The only time there is backlash these days is when someone publicly speaks the TRUTH. This is a foundational tenet of Communism, by the way.
"We pretend to work, so they pretend to pay us." - every Communist worker ever.
When the powers that be shout down, punish, bankrupt, cancel and improson those who speak TRUTH...those who still live in our actual, factual reality...this is merely a symptom of a sick and dying society. America as we knew it is at Death's door.
As for me and mine though? We will not capitulate. We will not endorse the delusions nor be complicit in the lies. We will not ask " your pronouns"...nor will we answer with "ours". Any 3 year old could tell whether each of us is male or female from across a room...we won't suffer fools who pretend not to already know what is readily apparent just so they can justify their delusions.
We also do not believe " the sky is falling!!!" Due to global cooling/warming/climate change/whatever name the grift has this week....we will not say that girls can have penises, nor that men can give birth. We will not agree that the child growing inside a womans body is "her body, her business" when in fact it is an entirely separate human. To kill them is murder, not "birth control" for those too lazy or inept to prevent the pregnancy itself using any of the myriad available options.
In short....we stand for TRUTH. Even when it is us that are wrong.