Largely because "classic liberalism" is modern day moderate conservatism...particularly common in folks who are fiscal conservatives, small government minded, and dont care what people do in their bedrooms or put in their bodies long as it doesnt hurt someone else or THEIR rights.
I disagree with the ambiguity of some of the questions as others have stated, but there is no perfect test and this 1 is entertaining for sure. Most Americans are neither far "right" nor "left"...they just want to be left the Hell alone to pursue life, liberty, and happiness without anyone (including the IRS) taking a big chunk of their income. This is my personal experience anyway.
I am a small govt fiscal conservative...super small govt...and while i dont personally agree with immoral things such as 99% of abortions etc...i know morality cannot be legislated and my views are at least partly based on my religion so i have no right to decide whether others can do so legally or not in most cases. Problem there is abortion DOES harm someone else. The baby. Infanticide will get you fried in a chair, so why should it be legal to do the same thing a couple months before birth? Logic says it shouldn't, regardless of morality. I digress...i have no desire to discuss abortion here anymore though.
What is NOW (not 20 or even 10 years ago) called liberalism in the media and social media is either thinly veiled Marxism, outright socialism, or straight up communism in some cases. Half the Democrat party (progressives as they are called like AOC) want our government to come door to door to cut our grass and wipe our butts for us, and regulate every single industry heavily while redistribution of income through extremely punitive taxation robs those who are anywhere near rich of half or more of their hard earned income AND ASSETS.
They are batsheit crazy, many are straight commies self described as "democratic socialists" and they will either bring down the Dimwits party....or take over thru nefarious means and completely destroy what is left of this nation in just a few years of power. They are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the founders, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and patriotic Americans stand for. They should be f#$king deported en masse they hate this country. They seek to tear down every statue, revise every History book, destroy the free market economy and its underpinnings, and they are off to a GREAT start.
Yes...I am dead serious when i say they should be deported en masse. Hate this country and our principles? Get the HELL out. There are several countries in the world that share their beliefs....such as Cuba, Venezuela, China, etc. Dont let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. Take all likeminded friends and family with you. They hate this country too and want to see it destroyed and rebuilt like those failed states. Communism has failed EVERY single time it has ever been implemented nationwide, including in China which only saw their economic and GDP boom AFTER they started allowing capitalist privately owned business and industry....and they are still a brutal dictatorship which at this very moment are killing millions of Uyghurs via genocide and producing MORE pollution than the US and ALL of western Europe COMBINED. They too are a f#$king cancer to planet Earth and i hope their government collapses completely before they completely destroy planet Earth with their pollution, gene editing/cloning, production of new diseases (covid) and all the other completely stupid sheit that they do. We should send all these ignorant communists here to China and hope they wreck that ship double fast....just from that high concentration of shtupid all being in 1 place at 1 time.
I would truly rather see them all dead than have this country destroyed. My family has served in every single war since WW1 at least...including several tours in sandbox conflicts and cold war proxies. We love the USA. Roughly civil rights act of 1969 was about the last time this country changed for the BETTER. It has been a sheitshow resembling a Jerry Springer show ever since. Rolling downhill like a snowball headed for Hell. Ever faster.
We need to pump the brakes. Bout 40 years ago or more. Sane people have seen all the progressive "progress" they could ever possibly need to see....decades ago.