The Presidential Election Was Legitimate. Conspiracies Are Not.

The 47 years he’s spent in public service? I’d say that while it’s not the military, it is also difficult and that it’s admirable for one to serve so long.
lol. #AsthmaJoe dodges the draft then spends 47 years in public office working to enrich himself and his family. Yep. Admirable indeed.

If you're in civil service and stay beyond your retirement age of 56 or 57, you're just wasting American tax dollars.
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Yep, it's never been required in NC but it might be coming soon.

I consider myself a strong conservative but also a reasonable person. I think Trump's only in it for himself, Biden is a boob and true conservatism is dead. I'm fine with guns but believe in very strong background checks and some type of mental health tracking.

I dislike a lot things about modern Republicans but I've never understood the voter ID issue. Why is it racist to require a valid ID?

I honestly don't think a lot of people in NC are running around an impersonating registered non-voters but why us this a big deal? Is my bank racist because they require an unexpired ID to open an account?

Speaking of my bank...I'm standing at the teller like and I'm watching the drive thru teller wait on a customer that pulled up in her lane. I'm really only paying attention because the guy driving it has a brand new Toyota Tundra and it is sharp!

She says "we can't cash this check for you, the check is t drawn on us and you're not a customer. If you'd like to become a customer you can come in and open an account and then we can cash this for you going forward. Just park over there and be sure to bring in your license." His response in broken English "no, I no have license."

And I'm left to wonder how someone driving a new $50k truck doesn't have a license??
He purchased his car from one of those democrat places that cater to minorities, buy here/pay here..No credit? No problem!
I’m not going to talk up Biden because I’m not a huge fan of his either, but I do think it says something about Trump that he’s willing to convince millions that our elections are rigged with no evidence rather than admit that he lost. I don’t think anyone would say that’s particularly out of character, either.

And relax, I meant “evidence that lasts more than 0.5 seconds in court,” not whatever Twitter post you’re about to show me
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Yep, it's never been required in NC but it might be coming soon.

I consider myself a strong conservative but also a reasonable person. I think Trump's only in it for himself, Biden is a boob and true conservatism is dead. I'm fine with guns but believe in very strong background checks and some type of mental health tracking.

I dislike a lot things about modern Republicans but I've never understood the voter ID issue. Why is it racist to require a valid ID?

I honestly don't think a lot of people in NC are running around an impersonating registered non-voters but why us this a big deal? Is my bank racist because they require an unexpired ID to open an account?

Speaking of my bank...I'm standing at the teller like and I'm watching the drive thru teller wait on a customer that pulled up in her lane. I'm really only paying attention because the guy driving it has a brand new Toyota Tundra and it is sharp!

She says "we can't cash this check for you, the check is t drawn on us and you're not a customer. If you'd like to become a customer you can come in and open an account and then we can cash this for you going forward. Just park over there and be sure to bring in your license." His response in broken English "no, I no have license."

And I'm left to wonder how someone driving a new $50k truck doesn't have a license??

Reasonable post.
I’m a classic social liberal and a fiscal conservative. I’m still registered as a Democrat (blue dog) but in reality I’m probably libertarian.
I say all that to say this. Absolutely nobody cares in either party about fiscal conservative values. It makes me laugh when the people who are ok with the reckless spending under one party are fine with and defend it when their party is in control.

My idea for the whole voter thing is you get your voter card issued to you by the government when you file your taxes. You can’t vote without it.

But I digress
I’m not going to talk up Biden because I’m not a huge fan of his either, but I do think it says something about Trump that he’s willing to convince millions that our elections are rigged with no evidence rather than admit that he lost. I don’t think anyone would say that’s particularly out of character, either.

And relax, I meant “evidence that lasts more than 0.5 seconds in court,” not whatever Twitter post you’re about to show me

Meh. Trump is a moron. Biden is a moron. They are just different in the application of stupidity. All the lawsuits will get kicked if there’s no fraud and the truth will come out eventually. You believe it’s done and I agree that it’s veryX10 likely done. But I’m also in favor of letting it play out.
He purchased his car from one of those democrat places that cater to minorities, buy here/pay here..No credit? No problem!
Id say most cars and trucks in all those Republican trailer parks and poor rural areas come from buy here pay heres.

Id say most cars and trucks in all those Republican trailer parks and poor rural areas come from buy here pay heres.

Yeah. Thats why they are mostly in ghetto hood sh!tholes, next to bails bondmen, check cashing, and friend chicken shacks.
Yeah. Thats why they are mostly in ghetto hood sh!tholes, next to bails bondmen, check cashing, and friend chicken shacks.
Nope. At least not around East Tennessee.

Clinton Hwy, Oaky Ridge Hwy, Kingston Pike, Chapman Hwy, Alcoa Hwy.

Not one in East Knoxville or on the Westside. Some in West Knoxville but none in the Black part.

Keep on lying pal.
Nope. At least not around East Tennessee.

Clinton Hwy, Oaky Ridge Hwy, Kingston Pike, Chapman Hwy, Alcoa Hwy.

Not one in East Knoxville or on the Westside. Some in West Knoxville but none in the Black part.

Keep on lying pal.
Lol. I see you're entire world is the VERY White East Tennessee. No wonder you're oblivious, you have zero experience outside of your little bubble (as I have always suspected). Luckily, I have no idea where the "black areas" of Knoxville are unless you are referring to Christenberry Heights and/or Lonsdale? Thats where the few that went to my high school were bused in from, apparently, but I never had one in any of my classes (of course I was in SCP/AP classes). I believe special needs was segregated near the auto hobby shop area though which would explain why I only ever saw them on the football field and never in class.

