The Patriot Party (Trump considering creating a 3rd Party)

First of all I don't have time for Facebook. It's bad when you have to fact check fact checkers. Below are facts

Ku Klux Klan

Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and Black Republican leaders



1865December 24
KKK founded
In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

KKK founded

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively equal in number, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests. In 1882, the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Ku Klux Act unconstitutional, but by that time Reconstruction had ended and the KKK receded for the time being.

Gotta love the way they didn't cover the theft of property and redistribution through taxation. That might have tended to rile up a few people during Reconstruction, too. This way they can just make it racial and forget the carpetbaggers etc.
Were they they first wave or second wave?

This matters.

You've already decided. Waves? Sounds a lot like you're inserting scenarios you need to in order to rationalize it.

There were thousands involved, yet not one of them has broken the first rule of the 'riot club'. Phenomenal discipline.
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There's no doubt about how Babbitt died, but so far there's been no evidence that Sicknick actually was injured and died from injuries.

Lovely. I was wondering how many posts would go by without another conspiracy being floated.
Lovely. I was wondering how many posts would go by without another conspiracy being floated.

How did he die? What were the injuries? The most specific thing has been he collapsed and later died - no mention of wounds. Remember earlier when the cop who committed suicide was considered dead because of the riot? These things get reported for sensationalist headlines and not retracted when they are incorrect.
You've already decided. Waves? Sounds a lot like you're inserting scenarios you need to in order to rationalize it.

There were thousands involved, yet not one of them has broken the first rule of the 'riot club'. Phenomenal discipline.

Why put words in my mouth?

I have always been honest and very blunt on here.

I haven't made my mind up on anything yet.

I am still in research mode and have very little data to go on yet.

I promise though that if I do decide one way or the other I will let you know my thoughts and back it up with the research I found.

It won't be twitter links or facebook links either.

As of now, I can simply say I have concerns.

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How did he die? What were the injuries? The most specific thing has been he collapsed and later died - no mention of wounds. Remember earlier when the cop who committed suicide was considered dead because of the riot? These things get reported for sensationalist headlines and not retracted when they are incorrect.

he was struck with a fire extinguisher. This is widely known information at this point

Report: FBI investigating 37 in killing of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick | WFLA
he was struck with a fire extinguisher. This is widely known information at this point

Report: FBI investigating 37 in killing of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick | WFLA

reportedly struck with a fire extinguisher

After this length of time, it it were true, that should be a fact corroborated by a coroner rather than simply what others claim. If he had been hit in the head and had Intracranial bleeding, for example, that should have been discovered.
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After this length of time, it it were true, that should be a fact corroborated by a coroner rather than simply what others claim. If he had been hit in the head and had Intracranial bleeding, for example, that should have been discovered.

There are three independent sources that confirm he was hit with a fire extinguisher. Autopsy results can take several weeks, especially when there is an ongoing investigation by the FBI. Stop trying to make everything into coverup
There are three independent sources that confirm he was hit with a fire extinguisher. Autopsy results can take several weeks, especially when there is an ongoing investigation by the FBI. Stop trying to make everything into coverup

It doesn't necessarily follow that a blow with a fire extinguisher is lethal either. Stop trying to blame a death on circumstances unknown.
It doesn't necessarily follow that a blow with a fire extinguisher is lethal either. Stop trying to blame a death on circumstances unknown.

What are you even talking about? Are you not familiar with journalistic standards? The circumstances are known. Here I’ll even cite it for you:

US Capitol Police officer dies Washington riot, Chief resigns |

“WASHINGTON — A police officer with the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) died after sustaining injuries during the Capitol riots, according to U.S. Capitol Police. Brian D. Sicknick, 42, was a 12-year veteran of the force who was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the riots, according to three sources.”

"Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters," USCP said in a statement. "He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries."
What are you even talking about? Are you not familiar with journalistic standards? The circumstances are known. Here I’ll even cite it for you:

US Capitol Police officer dies Washington riot, Chief resigns |

“WASHINGTON — A police officer with the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) died after sustaining injuries during the Capitol riots, according to U.S. Capitol Police. Brian D. Sicknick, 42, was a 12-year veteran of the force who was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the riots, according to three sources.”

"Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters," USCP said in a statement. "He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries."

Not proof. Still speculation.
Not proof. Still speculation.

Right. Speculation by the U.S. Capitol Police...

Based on what you would attribute speculation to, the riot itself is also pure speculation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to unplug from the Matrix
Right. Speculation by the U.S. Capitol Police...

Based on what you would attribute speculation to, the riot itself is also pure speculation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to unplug from the Matrix

Last words on the subject ... correlation does not imply causation.
Not proof. Still speculation.

What the hell is the matter with you? Your friends killed him during the riot. Clearly this fact is hard to reconcile internally but at least make an attempt. Also, please don't ever try to foist your concerns over 'blue lives' mattering.
Why put words in my mouth?

I have always been honest and very blunt on here.

I haven't made my mind up on anything yet.

I am still in research mode and have very little data to go on yet.

I promise though that if I do decide one way or the other I will let you know my thoughts and back it up with the research I found.

It won't be twitter links or facebook links either.

As of now, I can simply say I have concerns.


Which words did I put into your mouth? Specifically.
"You've already decided."

I have never once stated what I have decided yet.

It was implied when you dismissed their deaths and suggested they were a part of either a "first or second wave." Whatever or how ever you're trying to associate a "wave" with the "false flag" you've floated.

If nothing else, don't be disingenuous about what was implied.
It was implied when you dismissed their deaths and suggested they were a part of either a "first or second wave." Whatever or how ever you're trying to associate a "wave" with the "false flag" you've floated.

If nothing else, don't be disingenuous about what was implied.

Who's death?

Or are you counting the suicides after wards, etc?

I would need to see a coroner's report on the guard who died supposedly from a head fracture to believe the fire extinguisher part. That's simple issue to confirm or deny.
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Who's death?

Or are you counting the suicides after wards, etc?

I would need to see a coroner's report on the guard who died supposedly from a head fracture to believe the fire extinguisher part. That's simple issue to confirm or deny.

Are you even paying attention? I CLEARLY stated Sicknick and Babbitt didn't get the memo that this was a "false flag."

I find it both ironic and a bit repugnant that you need to see autopsy reports. My guess is that if it were a BLM riot and a cop sprained his ankle you'd be frothing at the mouth with outrage, not demanding medical reports.

I'll be interested in seeing which hypocritical dog whistle happens first, virtue signaling by the right that blue lives matter again or if the right will suddenly become fiscal conservatives again.
There's no doubt about how Babbitt died, but so far there's been no evidence that Sicknick actually was injured and died from injuries.

nope, imma need to see the autopsy report. Maybe she shot herself, I think her presence at the riot could be a strong argument for mental instability.
Are you even paying attention? I CLEARLY stated Sicknick and Babbitt didn't get the memo that this was a "false flag."

I find it both ironic and a bit repugnant that you need to see autopsy reports. My guess is that if it were a BLM riot and a cop sprained his ankle you'd be frothing at the mouth with outrage, not demanding medical reports.

I'll be interested in seeing which hypocritical dog whistle happens first, virtue signaling by the right that blue lives matter again or if the right will suddenly become fiscal conservatives again.

A sprained ankle and potential murder aren't really comparable......
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