The Presidential Election Was Legitimate. Conspiracies Are Not.

Most people are reasonable. Just present the evidence in a transparent way.

I agree with this...however I think the Dims just very much outsmarted the Republicans this time around. They orchestrated fraud on such a grand scale that nobody saw it coming. They brought an RPG to what was thought to be a paintball game. Sure the Red folks mentioned fraud leading up to the elections...but I don't believe anyone thought it would be carried out on this scale, nor in a manner that would be so hard to prove with opposition at every turn. Here's a few examples, and I could not possibly care less what these free sheit socialists think:

1. All 5 contested states had Trump leading by a decent margin at 230 AM when I went to bed. Apparently, at 3am all 5 states from what I have read..those running the polls said they were shutting down for the night. A couple hours later, they start counting votes again, allegedly without notifying observers they were going to....and Biden gets hundreds of thousands of votes in all 5 states without Trump getting any. Zero or nearly zero. By 630AM when I got up, only 4 hours later with supposedly a couple hour break across the board, Biden is now ahead in 4 out of 5, and the 5th state is a dead heat... HUGE swing in 5 swing states.

This is what makes so many people suspicious.

2. The problems with computers used to both vote and tabulate the votes are many. Not only that, these machines from each precinct ARE connected to the net.... and therefore are hackable. There are SEVERAL videos linked in this very thread about the vulnerable state of these elections to vote changing electronically. Multiple times this evidence has been presented to congress, senate, FBI, CIA, by forensic analysts. Again, this is in multiple videos...a man can watch both demonstrations of how easy it is to hack the software, and videos of several different people testifying to our lawmakers about these vulnerabilities.

It is also pointed out in these videos that votes can be changed WITHOUT leaving a trace that it had been done. This both makes people distrust our elections...AND gives the cheaters an easy defense : "where is your proof?"....makes for the perfect crime. As long as you don't mind ignoring no.3....

3. There are many things that just stink to high Heaven about Bidens totals. More black people voted for Biden than did for Obama ? Even though Trump got the highest % of black, latino, and minorities combined by any Republicans in 60 plus years?? In 45 out of 50 states, Biden got about the same votes as the down ticket Dims in other races...but in those 5 most important states that decided the election...with their middle of the night flips....Biden got hundreds of thousands of votes on supposed ballots that voted for him and him alone?? Why didn't that happen in the other 45 states? Why is it that other states had 60 to 80% turnout of registered voters...but in the "magic 5" states turnout was right at 100% in all of them? Why has that NEVER happened before??

4. 1 thing about widespread, overwhelming fraud that the Republicans ran into was this: his court cases filed in all these cities weren't in front of SC Justices...they weren't in front of high ranking Circuit Courts like the 9TH in CA where Trump made appointees...they were in front of LOCALLY elected Dimwit judges in big city Dim strongholds right? What chance does a Trump challenge have there? Since Trump had over 200 sworn affidavits about fraud, as Kayleigh reported and held copies of in her hand on national TV...why were they unable to even get a SINGLE court case to go to trial?

I think the bottom line for millions of Americans is there is way too much smoke here to not be fire...IF the Dimwits and Biden were ACTUALLY worried about bringing this country together, and 70 million Americans believing the election was legit....BIDEN would ask for a manual recount , and more importantly an AUDIT of votes cast in the states that decided the election. Its probably too late for even THAT though...what is the "chain of custody," for the ballots, voting machines, etc that were used to decide this election? Who has had custody of all the materials needed for an audit ? Probably varies by state right? How many opportunities have there been to cover up or destroy any evidence of fraud since the election??

I think this election is a lost cause. They stole it, and there is no recourse. There needs to be SWEEPING legislation in every state to legitimize the voting process before 2022 though...or we may have serious social problems. This bullcrap has to stop...NOW...and its up to state and federal legislatures to make sure this NEVER happens again. Period.

This entire circus is embarrassing for us as a country. 3rd world sheitholes have honest elections. Americans have every right to be absolutely livid about this bullsheit.

Ras that is the exact same video from the analysts in Texas i have posted a dozen times in the last week bro. Very informative about ghosts, phantoms, etc...

Oh...and if you watch the whole thing it reveals how easy it is to steal an election via computer pissed.
Ras that is the exact same video from the analysts in Texas i have posted a dozen times in the last week bro. Very informative about ghosts, phantoms, etc...

Oh...and if you watch the whole thing it reveals how easy it is to steal an election via computer pissed.

I need a logical explanation for this. This was not your typical video and people pass over.
He is president elect. The people have spoken. Trump is the only human ever to lose the popular vote twice. He is being trounced in the popular vote - the biggest loser ever.
Henry Clay and Williams Jenning Bryan say hello. You would think an “educator” would know of them
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I need a logical explanation for this. This was not your typical video and people pass over.
I think the logical explanation is that there was massive fraud and the election was stolen. The vote switching evidence was pretty incredible. We have a real problem on our hands as a country, because there is no doubt the votes were manipulated.
I think the logical explanation is that there was massive fraud and the election was stolen. The vote switching evidence was pretty incredible. We have a real problem on our hands as a country, because there is no doubt the votes were manipulated.

