear Attorney General Holder:

As our investigation in Operation Fast and Furious has progressed, we have learned that senior officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ), including Senate-confirmed political appointees, were unquestionably aware of the implementation of this reckless program. Therefore it is necessary to review communications between and among these senior officials. As such, please provide all records relating to communications between and among the following individuals regarding Operation Fast and Furious:

1. David Ogden, Former Deputy Attorney General;

2. Gary Grindler, Officer of the Attorney General and former Acting Deputy Attorney General;

3. James Cole, Deputy Attorney General;

4. Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General;

5. Kenneth Blanco, Deputy Assistant Attorney General;

6. Jason Weinstein, Deputy Assistant Attorney General;

7. John Keeney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General;

8. Matt Axelrod, Associate Deputy Attorney General;

9. Ed Siskel, Former Associate Deputy Attorney General;

10. Brad Smith, Office of the Deputy Attorney General;

11. Kevin Carwhile, Section Chief, Capitol Case Unit; and

12. Joseph Cooley, Criminal Fraud Section.

These records should include e-mails, memoranda, briefing papers, and handwritten notes. Additionally, any records related to communications referring to a large firearms trafficking case within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) or in Phoenix should be included in any production.

Please provide this information no later than July 18, 2011, at noon. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Tristan Leavitt in Ranking Member Grassley's office at (202) 224-5225 or Henry Kerner of Chairman Issa's Committee staff at (202) 225-5074. I look forward to receiving your response.


Darrell Issa, Chairman, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Charles Grassley, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on the Judiciary

cc: The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary


Sipsey Street Irregulars: Congressman Gus Bilirakis questions Holder, Melson on Tampa gunwalking allegations. Exclusive Special Report by David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh.

A point of clarification by Mike Vanderboegh, one of the two online journalists who broke the Tampa/Honduras gunwalking story, involves the appearance that Operation Castaway was necessarily the cover used for the trafficking. In an update filed today, Vanderboegh notes:

You will note the question mark in the header of the first story after "Part of Operation Castaway?"

Here is the exact wording:

"Whether the allegations of our source refer to the on-going Operation Castaway remains at this hour unclear, but our source is certain that O'Brien has allowed the "walking" of straw-purchased firearms to Honduras using the same failed strategy as the Phoenix Field Division's Operation Fast and Furious.

That Operation Castaway involved arms smuggling to Honduras is also certain."
GS continues to b**** about arms being given to Mexicans, yet he does not support a law that would restrict such a practice.

Posted via VolNation Mobile
I'm not even going to start on ARs. This place will erupt like a California wildfire.

only if you really want to claim they're more dangerous than many other weapons. If you want to only claim that an unmodded AR-15 is truly an assault rifle then there really won't be much of an argument.
only if you really want to claim they're more dangerous than many other weapons. If you want to only claim that an unmodded AR-15 is truly an assault rifle then there really won't be much of an argument.

What would keep a non-modified AR-15 from being classified as an "assault rifle"? Most Soldiers never switch their M4's to burst and, until very recently, most Soldiers, to include infantry, did not have optics on their weapons and relied on iron sights. The fact that a non-modified AR-15 does not have fully automatic firing capability, does not restrict it from being fired rapidly.
Selective fire. Optics and whether it was actually fired that way really have nothing to do with it

Lots of weapons can be fired rapidly and be made to look exactly like an AR yet wouldn't be classified as such (or even distinguished from each other by a person off the street).
Selective fire. Optics and whether it was actually fired that way really have nothing to do with it

Lots of weapons can be fired rapidly and be made to look exactly like an AR yet wouldn't be classified as such (or even distinguished from each other by a person off the street).

Do people hunt with them? I don't see why you'd need one for home defense either - plenty of smaller, more manageable firearms.
Selective fire. Optics and whether it was actually fired that way really have nothing to do with it

Lots of weapons can be fired rapidly and be made to look exactly like an AR yet wouldn't be classified as such (or even distinguished from each other by a person off the street).

I guess my issue is that if an M4 and an M16A2 (or, now, the A4 model) are classified as assault rifles, yet they are limited in their automatic capability (three round burst); why is it that an AR-15, which is the same exact weapons sans the three-round burst (which no one even uses) is not classified as an assault rifle?
Do people hunt with them? I don't see why you'd need one for home defense either - plenty of smaller, more manageable firearms.

I don't hunt with my .22 either but can fire it just as fast and make it look just as mean as an AR. Doubt you would know the difference at a glance

I guess my issue is that if an M4 and an M16A2 (or, now, the A4 model) are classified as assault rifles, yet they are limited in their automatic capability (three round burst); why is it that an AR-15, which is the same exact weapons sans the three-round burst (which no one even uses) is not classified as an assault rifle?

A semiauto isn't the same as one capable of a burst. Used or not doesn't matter since you could technically make any rifle auto if you had the ability. There are more powerful weapons out there anyway
Do people hunt with them? I don't see why you'd need one for home defense either - plenty of smaller, more manageable firearms.

Yes, some people hunt with ARs. Strictly speaking having the ability to switch from rifle to carbine (or even change calibers entirely) by basically punching out a couple pins and swapping uppers is considered advantageous. (For instance a long barreled/scoped upper for hunting or any shooting at a distance and an iron sighted (or non magnified optic) carbine for defense)

For home defense I prefer a shotgun myself but if you wanted one weapon that could be used across a broad spectrum of uses in a reliable platform AR's are proven performers.
It's not really that big a rifle anyway and would only piss a bear off. I have weapons that will actually handle a bear much better than an AR.
I don't hunt with my .22 either but can fire it just as fast and make it look just as mean as an AR. Doubt you would know the difference at a glance

A semiauto isn't the same as one capable of a burst. Used or not doesn't matter since you could technically make any rifle auto if you had the ability. There are more powerful weapons out there anyway

I think I would judge more by a combination of clip capacity, rapid-fire capability, accuracy, reach, and lack of recoil. These factors, in my opinion, are what make the M4 such a solid assault rifle. Burst and automatic fire, tend to result in very low accuracy and, therefore, do not cause me much concern.
In the event a bear robs your home.

This seems to be a misconception on your part. The standard AR is not a particularly large rifle and the .223 round is actually quite small. An old 30-30 round would look much more impressive side by side.

Mind you there are AR platforms that use larger calibers like the .308 but that's still not a "big" caliber in the great scheme of things by any means. (There is the .458 SOCOM upper but that's pretty rare from what I can tell)
I don't see what that quote has to do with me?

You think this song is about you?


GS continues to b**** about arms being given to Mexicans, yet he does not support a law that would restrict such a practice.


More pure B*** from unrealUT.

We already have plenty of such laws.

The problem is our own corrupt regime in Washington
overriding the system in order to make it appear that
we need more restrictive laws.

Take the illegal shipments of arms to Honduras for
example, this isn't possible to do legally but Holder
and company oversaw the shipment of weapons that
went to the M13 drug lords.

Why?? Well I maintain this administration would like
to see the overthrow of the democratic constitutional
Honduran government in favor of a marxist dictatorship,
just review our state department policy toward
Honduras and the willing parrots in ths so-called free
press who call the ouster of the would-be commie a
coup, and the second purpose is to create a scene in
which it would appear that Amereica needs even more
restrictive laws governing gun and ammunition sales.

Anyone falling for such garbage is way beyond stupid.

The UN small arms treaty endorsed by Obama and Holder
is anything but a good thing and furthermore our courts
have historically ruled that our constitution overrides
any such treaty.

But then with even one more Kagan or Sotomayor type
on the SCOTUS and we can kiss the constitution and
our traditional freedoms a sweet goodbye!

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