thanks - yeah I've been looking at a few add ons and it's like the Jeep; never ending mod potential and money sucker.
The early wish list is some type of optic, a light holder and possibly a .22lr conversion kit if I find I'm going to the range a lot.
Like I posted earlier, I went with an EO Tech, as far as the light I'd recommend the Surefire, and get a decent sling for it...
If you haven't shot a lot of long rifles, the key is a consistent sight picture and getting the rifle into the same position and contact spots, ie butt stock/sholder position, cheek/butt stock, and forearm grip..
One thing I recommend with the AR, after you position the rifle and to know you have the same cheek/butt stock position is to place the tip of your nose against the charging handle, not sure where I first picked this up, but I think it was while in College and doing some work with a Marksmanship team, and a Marine shooting instructor came in and gave us some tips.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it, and get all the wanted or unwanted advice you want as you go to the range, and gun shop to start with the accessories..
One thing for sure, the Colt will serve you well