I know many ppl want Martin gone for whatever reason, and that is your right..But to blame this game on him is just stupid...The only difference between this team, and big games are the team's star or stars..Lofton and his counterpart would take over games when the team needed it, where the McRae's of this team, don't have that killer instinct in them..Fire Martin, I really don't care, but please stop making him the scapegoat for not being able to hit open 3's, free throws, or the lack of a well tested Senior like Barton having no impact, in such an important game...I really want to know who u ppl want or think we can get to coach the University of Tn Men's Basketball Team for the amount of money we can actually pay a coach..Don't think we can pull a big name coach and actually be able to pay him...Please know that the changes we have had in football the last 10 years, limits what we can actually do...Tennessee men's basketball has never be considered a powerhouse, so please think a long those lines...lol