The Official #18 Tennessee @ Texas Game Thread, 8:00 PM ET, ESPN

Absolutely pathetic foul by Nkamhoua before the half. Probably one of the dumbest plays I’ve seen all year. However the corn rows do look amazing. Sweet braids brah🙄
The game was a sloppy, chaotic performance from the start. I attribute this loss as much to coaching as I would any individual player.
KC has 10 games this season with at least 3 TOs. That’s more than half of the games he has played. 4 games with at least 5 TOs. That means there’s a 20% chance KC is going to give the other team 5 extra possessions. That is unacceptable. ZZ has had a single game this season with 3 TOs. KC needs to learn to value the basketball.
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KC has 10 games this season with at least 3 TOs. That’s more than half of the games he has played. 4 games with at least 5 TOs. That means there’s a 20% chance KC is going to give the other team 5 extra possessions. That is unacceptable. ZZ has had a single game this season with 3 TOs. KC needs to learn to value the basketball.
I can’t say KC lost us this game but I like the idea of crapping on a freshman PG that seems like the right move
KC has 10 games this season with at least 3 TOs. That’s more than half of the games he has played. 4 games with at least 5 TOs. That means there’s a 20% chance KC is going to give the other team 5 extra possessions. That is unacceptable. ZZ has had a single game this season with 3 TOs. KC needs to learn to value the basketball.
Individual player performance absolutely contributes to any win or loss, but the disorganized, chaotic mess that I watched points to an undisciplined team and a failure in coaching. It's a continuum, and yes, there were many missed opportunities; but to say the coaching wasn't a factor is disingenuous.
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I will say this, Victor Bailey hasn’t been productive all year, but the kid never gives up, played great defense tonight, and his putback was huge. Hopefully it can build him some confidence.
Yeup, need him for this team to reach its potential. He has the ability to change the offense if he can get some confidence. Despite his struggles I think he’s made better decisions and played within the offense this season, along with better D.
KC has 10 games this season with at least 3 TOs. That’s more than half of the games he has played. 4 games with at least 5 TOs. That means there’s a 20% chance KC is going to give the other team 5 extra possessions. That is unacceptable. ZZ has had a single game this season with 3 TOs. KC needs to learn to value the basketball.
If you’re going to make this argument then at least level the field and compare turnovers per minute played instead of games played as KC has played more minutes
The game was a sloppy, chaotic performance from the start. I attribute this loss as much to coaching as I would any individual player.

Do you also attribute the unreal comeback and the fact we had in the last 33 seconds two open look three's to win it to coaching as well?
Apparently AAU ball teams play defense…that’s a new one to me from our fanbase lol
At least they were able to do that, against an unranked team. Too bad they didn't have any offense. I guess calling plays and expedient timeouts isn't part of a coach's responsibility.
We were a projected 4 seed coming into today. The only work they need to do to get in is not go on a crazy losing streak and beat the teams we're supposed to beat.
If they win games they should then this will put them with 19 or 20 wins. They could easily lose to A&M and then they will be on the bubble. These guys are just not that good. I could see them losing one or two to weak teams.
If you’re going to make this argument then at least level the field and compare turnovers per minute played instead of games played as KC has played more minutes
I'm not against KC. I really like his game when he shows up. He is fun to watch when he is engaged. But who gets more out of their ability? KC or ZZ?
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