The Official FSU @ #1 Tennessee CWS Game 1 Thread (Fri. June 14) (7PM EST) (ESPN)

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Whatever happens in Omaha whatever. But please hit the portal hard for pitching when it's all over. I'm not saying it's all over, maybe this game is but the tournament isn't. But please hit the portal hard for more arms this off-season.
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Does it hurt us playing on turf all year?

I wondered the same, with the Keystone Kops fielding expo being put on in the early innings. The announcers did mention it's a coarser/looser turf than the Bermuda used down south too, so that's sort of a double-whammy, I'd think.
Why do we suck in Omaha so bad? That is the question.
Power teams don’t usually play well in Omaha. Why our pitching is getting annihilated? No idea. But they haven’t really done that before today. Texas hung 8, but this is the most we’ve ever given up under tony here.
I can not believe we can look as bad as we are looking tonight. In fact, I have not seen them look this bad in a few years. They have to get their act together in a hurry.
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Literally no one has it tonight. Complete ass kicking by FSU. I’m not going to say that we were unprepared because I’m just happy we have a coach that got us here, but 3 straight times we have no showed in Game 1 of Omaha.

Exactly. That is certainly an issue.

Whatever Tony V has been doing in preparation for game 1 in the World Series - HE NEEDS TO CHANGE IT BECAUSE WHAT HE IS DOING ISNT WORKING AT ALL.

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