The Official Evansville @ #1 Tennessee Knoxville Super Regional Game 3 Thread (Sun. June 9th 7:06PM EST) (ESPNU)

LOL. The entire culture soft. If I hear one more young person say "I feel"........
My son is a student at UT and he says that the regulars are very similar to the old Dog Pound days (I was a 98-01 UT guy, so after those guys). They enjoy using social media to find out all kinds of stuff on the opposing players - their girlfriends, etc., all in good fun of course.
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It cracks me up how everyone gets in a twist about how the current teams act. Those mid 90s teams, there was the student section called the dog pound. They were brutal to opposing teams. And they would do research, knew all kinds of things yell at the other team. They would probably kick them out of school for some of the stuff they did nowadays.
Our student section gave their 1st baseman he$$ yesterday. They knew his sister’s name and others.
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My son is a student at UT and he says that the regulars are very similar to the old Dog Pound days (I was a 98-01 UT guy, so after those guys). They enjoy using social media to find out all kinds of stuff on the opposing players - their girlfriends, etc., all in good fun of course.
We did that back when we sucked in 2008-2012. Lots of fun. A Bama base coach traded us several handfuls of bubble gum for half of one of our Chipotle burritos one game.

This was back before they were all on TV.
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Can someone for the love of all that is Holy teach DD to hit an outside pitch?? lol there is no way an MLB team sees that and is impressed. Would love for him to come back one more year and get have the Burke approach improvement.
We got our ass kicked. They were the better team today. Certainly not what I expected, but it wasn't the first time this has happened this year. Vols haven't made a habit of letting that happen to them two days in a row. I don't expect them to start now. We're in our building. We have better position players and better pitchers. I fully expect that to show up tomorrow. 2022 isn't in these kids minds and it shouldn't be in the fans no matter what reporter wants to bring it up in the press conference.

I'm more irritated by the loss than dejected. I hope them boys feel the same. Silver lining is the celebration tomorrow will feel more rewarding now than if we rolled them like a bunch of 10 year olds.

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