Sorry I don't follow the Astros thread religiously. I'd still be surprised if they finish ahead of the Sox. Regardless, the Sox will be good again long before the Stros.
Yankees may be having a bad year but still have a winnig record. Astros haven't had one since 2008. Yanks have won 4 WS in my life time. You'll be lucky to see Houston play in a WS again in yours.
I don't see what NASCAR or the NFL have to do with MLB but ok.
You meant the Red Sox will buy enough players to outlast the Astros in a league with no salary cap? I believe it. Or at the very least, when the Astros become the next Rays, everyone will just buy their players.
And I'm glad for you. I'm glad you picked a team that buys championships. I can't root for teams that win like that. I don't want George Steinbrenner or Daniel Snyder as my owners. They know nothing about sports other than opening a checkbook. If spending more than opponents to win satisfies you, I'm happy for you. Red Sox should feel really good about beating the Rockies in the World Series when they had like 5x the payroll. I myself, I prefer the Marlins winning with a small payroll, only to lose their players to the Yankees and Red Sox. The only reason the Yankees have the championships they do is because they spend more. Why is that brag worthy? The Yankees can win spending 200 million while the next closest opponent spends 150 million(Red Sox) and everyone else is below 100 million. Amazing system, right?
As far as the NFL and Nascar go, we've talked about the Redskins... and I've been on the Nascar forum. Just a little friendly banter. Not to mention, the Snyder and Steinbrenner comparison between the Yanks and Redskins isn't far fetched. What's with the "we have to keep one thing in one forum and another thing in another forum"? I'd rather not go on the nascar forum and I was actually nice about the Redskins in the Redskins thread. I try not to troll other teams threads. In that case though, it would leave me with no one to talk to me in this thread
I guess I don't get why you're surprised I poke fun at your team(s) when you come here and poke fun at my team, while using the Yankee's biggest rival to do so. I'd never go to a Steelers thread/forum and laugh at them because the Ravens are better. Are you sure you're a Yankees fan? When you laugh at the Astros while defending and or pulling for the Red Sox, hard to believe you're a true fan. I'm pretty sure that Yankees and Red Sox fans would rather punch each other than laugh about the other winning.
Odd thought... have the Yankees ever won a championship without having the highest payroll? If not, they've never really been a champion.