They have money. But that money is coming from the usual sources like Soros and the unions. This will likely fade just like everything else that the usual suspects fund.
Talk about something weird.
For one, one of the organizers admitted to paying some of the prostestors to show up.
Bt now this is where it gets really weird.
Zuccotti Park aka Freedom Park is supposedly privately
owned by a big multi faceted and multi asset
international corporation!
It is owned by Brookfield Office properties...they are part of Brookfield Asset Management Inc...bigass company worth around 150 billion or more...
Mayor Bloomberg's long time live in girlfriend, Diana L.
Taylor, sits on the board of directors.
John E. Zuccotti hes on the board of directors of WELL
insurance company that could only be saved by Obamacare!
Zucotti hired a lobbying firm called Oldaker, Biden &
Belair and was their highest paying client.
Of course THE big name in the lobbying corp was Rosary
Joe's son Robert Hunter Biden...
One of the big divisions of Brookfield Asset Management inc is... Brookfield renewable power...and guess whos
govt has an ASSLOAD of Green energy money...stimulus
money...federal loan guarantees and all that money
moving right to the very same property owning multinational conglomerate that owns that dinky little park....OUR ******* GOVT...
This company traces its history back to a Brazilian
electric utility incorporated in 1899; today, its
headquartered in West Virginia and manages renewable
energy projects in the U.S., Brazil and Canada, including
167 hydroelectric stations and two wind farms.
A publicly traded company, Brookfield maintains stable
revenues thanks to long-term power contracts, and
uses this advantage to help pioneer next-generation
projects in wind and thermal energy.
Besides specializing in renewable energy, the company
has also donated nearly $4 million to local sustainability
projects. Brookfield also voluntarily meets the low-
impact standards put forward by the Ecologo Program
and the Low Impact Hydropower Institute.
Brookfield is currently working on a wind energy project
in Coos County, New Hampshire, financed in part with
the Department of Energys partial guarantee of $135.8
million in loans. The Department of Energy says the
project will result in 198 construction jobs and and save
some 12,000 tons of carbon pollution once it is up and
Wow 198 temporary jobs?...thats less than a million a
pop, pretty good by Obama's govt standards!..
In the name of green energy, the Obama
administration is using taxpayer money to subsidize a
New Hampshire wind farm that is a subsidiary of a
hugely profitable company.
New Hampshires largest wind farm, the Granite Reliable
Power project under construction in Coos County, is
jointly owned by BAIF Granite Holdings, LLC and
Freshnet Wind Energy, LLC. BAIF owns 75 percent of
Granite Reliable. BAIF Granite Holdings was created
earlier this year by Brookfield Renewable Power, which
is a subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management of New
That company, which runs clean energy operations
around the world, has deep pockets. It reported net
income of $454 million in 2009 and $3.2 billion in 2010.
Brookfield Renewable Power financed the creation of
BAIF Granite Holdings from its Brookfield Americas
Infrastructure fund, which was reported in February to
have $2.7 billion in assets. With that kind of backing, it
is curious that the U.S. Department of Energy
announced it would guarantee up to 80 percent of a
$168.9 million loan for the Granite Reliable wind farm
project last week.
Washington, D.C. U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu
announced today the Department of Energy finalized a
partial guarantee for $168.9 million loan to Granite
Reliable Power, LLC. The loan guarantee will support a
99 megawatt (MW) wind generation project that will
be New Hampshires largest wind farm.
Now.....why would a huge and very rich company that
had 3.2 Billion dollars in profits in 2010 need or be able
to get a Loan guarantee for 168 million...which the Dept
Of Energy announced finalizing on....Sept 23rd
2011....not long after the OWS protests started really
getting going...a 168 million dollar loan guarantee with
no visible reason why behind the very same
corporation that owns the very same Zuccotti park
the protesters are camped out in....
Maybe they ought to form a circular protesting squad....
AKA a circle jerk, and ACLG says most people support it,
and sadly he may be right, that is if you believe what
the dinasaur newspapers are printing and that people
actually believe such crap.