If you carry a pistol, this is a great video from one of the best trainers to ever grace this planet. It's hard to believe its almost been 10 years since Col. Cooper has been gone.
Mental Conditioning For Combat by Col Jeff Cooper SURVIVAL MINDSET - YouTube
Video quality is horrible, the message however is priceless.
Need direction on a front sling mount for the AR. It came with Magpul MOE stock and hand guard. Included was a strap loop that plugs into the stock but unless I'm missing something (entirely possible) there is no specific place forward or on the hand guard.
I was privileged to take defensive pistol with Col. Cooper back around 2000 at his place in AZ. I think it was one of the last classes in which he was actually the lead instructor.
Need direction on a front sling mount for the AR. It came with Magpul MOE stock and hand guard. Included was a strap loop that plugs into the stock but unless I'm missing something (entirely possible) there is no specific place forward or on the hand guard.
I want Santa to bring me this for Christmas. I promise I've been good.
Wilson Combat | Tactical Carry Professional
Yeah, I expect you got the same email I did. Though, if Santa's buying, mine would be the Supergrade.
So would yours be .45 or 9mm?
I want Santa to bring me this for Christmas. I promise I've been good.
Wilson Combat | Tactical Carry Professional
I'm sure you would enjoy it, so just buy it for yourself
Yep, just a credit card swipe away GV. Do it, do it, do it! It's just money.
I have wondered, do folks actually carry those guns? What if the worst happens and you're forced to use it, do you really want a $4k pistol sitting in a evidence locker with a electro penciled case number on the side. That's heart breaking.