what do you think about it ? I haven't been really impressed with it so far,Worley has been looking really good passing from it
but it looks to me that it is hurting the run game and we all know you need to have a solid running game in the SEC
i know that the read option needs a running Quarter Back to make it work,UT doesn't have that,and no Dobbs evidently isn't the answer,he had his chance last year to take over the team and he hasn't
what is the average running play ? 3.7 yards per carry,counting Worleys yards?
to me the running plays are slow to develop and when the Offensive Line does open up a hole,it closes quickly,while they are doing the slow hand off in the back field
I have no idea what they will do to fix it.or if they will do something different come Saturday night,the Vols will need to control the clock and make first downs
I'm sure most of you have had some thoughts along the same line,what do you think the Vols will do something different come Saturday or will it look the same ?