That was hyperbole. My point being that at the start of every year everyone jumps on the bandwagon thinking that this is the year that is going to be great and by the end of the third or forth year they are calling for the coach to drawn and quartered. Just like when UT hired Dooley I said he did not have the resume for this job, but on the message boards everyone was talking about how great he was. And how bright the future was and now they are calling for his head.
I just am unable to live in hope that this time it is going to be different when Tennessee hires the unproven coaches to run a multimillion dollar business. It is ridiculous. I believe and I argue that the football and basketball programs at Tennessee are not going to be very successful until we start hiring qualified coaches. Frankly I used to be the same way. Living in hope. Now I see that the successful programs hire top quality people and even at that they do not always work out. How much less the chance for a person with very little resume to turn these programs around. Tennessee will never be Alabama in football or Ky in basketball in my opinion and they could be if they would hire the right people.