The Official Houston Astros Thread

Jose Altuve set the Astros single-season hits record (211), surpassing the mark of 210 set by Craig Biggio in 1998.
2011: 56-106
2012: 55-107
2013: 51-111
2014: 70-92

Well, Astros didn't finish ahead of any of the teams I wanted them to. At least their record was much improved compared to the last few seasons. And hey, they didn't lose a hundred games! That's quite the feat for the Astros these day. The bright side of them sliding down the standings at the end of the season after their mini run to move up in the standings, they get better picks. Keep building the farm system to have quality players for the future and better prospects to trade for big leaguers. After winning 70 games, they're getting closer to being able to plug in some better players through free agency to improve the team. If they improve just a little more next season, I think they could break out the following season or the season after. While I'm extremely doubtful they have a shot at the playoffs next season, I guess I'd have to see what moves they make. You sign a quality player or two, trade for a quality player and maybe bring up a big time player from the minors and who knows. I'll just expect them to make quiet moves and have another 70-80 win season. Then they make some bigger moves the following season and their minor league system will be more developed to bring some players up. We'll see.
Jose Altuve set the Astros single-season hits record (211), surpassing the mark of 210 set by Craig Biggio in 1998.

That little guy is good. He also won the batting title. He's definitely been the highlight of the Astros season. Sucks for him he's on such a bad team. Maybe that will change over the next couple years. Does kinda suck he passed Biggio since I'm obviously a huge Biggio fan but he deserves it. I wouldn't be surprised if he passed it again. Guy is 24 and a great hitter.

Also, you were right about that Astros not passing the HoSox. One stinkin' game! You suck. :p
So, the Astros just hired a coach with a record of 98-123. So much for the Astros improving...
Jose Altuve is the third player since 1949 to lead the MLB in average and stolen bases. The other two were Jackie Robinson and Ichiro Suzuki.
The Royals could win it all like SI said in 2011. There's hope in Houston.
Fwiw, the Astros new unis have grown on me. They look nice and crisp. The white unis anyways.
Essentially 1/8 of the season played and the Astros are in 1st of their division with a record of 13-7. The fewest losses in the AL is 6. Would be cool if the Astros found a way to make the playoffs. Even if they don't, at the very least they should be competitive for half the season. Unlike the Marlins, Rockies and Rays, glad the Astros have the money to re-sign young players that pan out and are willing to spend money in free agency to fill holes/upgrade. The owner said he'd start spending after the first 3 years or so back when he bought the team. They have the lowest payroll in the league and a lot of them aren't even their recent picks. Those were some seriously unwatchable seasons the past few years so it better have been worth it. Hopefully the team continues to progress and they can filter in some of those draft picks. I miss the years of the Astros fielding a bunch of home run hitters. Would be nice if they had some young up and coming sluggers waiting in the wings.

9-1 in their last 10.
If I'm not mistaken, the Astros have at least 5 guys who do nothing but hit home runs (or strikeout)
If I'm not mistaken, the Astros have at least 5 guys who do nothing but hit home runs (or strikeout)

I don't know. Just going by last season. Last years team's top 5 home run hitters were 37, 20, 16, 14, 13. Next closest was 8. Nothing too spectacular other than 37 last season. 20 is solid but doesn't qualify as big time home run hitter. I'd like to see one or two more 30+ home run hitters. I'll take wins however they can get them though. I just miss the days of Bagwell and co. hitting a bunch of home runs. Back when they brought in all the juicers. Good times.
1997 Bagwell & Biggio combined for 65 HRs and 78 SBs. Yeesh.

Love the killer B's. Dumb but awesome nickname.

Also, In 97' their outfield was Derek Bell, Luis Gonzalez and Bobby Abreu. Not bad.
Astros collecting wins like it's their job or something. 10 in a row.

They obviously can't keep this up but I'm afraid they won't even be able to keep a winning record up by seasons end. The team wasn't supposed to be winning like they are. Weren't supposed to competing until 2017 when all of the young talent starts entering the majors.

