Kawakami was aboslutely horrid. Shame for Dice-K. At least now the Red Sox can move on. They don't have to pencil him in despite his health or inconsistency.
Read an article a while back about Brazil as the next hotbed for talent, and scouts being concerned that pitchers are learning japanese style, using deceptive windups and trying to nip corners rather than using a more aggressive, pitch to contact north american approach.
Standing here in Remy's bar, drinking a Sam Summer. Clay Buccholtz is two tables over drinking a budlight and playing with his baby girl. He and his wife are here for a tornado relief event in a bit.
I started my photobucket account and emailed the photo...hasn't showed up yet. Posted via VolNation Mobile
It was a good angle. I grabbed standing room only tickets last season and had a friend of a friend who works security get my hand stamped for the Budweiser deck. That was a lot of fun.