The Problems with Trans-ideology

Trans Inmate to be Moved To Women's Prison and Get Vaginoplasty after suing Minnesota DOC for $495K when they deferred her 'bottom surgery'

A Minnesota transgender woman who is serving prison time on a drug charge has successfully sued the state Department of Corrections for discrimination and will be transferred to a women's facility.

Christina Lusk, 56, will also be receiving $495,000 in financial compensation and vaginoplasty as she is sent to an all-women facility in Shakopee this week after claiming sexual and verbal abuse in an all-male facility.

Lusk, who is legally recognized as a female, came out as transgender 14 years ago, started hormone therapy, and legally changed her name in 2018. The following year she pleaded guilty to a felony drug possession charge.

The settlement also promises Lusk will be given further gender-affirming healthcare and will strengthen its policies to protect transgender inmated.


Lusk, of Minneapolis, came out as transgender 14 years ago, started human therapy, and legally changed her name in 2018. The following year she pleaded guilty to a felony drug possession charge

Trans inmate to be moved to women's prison and get vaginoplasty after suing Minnesota DOC | Daily Mail Online
Is a dude, and will always be a dude. Even if they cut off his Johnson, he's a man. What will be interesting is when all this nonsense subsides and he is sent back to the pound me in the ass prison where he belongs.
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Major League Baseball Teams Celebrate Pride Month With ‘Rainbow Walks’ And Pregame Drag Shows

  • Many of the Major League Baseball teams are looking to celebrate Pride Month in June, with multiple hosting drag shows, rainbow walks and LGBTQ-themed fireworks.
Dozens of Major League Baseball (MLB) teams are planning for their annual Pride Night this month, and several are going the extra mile with drag shows, rainbow walks and LGBTQ scholarships.

Major League Baseball Teams Celebrate Pride Month With ‘Rainbow Walks’ And Pregame Drag Shows
Skipped ahead a bit 8188...but wanted to ask you about something. Are you familiar with Jordan Peterson? See the Matt Walsh documentary "what is a woman?" And the interview on JPs youtube channel about it? If not check them out bro. Jordan is priceless...he is exactly what America and especially younger men need as a rolemodel/mentor...i like Matt too, but as of yet havent listened to nearly as much of his content. Yet...

Thats not the documentary, but i think it has the trailer...and a dose of both JP and Matt. I am a long time subscriber to JP. He is great. Check em out broseph.
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No, I am making the argument that parents that are involved know what their kids are learning in school and provide thought provoking conversations on said topics within the home.

So parents with kids in public schools (legally mandated with penalties including incarceration of the parents unless you can afford private or homeschool) should just STFU and let whatever garbage the goverment wants to teach their kids be taught as facts....then try to actually talk some sense into their kids by refuting all the garbage at home?!?

Thats asinine, and should never be the way parents let their kids get an education. Involved parents, which have carefully guided, educated, and churched their kids since birth do NOT want the "woke mind disease" and affiliated propaganda to EVER be forced on their kids at home, school, or church. To Hell with that nonsense. Liberal poons can indoctrinate their own kids at home if they want to encourage these mental illnesses. The hypocrite lefties fought tooth and nail every inch of the way to get God and Creation taken out of public schools, court houses etc because THEY did not believe in they want to smuggle in all this depravity and foist it upon impressionable young minds while parents are supposed to shut up and hope for the best as their kids are lied to and brainwashed??

Hell no!! No way . Keep ANY kind of sexuality talk or education away from these kids. Aside from a health class teaching basic human biology and function, the state/feds need to keep their crap away from the kids altogether. Parents get to decide when and how their kids learn about sexual reproduction etc. Its not the schools job to address these things at all IMO...much less the absolute insanity of 50 different new pronouns (ridiculous).. ever expanding letters after LGB...or the COMPLETE BS the leftists now scream about "gender is a social construct". (Insanity) it isn't. Basic human biology says that males have XY chromosomes and females have XX chromosomes and boys and girls grow up to be men and women. Anything that deviates from that is 100% delusional fiction....and those of us which still have our mental faculties are tired of the bullsheit.

We are not responsible for your delusions...nor will we play along with them. Period.

I dont give a damn what 2 consenting adults do in their bedrooms...and i do not have kids in public school because i have spent more than 2 years salary so far to keep my kids in Christian school. That doesnt mean that I will not stand with sane parents who cannot afford to do what we have done, though. This bullcrap has to stop. It should have never been allowed to take root. If we actually paid teachers relative to how important they are to doubling their salaries as a start...we wouldnt end up scraping the bottom of the barrel for these liberal moron teachers and administrators. Sane people need to take back control of the public school system.
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This is not right and should not happen at a publicly funded university:

Krolczyk said she received a zero on the proposal. According to the student, her professor left notes on the assignment saying it was a "solid proposal," but that the "terms 'biological women' are exclusionary" and "not allowed in this course as they further reinforce heteronormativity." She also said her professor later emailed her saying the terminology was "transphobic."

UC student says she got failing grade for saying 'biological women'

This is why I could not stand humanities and preferred to stick to math and science where subjectivity did not figure in


There are many, many more JP videos i could link here that are unrelated to thread title, but I digress. In my opinion, he is one of the great "thinkers" or "minds" of this or any other age. He sees thru the propaganda and outright lies we see and hear everyday. He is a Dr. In clinical psychology by trade, a husband, father, a Christian and a humble leader. I would love for my 21yo and 14yo to look to him as a role model. As an aside...i was introduced to his work by my 14yo daughter! The truth he speaks has struck a chord with the young generation (thank God) he has 7 million subscribers on youtube alone. Yall check him out and let me know what you think. You can tap on his little logo thing in the left corner of the videos to get to his youtube channel...or simply go to youtube and search "jordan peterson" to see his channel where there are many more videos that you may be interested in.
I dont give a damn what 2 consenting adults do in their bedrooms...and i do not have kids in public school because i have spent more than 2 years salary so far to keep my kids in Christian school. That doesnt mean that I will not stand with sane parents who cannot afford to do what we have done, though. This bullcrap has to stop. It should have never been allowed to take root. If we actually paid teachers relative to how important they are to doubling their salaries as a start...we wouldnt end up scraping the bottom of the barrel for these liberal moron teachers and administrators. Sane people need to take back control of the public school system.

Yeah, the ol line of I dont care what adults do (which I used to believe as well) doesnt cut it any longer. The alphabet mafia has shown their hand. They arent content unless they can flaunt their destructive lifestyles in front of children.

"OK. Besides this video and the other 2,786 videos from the last couple of years, what evidence do you even have that the state is brainwashing kids?!?! Fear mongering and paranoia! But, just FYI, there's nothing wrong with the state trying to indoctrinate your kids into being a non-bigot!"
Ah yes, the slippery slope.

Like the 2A issue, this is why we cannot give an inch.

The same people who will mock slippery slopes will base their entire reasoning on why they should be able to take more gun rights on a slippery slope. “It’s not unlimited” “you can’t own a tank”, etc
He said if you were a groomer. Not if you were trans.

Lol. Groomer was in reference to being trans. He thought it was a cute analogy saying trannies take a tougher road to be pedophiles by publicly displaying their mental derangement and obsession of being around kids when they could become a priest and be a pedophile where kids would be brought to them. Trannies in either regard.
Lol. Groomer was in reference to being trans. He thought it was a cute analogy saying trannies take a tougher road to be pedophiles by publicly displaying their mental derangement and obsession of being around kids when they could become a priest and be a pedophile where kids would be brought to them. Trannies in either regard.

It was a relatively simple tweet for you to misinterpret it this badly lol

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