Oh really???? Where in the hell have you been for the last half century?
Cal has some choice words for Terrance Jones - YouTube
Now, if I count one F-bomb, I count 10. Sure, that is his player, but what this shows is how engrained into the culture this is and if it is about a curse word then here are a ton. If it's about taunting.....he didn't any more than every player on every great play (reference McBee, after taking crap all pre-game and hitting his second 3, running back and shrugging at them) Now, what I still don't get is if you've gone back and LOOKED at the play. I can see him for almost every single second and unless he said for the ref's Mom to do something in a ventriloquist (sp?) voice, then it was a case of a kid being called out unjustifyably after an entire game full of taunting and cursing. If that is the case.....and it is.....then quit getting all pissy on the kid. He has a great attitude, busts his balls for the Vols and did NOTHING that doesn't happen all game EVERY game.Washpun doesn't deserve your sh** that you dished on him.....even if he said Hail Hitler, 'cuz if he did, he did it in a non-taunting way. Watch it yourself and quit siding with the worst officiating in the U.S[live].A. Watch the whole game.....taunting run amuck. What you are saying is that because he didn't get his number called until that (very pivotal) moment....NOT mop-up duty as you called it, but tapped for his defensive skills for that very moment and skill, then he somehow should instinctively know that he was going to be treated differently and get his balls busted for not knowing that fact. Silly really. Frankly, with the way that you are acting towards this kid I am glad that you didn't coach my kids. This whole thing and this post that I am responding to SMACKS of a "frontrunner/play favorites" type of attitude that, IMO, is the type of rec league-esque coaching from "wanna-be" parents that makes me kind of sick. LEAVE THE KID ALONE. STOP BUSTING ON HIM. He's a great kid/player/competiter and was in there because CCM thought that he gave the team the best chance to win and did nothing to deserve the ass chewing that several of ya'll gave him. WATCH THE PLAY. The ref never should have called that T at that moment for language in a game that is peppered with horrible language PLUS taunting. The player could not have known......AND, once again, it WAS NOT MOP UP duty. He was tapped for his skill at a particular, pivotal moment and deserved to be there and have equal treatment just as much as anybody on the floor.