The Official Tennessee vs Texas A&M Round 1 SEC Tourney Game Thread (Tues. 1:45PM EST SEC NETWORK)

I note several mid-major conferences opt for four team tournaments where the bracket works like regional play.

Compared to the single elimination ===> Double Elimination =====> Single elimination format that the SEC uses, that 4 team format seems much more logical.

Maybe two separate 4-team tournaments with the winners meeting in a one-game final (like the CWS used to be)
Maybe separate East/West tourneys again? Perhaps 6-teams.

This 12 team mess that is often knocked askew by weather and long games, is just causing teams to overuse pitching.

Perhaps scheduling the tournament in a single locale with two -or more AVAILABLE stadiums would be helpful.

However, if there has to be a tournament, I believe the tournament should only be 4 days and not 5 or 6.

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