I have referring specifically to the number of votes lost "live" in the 33 minute part of the video.
Don't have to watch/listen to even half of this to understand that "election security" does not exist, and that "election fraud" (as opposed to voter fraud) could be occurring on a massive scale but if done "smartly" (e.g. by a good hacker) will leave no bread crumbs if it's not detected in real time.

Yeah, I missed this video. Sorry about that @marcusluvsvols if you posted it before.


Nothing but love bro. Honestly, I posted it so many times even in the FF that I thought people were gonna resent me. Reasonable people lol ..i don't care what Dimwits think. Do they think? I mean, really think? Like with math...and logic ...and trying to see the truth? Not sure anymore.

Check this out too... dammit I had another video about hacking servers but lost the copied address. Will try to find again.
Guys that is just the tip of the iceberg too .

Do some digging about Hammer Scorecard.

The coder who invented it....who actually straight up wrote the code and invented it...has filled out sworn statements about it.

It is a program on a supercomputer the CIA built to hack and change results in foreign elections. The sources I have read about it from I don't know much about, so at this point I can't put my full trust in all that pertains to it....

But the stuff in those videos from the forensic computer analysts in Texas like the 1 above are absolutely legit. 100% and nobody even challenges what he says as far as I can tell...he has given his evidence to the DOJ, FBI and CIA and says that there is pushback from high levels of those ABC agencies . He has gone on TV, videos on the net...nobody that I have seen can discredit him and his company or disprove any of the claims he makes AND demonstates about vulnerabilities and fraud
Oh, so I suppose putting the country through YEARS of nonsense was ok with the Russia hoax, Mueller report and impeachment fiasco? Give me a break. Trump is trying to prevent election theft with some lawsuits and people are complaining after a little over week. Oh please. And yes, this election has a ton of abnormalities that need to be investigated.

I can't believe I'm seeing comments where people are saying that Biden is a good person. WAKE UP! He's been in DC for 47 YEARS! No one that's been in DC that long is a good person. If you really think he is, PM me. I have some nice property I'd like to sell you.

As a country we can accept a corrupt official - that's something we can deal with - eliminate a bad apple. What we can't deal with it official corruption because it's systemic and endemic. Official corruption is an admission that the government is not acting legally an/or with proper control - that admission can lead to anarchy, so government has to avoid those challenges. We have the constitutional right to free speech and to petition the government for the redress of grievances, and the government is supposedly obligated to hear. However, the government like any authoritarian organization can find any number of ways to be deaf to charges of official corruption. This is how official corruption leads to anarchy or a knowing subservience; and generally a government will get away with it because with two parties, at any one time, about half the people will be satisfied enough not to care.
Double Holy Smokes...As others have said. Give a look see

The guy did a good job of showing the problem. However, he didn't do a good job in linking the manipulation of the unofficial database to the official database. Presumably it had to happen or the discrepancy between the two would be glaring. He pointed out the official database was not as isolated as advertised, but not how the linkage worked to change the official database.
The guy did a good job of showing the problem. However, he didn't do a good job in linking the manipulation of the unofficial database to the official database. Presumably it had to happen or the discrepancy between the two would be glaring. He pointed out the official database was not as isolated as advertised, but not how the linkage worked to change the official database.

I actually think about what you have always said about data manipulation for desired outcome as I viewed this. Are you referring to the 33 minute mark? I guess just to see votes subtracted seems concerning in itself. How could the unofficial count be higher than the official count
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I think the logical explanation is that there was massive fraud and the election was stolen. The vote switching evidence was pretty incredible. We have a real problem on our hands as a country, because there is no doubt the votes were manipulated.

The worst part is that it will be ignored and we'll hear about it again next time. Like watching a Groundhog Day version of a train wreck. It's not at all surprising no one will pay attention to what they've found. No agency with responsibility can own up to the failure.
I actually think about what you have always said about data manipulation for desired outcome as I viewed this. Are you referring to the 33 minute mark? I guess just to see votes subtracted seems concerning in itself. How could the unofficial count be higher than the official count

Pretty much - that would be the change in the unofficial database. He pointed out the change to the unofficial database which is pretty obvious. That's the database everybody can play with for counts, statistics, and projections. I just didn't hear (maybe I missed it) the hard linkage from the unofficial database to the official database.
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Pretty much - that would be the change in the unofficial database. He pointed out the change to the unofficial database which is pretty obvious. That's the database everybody can play with for counts, statistics, and projections. I just didn't hear (maybe I missed it) the hard linkage from the unofficial database to the official database.

