The Official #11 TENNESSEE (2-0) at Floriduh (1-1) Thread - Zone Edition - 9/16 @ 7:00 PM EST - from The Bowels of HAIL aka “Da Swamp” - ESPN

Look I am willing to drop it....but as long as this stuff is being posted I have to stick with the honor and tradition of the wooo. First of all older recordings are terrible usually, and I fully admit not everyuone wooed. But I was in the student section in the 90-93 range and we definately wooed.....that is beyond question. As a kid I remember wooing, granted I was among other kids. Everyone who insists on the recent woo start tend to be non wooers. Maybe in teh opld folks sections in the 80-90's they didn't WOOO.....but we WOOO'd
I’m not arguing either side. Just repeating what I remember seeing.
I like the woo so I woo
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One good thing about the riff Raff posting in this thread, it keeps the other riff Raff from posting in this thread.

2 our 34 minute.
I kinda felt that was the purpose of 90% of our petty's effective.
Used to woo a lot at games, wooed after Rocky Top was done playing. There was no woo during Rocky Top. That is probably what Sarge remembers.

I do not have a combover. I do not tuck in my shirts. I have never been called a stick in the mud. I sat in rowdy sections. If they weren’t rowdy sections, they quickly became that way when I arrived.

I am done now. You cannot convince children they are wrong.
Used to woo a lot at games, wooed after Rocky Top was done playing. There was no woo during Rocky Top. That is probably what Sarge remembers.

I do not have a combover. I do not tuck in my shirts. I have never been called a stick in the mud. I sat in rowdy sections. If they weren’t rowdy sections, they quickly became that way when I arrived.

I am done now. You cannot convince children they are wrong.
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Some people think if they repeat something enough times, or get their buddies to high five them it makes it more true, or that just cause they never did something it wasn't done. Just because some of you didn't wooo doesn't mean others were not woooing. I aint no child I'm a fiddy yr old man...and I know what we did, and have no reason to make up wooo mythology.
So just an added bit My wife was going to TN games since she was a little girl (3-5 starting), her dad had season tickets, she just told me that the Davy Crocket guy in early 80's in the frontier clothing and a long rifle Wooo'd....and would come out with the band. She remembers him putting said rifle over his head and WOOO! ing during Rocky Top. She also mentioned he scared her. Who was that coonskined man? perhaps he could settle it.
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