The Problems with Trans-ideology

I think there are also 2 other factors:

1. Lots of people...especially these days with rampant obesity and sedentary llifestyles...are quite unattractive. They make it well into HS with absolutely ZERO positive attentiòn from the opposite sex. Why not double your chances by opening up the field of possible mates?? Especially for females who in my experience are FAR FAR more likely to give bisexuality a try....

2. Also poll after poll shows that gen Z and younger are having WAY less sex than previous generations anyway so "gay" or " bi" is actually a hypothetical or fantasy rather than know...sexual activity. Same Gen Z is getting their drivers licenses much later (many dont even want it) many are socially awkward because the vast majority of their interactions (VAST) are over social media and not in person. In fact, many of them say they experience serious anxiety when they have to speak to other humans....especially the opposite sex. Easton/kaden/jordan Cant get a date or get laid from a girl at school if he cant even walk up and talk to her. Thats just not how it works.

I do think that female hormones and forever chemicals play a role in the feminization of America though. Google the testosterone studies. Been declining in young men by 1% on average per year since at least 1990 among young men. Meaning an average 18yo male in 2020 has 30% less testosterone on average than an 18yo male in 1990. That is not an opinion. That is peer reviewed ongoing long term scientific experiments. It isnt a secret. Even baby formula is mixed with water. Not to mention what we drink, cook food in, shower in while hot water opens every pore in our skin....

Theres likely a lot of factors involved because life, people, and our environments are complicated. There is definitely a problem though, and it will be ignored at our peril IMO. EVERY single branch of the military is missing their quotas every year for new recruits....and have been for some time. Cant be a superpower without a military folks. Especially with the US dollar and our country clearly in decline.
A win for the good guys as Louisiana joins other states in banning gender-affirming care on children 18 and under.

Louisiana Legislature overrides vetoed trans health care ban | Louisiana Politics |

They don't want equal rights. They want superior rights. What a joke.

Biden DoD Lets Transgender Service Members Skip Deployments, Receive Indefinite Physical Fitness Waivers: Confidential Memo | ZeroHedge

  • Service members who identify as transgender may receive a waiver for grooming and uniform standards.
  • Service members who identify as transgender may receive an indefinite waiver for physical fitness standards. This waiver often becomes a de facto permanent situation, and the transgender identifying service member just has to renew the exemption request every six months.
  • Service members who identify as transgender will be considered “non-deployable” for up to 300 days while taking hormones for their “transition” period. Again, given that these hormones are often required for life, this may render the transgender identifying service member as permanently unable to deploy.
They don't want equal rights. They want superior rights. What a joke.

Biden DoD Lets Transgender Service Members Skip Deployments, Receive Indefinite Physical Fitness Waivers: Confidential Memo | ZeroHedge

  • Service members who identify as transgender may receive a waiver for grooming and uniform standards.
  • Service members who identify as transgender may receive an indefinite waiver for physical fitness standards. This waiver often becomes a de facto permanent situation, and the transgender identifying service member just has to renew the exemption request every six months.
  • Service members who identify as transgender will be considered “non-deployable” for up to 300 days while taking hormones for their “transition” period. Again, given that these hormones are often required for life, this may render the transgender identifying service member as permanently unable to deploy.
It isn't a joke. It's a disaster
EXCLUSIVE: Young North Carolina woman sues the doctors who put her on testosterone at Age 17, saying she needed therapy, not a Double Mastectomy, in latest blockbuster 'detransition' lawsuit

  • A doctor told Mosley she would 'grow a penis' from testosterone jabs
A young North Carolina woman is suing the medical team that put her on testosterone at age 17 and surgically removed her breasts the next year, saying she was fast-tracked into transgender care for profit when she really needed therapy.

The treatments left irreversible scars, she says, including a deep voice, body and facial hair, pain in her neck and shoulders, a damaged vagina, and she will not be able to breastfeed and may be infertile.

EXCLUSIVE: Young North Carolina woman sues the doctors who put her on testosterone at age 17, saying she needed therapy, not a double mastectomy, in latest blockbuster 'detransition' lawsuit | Daily Mail Online
EXCLUSIVE: Young North Carolina woman sues the doctors who put her on testosterone at Age 17, saying she needed therapy, not a Double Mastectomy, in latest blockbuster 'detransition' lawsuit

  • A doctor told Mosley she would 'grow a penis' from testosterone jabs
A young North Carolina woman is suing the medical team that put her on testosterone at age 17 and surgically removed her breasts the next year, saying she was fast-tracked into transgender care for profit when she really needed therapy.

The treatments left irreversible scars, she says, including a deep voice, body and facial hair, pain in her neck and shoulders, a damaged vagina, and she will not be able to breastfeed and may be infertile.

EXCLUSIVE: Young North Carolina woman sues the doctors who put her on testosterone at age 17, saying she needed therapy, not a double mastectomy, in latest blockbuster 'detransition' lawsuit | Daily Mail Online

I think we can assume that all of this was done with the consent of the woman--and if that is true, she may have a serious problem winning this lawsuit. Therapy should always be the first step in these cases, absolutely. But if you go to a doctor wanting a nose job, you can't turn around after the surgery and try to blame the doctors for not changing your mind..
I think we can assume that all of this was done with the consent of the woman--and if that is true, she may have a serious problem winning this lawsuit. Therapy should always be the first step in these cases, absolutely. But if you go to a doctor wanting a nose job, you can't turn around after the surgery and try to blame the doctors for not changing your mind..

She was only 17 years old.
I think we can assume that all of this was done with the consent of the woman--and if that is true, she may have a serious problem winning this lawsuit. Therapy should always be the first step in these cases, absolutely. But if you go to a doctor wanting a nose job, you can't turn around after the surgery and try to blame the doctors for not changing your mind..
I’ve spoken at length about this. And I doubt you want to hear it…

But - the operative descriptor here is “age 17”.
This was not a “woman”. This was a child. A female child.

Legal Adults can provide consent.
Children cannot provide consent.

I support any legal adult pursuing any procedure they want (that they can source). If you want to remove your left arm - find a doctor willing to perform the procedure. I support your right to do so.

Eventually minor children that showed up with a note from their mother will reach legal standing - and some of them are going to sue.

I guess we’ll see what juries think of 13-17 year olds providing “consent” to have their breasts removed via cosmetic mastectomy.
I’ve spoken at length about this. And I doubt you want to hear it…

But - the operative descriptor here is “age 17”.
This was not a “woman”. This was a child. A female child.

Legal Adults can provide consent.
Children cannot provide consent.

I support any legal adult pursuing any procedure they want (that they can source). If you want to remove your left arm - find a doctor willing to perform the procedure. I support your right to do so.

Eventually minor children that showed up with a note from their mother will reach legal standing - and some of them are going to sue.

I guess we’ll see what juries think of 13-17 year olds providing “consent” to have their breasts removed via cosmetic mastectomy.

We really need to be rethinking the age of consent, because obviously kids are regressing. Their reasoning is sliding backwards (moving up in age) as they are being given more opportunity to be heard. It could also be that 20 year olds were always immature and they just didn't have the platform to prove it before social media.

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