The Problems with Trans-ideology

Shocking lol. “Just asking questions” and making garbage statements at the same time
You’re on the grooming conspiracy track. I didn’t say a thing about grooming, did I? I just surmised the “P” would be added in the future. Maybe, maybe not. Again, you’re context is crap. I think it’s naive to think the pedo group isn’t going to try to attach themselves the the LGBTQ crowd as they are already calling it their “identity” and looking for a way to legitimize their proclivity. Don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility they will put a lot of pressure on the LGBTQ community to accept that down the road.
You’re on the grooming conspiracy track. I didn’t say a thing about grooming, did I? I just surmised the “P” would be added in the future. Maybe, maybe not. Again, you’re context is crap. I think it’s naive to think the pedo group isn’t going to try to attach themselves the the LGBTQ crowd as they are already calling it their “identity” and looking for a way to legitimize their proclivity. Don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility they will put a lot of pressure on the LGBTQ community to accept that down the road.
Missed the second quote, huh? This is essentially what you're saying. Associating LGBTQ with pedophilia is the conspiracy theory, they have no connection to each other

The conspiracy theory behind the trope draws on older forms of prejudice against LGBT people to argue that LGBT people are systematically using LGBT-inclusive sex education and campaigns for LGBT rights as a method of normalizing pedophilia and indoctrinating children.
Missed the second quote, huh? This is essentially what you're saying. Associating LGBTQ with pedophilia is the conspiracy theory
No, it’s not…no matter how many times you copy and paste. It’s more than a stretch if that’s what you took from my last post. I presented it from a totally different angle. No use discussing it any further if you’re that dense and obtuse.
You cannot be serious with this ****. Here's a quick lesson

A homosexual woman can get pregnant just like a heterosexual woman can

A homosexual man can not get pregnant just like a heterosexual man can not

You're quickly entering a special level of dumb with your posts
I guess the term natural means something different to you....basically a gay couple cannot produce a child NATURALLY that contains both thier DNA.....hence why IVF is needed and a 3rd party... Naturally (both parent DNA) occurring pregnancies are not possible with a gay couple....even in nature no gay sex can result in a child...its a choice
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Good thing us heteros just take a number and *boom* we get a baby.

** or sometimes DON'T take a number and get a couple anyway...pretty sure I could impregnate a STOP sign if I stared too long. Very expensive trait btw....

Yeah thats disappointing. I bet Ken Jennings just got disowned by the LDS church. There will be an empty pew at ward #23790 in Salt Lake City for a service or 2.
Uh on interracial marriage and homosexuality we definitely are. Slavery too, let me know if you disagree

Irrelevant to his point completely

Wait so you're also anti-interracial marriage? No wonder you have these opinions lol
You do realize you agree with him constantly in the Israel-Palestinian thread?
not there is subset of society that chooses that life...but its not natural.....still believe in the gay gene huh
Homosexual activity in the larger animal kingdom has long been observed.

It’s relatively common amongst the Great Cetaceans. It’s been observed with Dolphins, Pinnipeds, other Hominids, as well as Monkeys.

What can best be described as “sex for fun” has also been observed in other high functioning species. So the act cannot purely be defined as for reproduction in the natural world.
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Homosexual activity in the larger animal kingdom has long been observed.

It’s relatively common amongst the Great Cetaceans. It’s been observed with Dolphins, Pinnipeds, other Hominids, as well as Monkeys.

What can best be described as “sex for fun” has also been observed in other high functioning species. So the act cannot purely be defined as for reproduction in the natural world.
much of the same sex in the animal kingdom come from act of dominance...also study show that over population and over abundance leads to homosexual sex mouse heaven and the "beautiful one" ceased to exist when that happened..
Animal and humans have been know to have aex with inanimate objects because it feels good.
Now homosexuality is.more then just the act. It involve pair bonding and exclusivity. That does not exist and cannot exsit in nature..even the example you gave none have been exclusive....because if an spieces exclusively engages in homosexuality the Speices itself would die out..
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New opposition from whom?

But Republicans — many of whom voted for the 2021 bill that was a precursor to this effort — warn now of unintended consequences to public and private institutions for crimes that occurred potentially decades in the past.

They include Sen. Mark Baisley of Woodland Park, whose name is on the proposed amendment as a sponsor. He said this week that he now plans to vote no, in part over a worry that good organizations could be “devastated” by claims targeting the actions of past leadership.
The law shot down by the courts had wide, bipartisan support when it passed the chamber in 2021. For the new amendment, backers secured initial support from some Republicans, including Baisley, who agreed to attach his name.

But that bipartisan support has evaporated.
“We’re 100% in favor of protecting children from sexual predators,” said Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen, a Monument Republican. “But this bill wants to reach back and make retrospective financial claims against large pools of cash and big institutions. It’s not designed to actually protect children from sexual predators.”

Every LoTT post full of fearmongering BS is like this lol. I knew when I read it that it was BS but it’s even worse than I thought
This too, but nope, everyone I don’t like is a pedophile

Some Democrats in the state legislature oppose mandatory minimum sentencing, arguing that minorities are disproportionately incarcerated and that the law is duplicative.

Members of the Colorado Public Defender's Office and the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar have testified against it. A public defender handout argued the bill "is unnecessary because in most circumstances across Colorado, these crimes are charged concurrently with Human Trafficking."

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