Hey there. Glad to see you among the unwashed masses in the PF. Haha.... Like the vast, overwhelming majority of men I believe that there are only 2 sexes/genders. Male XY and female XX. I think that all athletics should be divided based upon those lines.
As a Conservative I am extremely pro-women and their rights. So are my Mom, wife, daughter and all the other Conservative women I know. Our views may diverge when it comes to abortion...but even there folks views vary greatly from person to person under the umbrella of "Conservative people". For example...I personally believe abortion should be legal in cases of rape or incest, as well as when the pregnancy poses a serious or imminent threat to the life of the mother...at a minimum. Past that I am not sure where to draw the line, but I know the State cannot legislate morality. I think each state should decide for themselves like most other laws. Would my wife and I abort a child? No. My daughter of 16 says that under no circumstances would she abort a child either, but honestly if having the baby was gonna take her life then I am not sure how I would feel about that...because she means everything to me. I pray I never have to worry about that.
Anyway, this issue is always very complicated and nuanced. People tend to get quite upset about it. This is the only issue I know of that a person could misconstrue into thinking Conservatives are not "pro women" though. I say this in response to your post saying that he "was a liberal so they are probably for womens rights in every other area." I dont find the liberal platform to be pro women at all honestly. In fact...they are decidedly anti-human in several different ways. They are also anti-USA as they are always doing their best to destroy this once greater nation with their terrible ideas and policies. Decidedly Socialist liberal policy is anti-individual, anti-God, anti-human etc. These horrible ideas have failed every single time they have been implemented as the primary form of government...most recently in the failed states of the USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela.
Those are my views anyway. I am extremely for women everywhere...they are 1 of my favorite things that God ever made. Especially my daughter. Glad to have you here exchanging ideas with us. Definitely not trying to argue with you or upset you...in fact I am glad you are here.