Also, was just reading about the Astros former pick a couple days ago that everyone criticized the Astros for trying to screw over by claiming he had an abnormally small ucl that they think would require Tommy John surgery soon. People were furious the Astros lowered his offer from 6.5 million down to 3.1 million, they eventually raised it back up to 5 million after the back lash. Astros shouldn't have raised it because they were right and people who gave them crap because of what their doctors told them can ead. That pitcher is training for the year in some league and in his first 12 pitches of the season, he's now done and needs Tommy John surgery. Astros doctor was absolutely correct and the Astros were right to lower their offer. They weren't just trying to screw some kid over and sign their extra picks in doing so. There was actually something wrong his arm and it wasn't seen by the Astros doctors until they had drafted him. Maybe that's the Astros fault but at least they didn't plunge in head first and piss a bunch of money away on a bum arm. Who is really at fault is the kid's agent who publicly attacked the Astros by accusing them of trying to screw the kid over by making such a claim because they've been to world renown doctors who said his shoulder is fine. Wonder how much they had to pay for the doctor to write that lie down for the agent and his human money sign. Like gee, maybe a professional team who dishes out 50 million a year in payroll(hopefully more like 100 as the Astros improve and add pieces) can afford some of the top doctors to look over their investment. A pro franchise fielding a roster of million dollar salaries should be using better doctors than some 17 year old getting a physical by himself.

But yeah, sucks for that kid that the Astros were right but the Astros to me are vindicated. Too bad essentially none of the sites and articles attacking them cared enough to update everyone on how they were right. Only 2 or 3 writers from what I searched up wrote an article about the kids arm needing surgery after his first 12 pitches. At least one of them issued an apology that I recall. But yeah, all of these places jumped down the Astros throat over what was perceived to be shady business tactics without acknowledging that they're dealing with human beings. They acted like the Astros treated him and Nix like inanimate objects. In the end, that's just not true it appears. The Astros doctor saw something and the Astros chose to listen to their doctor. Sounds smart to me. I normally listen to my doctor too after I've gone to him for his opinion.
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This is the latest point in a season the AL West-leading Astros have been in first place since May 22, 2004, when they topped the NL Central. At 24-13, Houston has its best 37-game start since 1999.

Glad to see the team winning again. I'm not quite sure how they're doing it as they're mostly a bunch of unknowns. Their batting averages are all low for the most part. None the less, they keep on winning. I was reading up more on AJ Hinch and it sounds like it could be a good hire. He passed on being drafted a couple of times to finish getting his degree in psychology and when he took over for the Diamondbacks, he had no experience coaching and was younger than a number of their players(he was 34). Now that he's 41 and the Astros for the most part are much younger, it could be a better fit.

I have a feeling the Astros will come back down to earth but I'd love to be proven wrong. If they were to somehow make the playoffs this year, that would be a huge leap in progress while skipping a couple of steps. They have a low payroll and a stocked farm system. With money to spend going forward in free agency and young talent to bring up/trade, the Astros could be contenders sooner rather than later. If players around the league think they're on the rise, they could be serious bidders in free agency. Houston has been able to attract stars in the past in multiple sports when they're having success. They'll never be a premiere destination based on city alone but I think it's a city that can easily draw free agents when they're winning.

Series played so far...

1-2 Indians
2-1 Rangers
1-2 A's
2-1 Angels
2-1 Mariners
3-0 A's
3-0 Padres
4-0 Mariners
0-3 Rangers
2-2 Angels
1-1 Giants
3-0 BlueJays - Game 4 today.
24-13 Overall

12 series
7 series won(3 series swept) - Could be 4 sweeps after today.
2 series tied
3 series lost(1 series swept)
With the Astros recent struggles, adding Kazmir is a huge boost. Especially if the Astros make the playoffs.

All they had to give up was a 4th rounder from 2014 and a 6th rounder from 2013. I had been looking at other big named pitchers that were available and while I wanted them, I was fearful the Astros might surrender key components of their farm system to acquire them. Some of the other big names on the market, their teams are demanding a massive package of players. To only give up two players playing A ball... seems like a steal for the Astros. Especially if Kazmir sticks with the Astros for the long haul since he's from Houston. Maybe even give them a discount?

To not only add a starting pitching while giving up so little but to add a pitcher with a 2.38 era on the season AND he's left handed... awesome. I was starting to get down during the Astros slump and falling behind the Angels but this trade has got me excited down the stretch. Maybe they'll even make another trade... who knows? Go for another ace. Or, while I love the grip and rip it approach... I wouldn't mind getting another batter who bats for average(as well as power?) in the line up to make the offense more consistent.
Very good trade for you guys. Kazmir has been very good vs AL West and I think I read you have 35 of last 60 games within the division.

The final days before the deadline should be pretty intersting and set up some drama heading into the last third of the season.
They are one high OBP guy away from being real contenders this year.

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