The Open, 2012

No it doesn't. I see cross handed players pulling putts all the time. The anchor is the "mechanism" that takes the shakes out of it.

Cross-handed is used to prevent the wrist from breaking down which leads to pulls. Of course they can still pull it, just from an over the top slap.
I'll pass. I was a three handicap three months after picking up a club for the first time. That was quite a few years ago. It would be mildly interesting to see how little you know of the game, though.

I'm guessing you score your rounds like my brother. He hacks it around the hole for 10 minutes, then gets in the cart and tells me to give him a bogey.
I shot a legit 111 my first round. Why wasn't it a 113 like it should have been? Because I somehow managed to chip in for birdie on 18 at Pine Oaks from just off the Par 3 green on 18. My next four rounds or so were somewhere between 113-120. it took eight months to break 100, and almost two to break 90 (and that second year I was playing 5-6 times a week, typically between 27-36 holes a day. I've literally watched thousands of golfers (including several PGA, LPGA and NCAA stars) and I can't believe 98% of what people post in this thread about their game.
if people are athletic, have good hand/eye coordination and learn the basics of the swing early, they can play well. I didn't break 90 for 6 months after starting, mainly due to chipping and wedge deficiencies, but rarely shot over 82 or so the next spring. That was on muni courses from the blues.
Then I joined a small club, and my handicap jumped several strokes. It was harder and bad habits got worse.
I have teetered between an 8 and a 13 for the last 10+ years.

Some people can play, some can't. I know guys that have been playing for 20 years, but can't break 90. That's the game.
Cross-handed is used to prevent the wrist from breaking down which leads to pulls. Of course they can still pull it, just from an over the top slap.

Thanks for telling me something I've known for about 30 years. I was stating my experiences watching it.

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