Did you catch the part where 500 were added to one and 500 redacted from the other at the exact same time? If not malicious and unofficial numbers are meaningless, what is the point but pure lying to the public by the media
Did you catch the part where 500 were added to one and 500 redacted from the other at the exact same time? If not malicious and unofficial numbers are meaningless, what is the point but pure lying to the public by the media

Yes, he kept showing the unofficial database - the one in red supposedly with public access. If he pointed out that the changes were made simultaneously to the official database (the one in blue) I missed it. That was the one thing I kept waiting for him to address more completely. He said when they got into the system they could see both databases, but I don't think he addressed manipulating the official one. This will make the recount in GA interesting. My comment all along is that the recount has to be done differently - which a hand count would supposedly be unless they put the numbers right back into the computer to be manipulated.
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Yes, he kept showing the unofficial database - the one in red supposedly with public access. If he pointed out that the changes were made simultaneously to the official database (the one in blue) I missed it. That was the one thing I kept waiting for him to address more completely. He said when they got into the system they could see both databases, but I don't think he addressed manipulating the official one. This will make the recount in GA interesting. My comment all along is that the recount has to be done differently - which a hand count would supposedly be unless they put the numbers right back into the computer to be manipulated.

Well color me naive. I never knew they projected numbers to a real tally.
Well color me naive. I never knew they projected numbers to a real tally.

Oh, I meant so that people like those organizations between the state election commissions and the news organizations or the news organizations could play around and make projections. They report the "actual" numbers but use the projections to "call" the election.
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Yes, he kept showing the unofficial database - the one in red supposedly with public access. If he pointed out that the changes were made simultaneously to the official database (the one in blue) I missed it. That was the one thing I kept waiting for him to address more completely. He said when they got into the system they could see both databases, but I don't think he addressed manipulating the official one. This will make the recount in GA interesting. My comment all along is that the recount has to be done differently - which a hand count would supposedly be unless they put the numbers right back into the computer to be manipulated.

I had hope for GA until I saw an interview on Tucker.

Recount is great...but what we need is an AUDIT and I believe an audit in GA could prove fraud so badly that other states might even investigate. A recount simply counts votes over again...IF there are fraudulent votes that were cast by "ghosts" or fake ballots cast by mail (THIS IS HUGE) votes cast by dead people, unregistered voters, multiple votes by 1 person...NONE of those get caught by a recount. If the voting machines(computers) had votes changed like in the videos...a recount would not catch that either from what I have seen...

I honestly don't know what a recount WOULD CATCH...maybe if vote counters simply added numbers to the counts without there being a paper ballot OR a record of a vote being cast at a machine...I guess a recount would catch that 1 specific scenario....but what we need is an audit. We need audits in all 5 states...but it will never happen, and as I said in my other post...what is the chain of custody now more than a week later for the ballots and voting machines? Who has had access to them at all the hundreds of different sites where they were cast?

This is complete and utter BS...there are MANY millions of Americans who believe this election was invalid in at least those 5 states due to fraud...for MULTIPLE REASONS.

WHY Were there 500 plus...five hundred lawsuits and legal challenges leading up to the elections BY Dimwits??? To make SURE that mail in voting was legal in EVERY state...and TRYING to make it legal to count mail in votes that were received AFTER the election? Which WORKED in NC, PA, and others....WHY was that??? If people can get in huge crowds to riot, burn, loot and steal...WHY can they not go vote? Even with EXTENDED early voting?? WhY was that? Has this EVER happened before? 1 party file HUNDREDS of legal maneuvers BEFORE an election, in order to STEAL IT???


It bothers me that once always...the conservatives have to be the adults in the situation. Have to act morally and with self control for what we believe is the best for the nation. We may very well be wrong this time...wonder if we rioted by the thousands, burned looted stole...if we tore up the major cities in all 5 states, would we get our due?? A runoff in those states, a complete 2nd election with paper ballots, verified to be cast by living, registered voters??? It works for the Dimwits...

What are the odds that Biden beats Trump straight up in those 5 states in a legal, honest election? No way in Hell. No way on Earth. Not a SINGLE republican congress seat was lost. We gained 12 seats. They said we would lose the senate? Nope. No way Biden wins straight up. Pisses me off so very much.

We need to demand action. I can already tell that the fix is in on this election...just like the boxing match I just watched being stolen. We will get robbed because we allow ourselves to be robbed. What about the next election though? We gonna allow them to steal 2022 also,??

When the HELL are we gonna make impossible to cast a vote without an ID,???

EVERY legal citizen and lots of illegals ALREADY have an ID....without one they cannot cash a check, open a bank account, or receive government benefits like welfare or SNAP.... I PROMISE YOU that every registered voter does at least 1 of those 3 things that require an ID....time to quit the bullsheit. Demand voter laws change. Do not accept "No" for an answer. Demand change. Demand an end to voter fraud. Demand an end to this BS.. America depends on it.
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Ras that is the exact same video from the analysts in Texas i have posted a dozen times in the last week bro. Very informative about ghosts, phantoms, etc...

Oh...and if you watch the whole thing it reveals how easy it is to steal an election via computer pissed.

If I read you right, you are pro-Trump. This data sheet is from Texas, a state won by Trump.

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