That being said, some day when you have the funds to embark on your Hajj to Atlanta you'll see every stereotype about you come to life in vibrant hood rat color. Just be careful not to blow your life savings on that once in a lifetime trip.

Every lawsuit brought by Trump to overthrow the legal loss he experienced is being or has been thrown out of court. Same reason. No evidence

Trump lost fair and square and he is unnecessarily putting the country through **** because he is a baby sore loser. He won’t admit defeats so his followers will vote for him again in 2024. Besides he is using this to build a @Defense fund” to pay off campaign debt

Just go away
Every lawsuit brought by Trump to overthrow the legal loss he experienced is being or has been thrown out of court. Same reason. No evidence

Trump lost fair and square and he is unnecessarily putting the country through **** because he is a baby sore loser. He won’t admit defeats so his followers will vote for him again in 2024. Besides he is using this to build a @Defense fund” to pay off campaign debt

Just go away
Sounds exactly like you and people like you the last 4 years. WHAT A SHOCKER!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Meh. Trump is a moron. Biden is a moron. They are just different in the application of stupidity. All the lawsuits will get kicked if there’s no fraud and the truth will come out eventually. You believe it’s done and I agree that it’s veryX10 likely done. But I’m also in favor of letting it play out.

I don’t have a problem with letting it play out, just with screaming “RIGGED” based on nothing because it’s actually somewhat damaging if people believe that. And when the “application” is screaming that our election results are fake, I don’t think that’s some “both sides” harmless stupidity
I mean, if you noticed sore losers in 2016 or 2020, imagine next time a Republican loses a race that actually comes down to one state. There will be at least 30-40 million people legitimately believing that our elections are a sham, even if we remain in our current state with zero credible evidence for that belief.
I don’t have a problem with letting it play out, just with screaming “RIGGED” based on nothing because it’s actually somewhat damaging if people believe that

If the investigations are all allowed to be complete then nobody will be able to say with any credibility that they were wronged. There will always be those who believe in spite of the evidence, but it will only be fringe like LG and his Russian conspiracies.

My data crunching buddy who’s not on VN says this is going to take some time and expects it too last till after the new year. That makes since to me as Florida in 2000 lasted well into January.

Either way I’ll get up and go to work tomorrow
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I mean, if you noticed sore losers in 2016 or 2020, imagine next time a Republican loses a race that actually comes down to one state. There will be at least 30-40 million people legitimately believing that our elections are a sham, even if we remain in our current state with zero credible evidence for that belief.
That can be avoided with transparency.
Don’t count till all votes are in.
No stopping once the counts start
No counting without both sides present.
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If the investigations are all allowed to be complete then nobody will be able to say with any credibility that they were wronged. There will always be those who believe in spite of the evidence, but it will only be fringe like LG and his Russian conspiracies.

My data crunching buddy who’s not on VN says this is going to take some time and expects it too last till after the new year. That makes since to me as Florida in 2000 lasted well into January.

Either way I’ll get up and go to work tomorrow

Those are the people I’m concerned about, but I hope you’re correct that they’ll remain on the fringes.
The left makes this about Trump vs Biden as people. For the right it was about maintaining the economic status quo. For the left it was orange man bad. Now stuck with Biden and the racist they are scrambling to defend based on who's the better person. Deflection is strong on the left side of the aisle. I have never said Trump was a good person, ever. He's a POS that I would never care for in personal life. As a politician he hasn't hurt me or the country and thats all I care about.

You'll never get leftists to see the difference between fundamentally changing the country and resetting it to something that worked. Change is fundamental to their cause because they are nothing without victims and cures and other imaginary reasons for change.
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That can be avoided with transparency.
Don’t count till all votes are in.
No stopping once the counts start
No counting without both sides present.

Sure, but I think people will always want a projected winner on Election Night so the first seems unlikely
Sure, but I think people will always want a projected winner on Election Night so the first seems unlikely
If everyone operates on the Florida model it will work.
The only difference that I would make is no counting on Election Day. Right now we start counting on Election Day and they don’t report till the polls are closed. I’d settle for no report till all poles are closed. But that would mean no votes received after Election Day.
If they want to continue to receive votes after Election Day then no counting till all are in.
The guy had his arms repeatedly broke while a POW serving the very country you live in, and yet you disparage him because he was wise enough to know a carnival barker when he saw one. Speaks to your character, or lack thereof.

McCain was something of the black sheep to his Navy family's tradition. Not a bad guy, but more an un-dedicated free spirit (read The Nightingale's Song by Robert Timberg - it's a fascinating book and not solely about McCain). If not for his family ties, McCain might never have graduated from the Naval Academy. His time as a POW was a stark contrast to his earlier days; he absolutely showed character that strengthened the resolve of others. There was something of that in McCain when he entered congress - he left congress as a used up and bitter politician - and corrupt to his original core values.
Every lawsuit brought by Trump to overthrow the legal loss he experienced is being or has been thrown out of court. Same reason. No evidence

Trump lost fair and square and he is unnecessarily putting the country through **** because he is a baby sore loser. He won’t admit defeats so his followers will vote for him again in 2024. Besides he is using this to build a @Defense fund” to pay off campaign debt

Just go away
Oh, so I suppose putting the country through YEARS of nonsense was ok with the Russia hoax, Mueller report and impeachment fiasco? Give me a break. Trump is trying to prevent election theft with some lawsuits and people are complaining after a little over week. Oh please. And yes, this election has a ton of abnormalities that need to be investigated.

I can't believe I'm seeing comments where people are saying that Biden is a good person. WAKE UP! He's been in DC for 47 YEARS! No one that's been in DC that long is a good person. If you really think he is, PM me. I have some nice property I'd like to sell you.
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