The Red Line: Part Deux

:lolabove: shovel ready wasn't so shovel ready after all. Still wonder where all that stimulus (billions) money went? Have they fixed any bridges & roads yet anywhere maybe? I'm sure they have??

It went into a giant slush fund for Barry and the libs ...a large portion went to his reelection as well.
Unbelievably small ?
All that would do is pour gas on the fire.

What is their point of bombing?
I say take them out or walk away.
I vote for walking away.

This administration is a total flop.

Syria Strike To Be "Unbelievably Small" Kerry Promises, Leaves Everyone Puzzled | Zero Hedge

The latest spin from John Kerry: the Syrian attack would be "unbelievably small" as he characterized it today at a London press conference. Or, in the parlance of our times, "just the tip."
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The amateur-hour continues - a proposal that was virtually mocked by Kerry and State spokespeople now getting a "hard look"

Time for Plan B? US lawmakers, Russia push alternative to Syria strike | Fox News

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki seemed to walk back Kerry's original remark, clarifying that Kerry "was making a rhetorical argument about the impossibility and unlikelihood of Assad turning over chemical weapons he has denied he used."
She added: "His point was that this brutal dictator with a history of playing fast and loose with the facts cannot be trusted to turn over chemical weapons otherwise he would have done so long ago."
But the State Department said later in the day that it would take a "hard look" at the proposal.

Clearly this would be inferior to the "unbelievably small" strong message the administration wants to send to Assad via military action
The amateur-hour continues - a proposal that was virtually mocked by Kerry and State spokespeople now getting a "hard look"

Time for Plan B? US lawmakers, Russia push alternative to Syria strike | Fox News

Clearly this would be inferior to the "unbelievably small" strong message the administration wants to send to Assad via military action

Huh? Makes perfect sense to be skeptical that the proposal is real. It was my first thought at hearing about it.

Seems to me that what you are REALLY worried about is that this will in fact work out and you don't like the notion that Obama would, rightfully, get credit for it.
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1) Why would Assad use chemical weapons now? He is fighting a civil war and for the most part prevailing. Why would he do the one thing that has been explicitly stated to bring US intervention? A chemical attack is an act of desperation, either to contend with superior numbers (Iraq-Iran war) or because you have nothing left to lose. If Assad were about to be lynched like Hussein and Gaddafi, I could see chemical attacks being ordered.

2) If rebels really want US intervention to defeat Assad, how would they go about reaching that goal? From a Machiavellian view, would using chemical weapons on your own people, killing hundreds, justify the ouster of Assad and potentially saving thousands?
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1) Why would Assad use chemical weapons now? He is fighting a civil war and for the most part prevailing. Why would he do the one thing that has been explicitly stated to bring US intervention? A chemical attack is an act of desperation, either to contend with superior numbers (Iraq-Iran war) or because you have nothing left to lose. If Assad were about to be lynched like Hussein and Gaddafi, I could see chemical attacks being ordered.

2) If rebels really want US intervention to defeat Assad, how would they go about reaching that goal? From a Machiavellian view, would using chemical weapons on your own people, killing hundreds, justify the ouster of Assad and potentially saving thousands?

I've asked this same question without an answer from the Obama cult.

The answers are either;

1. Assad didn't use CWs

2. Assad did use CWs thinking Obama is so weak and has so little support both in the US and around the world, he can't do anything.

In either case Obama has made this country a laughing stock. Again!
1) Why would Assad use chemical weapons now? He is fighting a civil war and for the most part prevailing. Why would he do the one thing that has been explicitly stated to bring US intervention? A chemical attack is an act of desperation, either to contend with superior numbers (Iraq-Iran war) or because you have nothing left to lose. If Assad were about to be lynched like Hussein and Gaddafi, I could see chemical attacks being ordered.

2) If rebels really want US intervention to defeat Assad, how would they go about reaching that goal? From a Machiavellian view, would using chemical weapons on your own people, killing hundreds, justify the ouster of Assad and potentially saving thousands?

There have been approximately 10-12 prior attacks, this was the largest, and analysts believe was intended to push the envelope, to test the international community and the US. if he could get away with this, he could get away with much, much more.

What you have written is rhetorical questions designed to infer that the rebels did it, all evidence to the contrary.
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I've asked this same question without an answer from the Obama cult.

The answers are either;

1. Assad didn't use CWs

2. Assad did use CWs thinking Obama is so weak and has so little support both in the US and around the world, he can't do anything.

In either case Obama has made this country a laughing stock. Again!

It's Obama's fault Assad used chem weapons?

That's a new one.
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What you have written is rhetorical questions designed to infer that the rebels did it, all evidence to the contrary.

the rebels did the one a few months ago. No evidence besides "it's common sense Assad did it" has been presented by anyone. In actuality common sense says the exact opposite. Even the reps in Congress who have seen the evidence say it actually pushed them further away from authorizing strikes.

quit lying about the evidence because there is nothing concrete like you're trying to make it sound. If there were then our warships would already be thousands of pounds lighter and calling for resupply
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Huh? Makes perfect sense to be skeptical that the proposal is real. It was my first thought at hearing about it.

Seems to me that what you are REALLY worried about is that this will in fact work out and you don't like the notion that Obama would, rightfully, get credit for it.

Work out? What the hell does that mean wrt Syria?

This will be entertaining.
Work out? What the hell does that mean wrt Syria?

This will be entertaining.

If there is any sort of diplomatic solution at the point of a gun, it will be because Obama pointed it at Assad.

Elementary perceived threat no penalties ...

So you were in favor of a strike and w/o Congress consultation? Shall we go back and verify that in your per-8/30 posts?

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The timeline for a surprise attack has long passed...i was addressing your statement as to why Barry is the one to blame for the use of cw.
If there is any sort of diplomatic solution at the point of a gun, it will be because Obama pointed it at Assad.

Obama's gun is about as scary as this guy's. He doesn't have one until Congress opens the safe (and that's not happening)


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If there is any sort of diplomatic solution at the point of a gun, it will be because Obama pointed it at Assad.

So you were in favor of a strike and w/o Congress consultation? Shall we go back and verify that in your per-8/30 posts?


What a joke!
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There have been approximately 10-12 prior attacks, this was the largest, and analysts believe was intended to push the envelope, to test the international community and the US. if he could get away with this, he could get away with much, much more.

What you have written is rhetorical questions designed to infer that the rebels did it, all evidence to the contrary.

What evidence? Have I missed something? I haven't seen any evidence at all that shows Assad's guilt or innocence. I'm curious about the evidence Putin supposedly has. But wait, I'm supposed to take everything Obama says at face value, right? I mean, it's not like our own govt. has ever lied to us or anything.
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“Today’s development should make Members of Congress more willing to vote yes,” McCain and Graham said in a joint statement. “This will give the President additional leverage to press Russia and Syria to make good on their proposal to take the weapons of mass destruction out of Assad’s hands.”

this man is a mess. Shut him up

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