The Problems with Trans-ideology

Mother of Sex-Trafficked Teen Files Lawsuit After Girl Was Held In Boys Group Home To ‘Affirm’ Her Trans Identity

Virginia school district concealed 14 year old's gender transition, is responsible for her abduction, lawsuit states


Maryland Assistant Public Defender Aneesa Khan, Appomattox Superintendent Annette A. Bennett, and ACPS Chair Bobby Waddell / Daily Wire composite

The mother of a teenage girl who at the age of 14 fell into the hands of sex traffickers is suing the Virginia school district she blames for her daughter’s trauma and the government lawyer who interfered with her efforts to return the girl home.

Officials at Appomattox County Public Schools concealed Sage Blair’s gender transition from her parents and hid the fact that she was being bullied over dressing like a boy, according to the lawsuit filed in federal court on Tuesday by Michelle Blair. The events and secrecy led to Sage running away from her rural Virginia home, only to be captured by a sex trafficker and taken to Baltimore, Maryland, where she was held in a locked room and raped by multiple men, the lawsuit said.

But the girl’s saga didn’t end there. When the FBI recovered her, a Baltimore public defender named Aneesa Khan — a target of the lawsuit — worked to keep the girl in Maryland until her parents accepted her gender transition. The mother had not refused to accept her child’s transition because she did not even know about it, but Khan threw away the letters that Michelle Blair was sending her and led the girl to believe that she had been abandoned by her parents, the lawsuit said.

Mother of Sex-Trafficked Teen Files Lawsuit After Girl Was Held In Boys Group Home To ‘Affirm’ Her Trans Identity | The Daily Wire
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Alice Cooper lost an endorsement deal over the following comments. Guessing I must be getting old because the world is looking batsh*t crazy to me.

And oh BTW, this was a makeup company that supplied a guy named Alice with mascara. You can't make this sh*t up.

"I find it wrong when you've got a 6-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you're confusing him telling him, 'Yeah, you're a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be,'" Cooper said in the interview. "I mean, if you identify as a tree ... I'm going, 'Come on! What are we in, a Kurt Vonnegut novel?' It's so absurd, that it's gone now to the point of absurdity."

"A guy can walk into a woman's bathroom at any time and just say, 'I just feel like I'm a woman today' and have the time of his life in there," Cooper said. "He's just taking advantage of that situation ... Somebody's going to get raped."

"I'm understanding that there are cases of transgender, but I'm afraid that it's also a fad, and I'm afraid there's a lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that," the singer said
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“Johnson pointed to case law giving private organizations the right to make and — more importantly to this case — define their own rules.“

lets see if this standard applies to other thinks not

“Johnson pointed to case law giving private organizations the right to make and — more importantly to this case — define their own rules.“

lets see if this standard applies to other thinks not

I thought that lawsuit was kinda crazy. Their gripe is with their sorority not the trans person. They never should have inducted "her"
The only time there is backlash these days is when someone publicly speaks the TRUTH. This is a foundational tenet of Communism, by the way.

"We pretend to work, so they pretend to pay us." - every Communist worker ever.

When the powers that be shout down, punish, bankrupt, cancel and improson those who speak TRUTH...those who still live in our actual, factual reality...this is merely a symptom of a sick and dying society. America as we knew it is at Death's door.

As for me and mine though? We will not capitulate. We will not endorse the delusions nor be complicit in the lies. We will not ask " your pronouns"...nor will we answer with "ours". Any 3 year old could tell whether each of us is male or female from across a room...we won't suffer fools who pretend not to already know what is readily apparent just so they can justify their delusions.

We also do not believe " the sky is falling!!!" Due to global cooling/warming/climate change/whatever name the grift has this week....we will not say that girls can have penises, nor that men can give birth. We will not agree that the child growing inside a womans body is "her body, her business" when in fact it is an entirely separate human. To kill them is murder, not "birth control" for those too lazy or inept to prevent the pregnancy itself using any of the myriad available options.

In short....we stand for TRUTH. Even when it is us that are wrong.
The only time there is backlash these days is when someone publicly speaks the TRUTH. This is a foundational tenet of Communism, by the way.

"We pretend to work, so they pretend to pay us." - every Communist worker ever.

When the powers that be shout down, punish, bankrupt, cancel and improson those who speak TRUTH...those who still live in our actual, factual reality...this is merely a symptom of a sick and dying society. America as we knew it is at Death's door.

As for me and mine though? We will not capitulate. We will not endorse the delusions nor be complicit in the lies. We will not ask " your pronouns"...nor will we answer with "ours". Any 3 year old could tell whether each of us is male or female from across a room...we won't suffer fools who pretend not to already know what is readily apparent just so they can justify their delusions.

We also do not believe " the sky is falling!!!" Due to global cooling/warming/climate change/whatever name the grift has this week....we will not say that girls can have penises, nor that men can give birth. We will not agree that the child growing inside a womans body is "her body, her business" when in fact it is an entirely separate human. To kill them is murder, not "birth control" for those too lazy or inept to prevent the pregnancy itself using any of the myriad available options.

In short....we stand for TRUTH. Even when it is us that are wrong.
Cool rant. Trans people have existed for thousands of years, that's truth. And here we are in 2023 with people still saying the country is dying (or "Communist") because they exist lol
Yes mental illness has been around awhile.

Yeah, I generally do not even respond to the Muppet above. He is like Ktownking or whatever the Hell his name is... a delusional racist lefty that has long since diverged from reality and truth. I do not argue with children, nor suffer fools. I prefer to listen to Thomas Sowell, Jordan Peterson, and a few others that are unafraid to tell the actual truth...whether it hurts the feelings of the Socialists and mentally ill or not. If our nation somehow survives the current insanity and detachment (perhaps even if it doesn't) I suspect that in retrospect the last 15 years or so will be ridiculed in the future. There cannot be any lasting value to these lies and detachment from science and reality. No good thing every comes from deceit , malfeasance, abusing children, lying to the masses etc. The far left are so far removed from common sense and reality that they are unlikely to ever wake up.
Yea, the avg satisfaction score of all participants was 5 out of 5 with 5 being the most satisfied. And the avg regret score was 0 out of 100 with 0 being no regret at all. They sent out 235 surveys and 139 responded.

But the breast cancer comparison stood out to me too. They’re saying more women regret having mastectomies for breast cancer treatment than for gender affirmation.

That would make sense because the women with cancer didn't want the mastectomies, they had to have it performed for survival.

The gender affirming groups wants the mastectomy.

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