Why keep running plays to him when he can't catch or make a layup if he does manage to catch it? Turner got his fourth foul and we never challenged him again. Any coach worth $1 would have went at him until he fouled out. We had the chance on two straight posessions and nothing. He could have called time out but noooo. He likes to save those for after we make a big basket to curtail emotion.
Maymon fumbled a wide open pass from Stokes. The play was for Stokes. Maymon tried to make a pass to Stokes in the lane, and it was terrible. Maymon missed a wide open layup. Ok, maybe I would agree if you put Reese in. But Reese doesn't make the defensive plays that kept us in the final 5 minutes. It is easy just to say it, but execution, execution, execution. Simple.