The Official #11 TENNESSEE (2-0) at Floriduh (1-1) Thread - Zone Edition - 9/16 @ 7:00 PM EST - from The Bowels of HAIL aka “Da Swamp” - ESPN

Just rewatching some of the game. 8 minutes left and we held Florida to 4th and 1. Florida clapped and drew a defensive lineman offsides. Napier literally laughing at how easy that was.

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The officiating changed the complexion of the game in the 2nd half. The Gators do deserve credit for the whipping they put on you all in the first half.
Did 76 deserve credit for grabbing both arms of the DL to allow the hole they ran through for their first TD? I dunno I saw quite a bit of holding not called first half as well. Could we have played better?Sure. Would it have mattered in a game that was fixed from the start? Unknown.
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Just take the L. No wonder why we are hated.
People who accept corruption, deserve it.

I rewatched the game play by play I am more convinced now the refs purposely threw it then before. If calling out that sort of flagrent unsportsman like conduct means being hated, then people can hate away.
People who accept corruption, deserve it.

I rewatched the game play by play I am more convinced now the refs purposely threw it then before. If calling out that sort of flagrent unsportsman like conduct means being hated, then people can hate away.
If you think that calling out was to send a message, it certainly did not work. It led to nothing positive or changes for the future.
If you think that calling out was to send a message, it certainly did not work. It led to nothing positive or changes for the future.
Calling out referee abuse is much more likely to effect positive changes then ignoring it. In general in any endeavor I have yet to see a case of criminal conduct ceasing by people overlooking it. If more people spoke up we’d have less of it. When more people ignore it, eventually we all get California.

Whether it effects our season positively or not SEC officiating needs to be called out more and held accountable. Twitter lit up after the game with even Vol haters talking about how bad it was. This is hardly a minority opinion….it was ugly..and the kicking of the ball was just flagrant manipulation.
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Opinions are like orgasms.

Mine is more important.

I don't care if you have one.
Well, there you have it, Zoners. Whenever Behr expresses an opinion or decries those expressed by others, he is thinking about orgasms (and likely becoming aroused).
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And it wasn't directed at anyone specific, just in general.

Because of Crusty I felt that had to be explained.
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Delta 8 is legal in Tennessee and there are strains you can’t tell the difference. Getting in trouble for weed in Tennessee is because you’re stupid
its gonna cost some wins and recruits if legislation doesn't change. Im up here in the Mid-Atlantic and they've got festivals with every form of thc you can imagine. Hell they've got mushrooms laid out for all to see. No raids. Nobody gives a ****.

Also everyone makes fun of delta 8
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