The Problems with Trans-ideology

According to this article and the photos...BG is a straight biological MaleXY. His mom is mentally ill and either he is also, OR he is just a coward that likes to compete against girls like the MalesXY in school sports competing against girls.

The real questions are:

1. Why is he allowed to play in the WNBA?

2. Why do his teammates have to put up with a man in their locker room?

3. Where would he fit into mens basketball where he belongs? Bench player? D-league? Europe? No way he is a starter in the NBA.

What in the heck is wrong with the WNBA? For a league that has a huge % of lesbians that have no use for a man whatsoever... why do they put up with playing with and against a MaleXY?

Who cares?
taking someone's autistic son and forcing them to transition has to be a new low

Nowhere in there is "forcing them to transition," but what is in there is that they were bad enough parents to have their child placed in foster care
Nowhere in there is "forcing them to transition," but what is in there is that they were bad enough parents to have their child placed in foster care
nowhere in the article does it say the "parents were terrible" so he was moved to foster care.
Yeah child protective services often takes your children away and places them in foster care because of what amazing parents you were
How do you know they didn't take the child away because the parents didn't support transitioning? It's honestly not clear in the article what the reasoning was.

I forgot government agencies would never infringe on parental rights. -NashVol11
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Yeah child protective services often takes your children away and places them in foster care because of what amazing parents you were
There are a number of troubling allegations in this article. Having a member of the hospital staff, who is transgender and a staunch supporter of transitioning without parental consent, being the foster of this child is a problem. The fact they've made other attempts at self harm and haven't been removed is an issue as well. Take away completely the personal beliefs and the fact they are transgender and this situation wouldn't pass basic oversight, factor in those things and conflicts of interest abound. Red flags all over the place.

It's a bad look for the hospital and the program.
There are a number of troubling allegations in this article. Having a member of the hospital staff, who is transgender and a staunch supporter of transitioning without parental consent, being the foster of this child is a problem. The fact they've made other attempts at self harm and haven't been removed is an issue as well. Take away completely the personal beliefs and the fact they are transgender and this situation wouldn't pass basic oversight, factor in those things and conflicts of interest abound. Red flags all over the place.

It's a bad look for the hospital and the program.
the lawsuit claims the following:

" In addition, hospital staff treated the parents as if they were abusive, though Mr. Jones said child protective services later cleared them of this charge, which is why they are now filing the lawsuit, Mr. Jones said.

“Continuously denied custody of their child by hospital employees who repeatedly placed back-to-back, three-day holds keeping their child in emergency status in order to hold the child for virtually all of November and December 2021 under his parents’ insurance, the Doe Parents have been denied access to and/or custody of their child continuously from that period onward,” the lawsuit states. “John Doe III has never returned to the Doe Parents’ home.”

The lawsuit says that hospital staff deprived the Does of their right to “parent their disabled and impressionable child.”

The son is still living with the transgender chaplain—who uses the pronouns “his/her/their”—in Washington, the lawsuit says.
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the lawsuit claims the following:

" In addition, hospital staff treated the parents as if they were abusive, though Mr. Jones said child protective services later cleared them of this charge, which is why they are now filing the lawsuit, Mr. Jones said.

“Continuously denied custody of their child by hospital employees who repeatedly placed back-to-back, three-day holds keeping their child in emergency status in order to hold the child for virtually all of November and December 2021 under his parents’ insurance, the Doe Parents have been denied access to and/or custody of their child continuously from that period onward,” the lawsuit states. “John Doe III has never returned to the Doe Parents’ home.”

The lawsuit says that hospital staff deprived the Does of their right to “parent their disabled and impressionable child.”

The son is still living with the transgender chaplain—who uses the pronouns “his/her/their”—in Washington, the lawsuit says.
Wow.. sounds like grooming to me.. transgender chaplain? WTF
all the IOC spokes person said was:

“Obviously I am not going to comment on individuals,” the IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said. “That’s really invidious and unfair. But I would just say that everyone competing in the women’s category is complying with the competition eligibility rules. They are women in their passports and it is stated that is the case.”

Doesn't sound to me like the IOC did anything other than take their word for it
all the IOC spokes person said was:

“Obviously I am not going to comment on individuals,” the IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said. “That’s really invidious and unfair. But I would just say that everyone competing in the women’s category is complying with the competition eligibility rules. They are women in their passports and it is stated that is the case.”

Doesn't sound to me like the IOC did anything other than take their word for it
They have tests, genius. Her testosterone was within normal levels. They don't just say "Are you a woman? Yes? OK here's an Olympic berth"
They have tests, genius. Her testosterone was within normal levels. They don't just say "Are you a woman? Yes? OK here's an Olympic berth"
Are the reports that the Algerian has XY chromosomes incorrect?

You can have XY and suppress your testosterone levels. Lia Thomas did that when she was swimming.
Are the reports that the Algerian has XY chromosomes incorrect?

You can have XY and suppress your testosterone levels. Lia Thomas did that when she was swimming.
All indications are that they are incorrect, both Reuters and the IOC reported that the IBA's test was a hormone test and it also wouldn't make sense for her to pass a "DNA test" with XX chromosomes for the 2022 World Championships but be XY in 2023. IIRC the IBA has also been rife with corruption and her country was in a dispute with one of the IBA's heavy hitters at the time
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All indications are that they are incorrect, both Reuters and the IOC reported that the IBA's test was a hormone test and it also wouldn't make sense for her to pass a "DNA test" with XX chromosomes for the 2022 World Championships but be XY in 2023. IIRC the IBA has also been rife with corruption and her country was in a dispute with one of the IBA's heavy hitters at the time

Do we know that she had a chromosome test in 2022?

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