The Red Line: Part Deux

Huh? Makes perfect sense to be skeptical that the proposal is real. It was my first thought at hearing about it.

Seems to me that what you are REALLY worried about is that this will in fact work out and you don't like the notion that Obama would, rightfully, get credit for it.

It was dismissed as nonsense. Then it became one under serious consideration. They continue to stick their foot in their mouths.
This interview is full of win [/sarcasm]

Obama: "I understand" American people aren't with me on Syria strike - CBS News

A few lines that make me go hmmmm

I have shown great restraint, I think, over the last two years, despite the heartbreak that's happened there.

what is it with this guy and his ego?

Well, I mean, I think it was intended as a threat. I don't take it as a credible threat in the sense that Mr. Assad doesn't have the capacity to strike us in a significant way.

Yet we must strike him militarily?

Keep in mind, Iran was subjected to chemical weapons use by Saddam Hussein. So the Iranian population thinks chemical weapons are terrible and probably consider what Assad did to be a grave mistake. So I don't think they would start a war with us over that.

Going LG on us with his mind reading abilities. Glad to know Obama thinks the Iranian population runs the country and if we strike Iran "probably" wouldn't start a war over it.

that chemical weapons were used, that over a thousand people were killed, that the way that these weapons were delivered makes it almost certain that Assad's forces used them, when even Iran has acknowledged that chemical weapons were used inside of Syria.

What I'm saying is that I'm pretty sure it was Assad - even the Iranians admit someone used CW

If there is any sort of diplomatic solution at the point of a gun, it will be because Obama pointed it at Assad.

So you were in favor of a strike and w/o Congress consultation? Shall we go back and verify that in your per-8/30 posts?


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Succeeding at what? You are in full on delusion mode.

If an agreement is indeed in place whereby chemical weapons are taken over by the UN it will only be because Obama pressured them into doing it. And if it turns out to be a ploy, that will probably be the straw that allows Obama to strike.

Its a win-win for Obama.
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he got played by Putin because of his idiotic SoS. That's pretty clear

if he strikes without Congressional approval he should face impeachment. It's illegal
he got played by Putin because of his idiotic SoS. That's pretty clear

if he strikes without Congressional approval he should face impeachment. It's illegal

I thought a president could go to war with out approval. It just wasn't funded.
he got played by Putin because of his idiotic SoS. That's pretty clear

if he strikes without Congressional approval he should face impeachment. It's illegal

Loosely throwing the threat around just because they do not like the POTUS and for political reasons does a disservice to the seriousness of the process when they so cavalierly invoke it like this.
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Loosely throwing the threat around just because they do not like the POTUS and for political reasons does a disservice to the seriousness of the process when they so cavalierly invoke it like this.
it's illegal for the Potus without approval. That's not even debatable
I thought a president could go to war with out approval. It just wasn't funded.

not sure how he would do that unless Obama plans to hand over his CC

(c) Presidential executive power as Commander-in-Chief; limitation The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to
(1) a declaration of war,
(2) specific statutory authorization, or
(3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
If an agreement is indeed in place whereby chemical weapons are taken over by the UN it will only be because Obama pressured them into doing it. And if it turns out to be a ploy, that will probably be the straw that allows Obama to strike.

Its a win-win for Obama.

On the off chance that you are serious:

It's looking now like even the Senate is in doubt about supporting a strike.

Putin will be the one who brokers a deal that we scoffed at originally and that deal will result in Russia working to stop the US from unilaterally striking a country it is not a war with just for punishment's sake. Russia and Putin (the guy who didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize) will rightly get credit for a diplomatic solution rather than a military one.

One might naturally ask too why we didn't pursue this path originally instead of taking shots at Russia and a full-tilt move towards military action.

If the deal doesn't go through the US public and likely Congress will still not support a strike (maybe he'll get the Senate) and it will be a good 3 - 6 months away from the his (err I mean the world's) red line.

If you try to spin this into a win for Obama you have lost your dang mind.
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If an agreement is indeed in place whereby chemical weapons are taken over by the UN it will only be because Obama pressured them into doing it. And if it turns out to be a ploy, that will probably be the straw that allows Obama to strike.

Its a win-win for Obama.

Obama has been played! Let it play out and watch the evidence that the Rebels staged the attack come to light.
not sure how he would do that unless Obama plans to hand over his CC

Ok. For some reason I believed it could be done, but was not funded over the 250,000 dollar mark. And that congress could approve even after the fact of going to war.

I apologize for being wrong.
Ok. For some reason I believed it could be done, but was not funded over the 250,000 dollar mark. And that congress could approve even after the fact of going to war.

if they approved after then they basically hand all authority over to the Potus. Not sure why they have been so willing to do that in the past (unless they just don't want their name tied to a vote)

I apologize for being wrong.
damn if LG did that he be the top poster on this board :)

there's so much bad info out about the money, Potus has 60 days, etc that it's no wonder the people are confused. Appears the WH is too
if they approved after then they basically hand all authority over to the Potus. Not sure why they have been so willing to do that in the past (unless they just don't want their name tied to a vote)

damn if LG did that he be the top poster on this board :)

there's so much bad info out about the money, Potus has 60 days, etc that it's no wonder the people are confused. Appears the WH is too

I'm not surprised I'm wrong. Lol. Been awhile since I have been in school.

LG wrong? Blasphemy.
On the off chance that you are serious:

It's looking now like even the Senate is in doubt about supporting a strike.

Putin will be the one who brokers a deal that we scoffed at originally and that deal will result in Russia working to stop the US from unilaterally striking a country it is not a war with just for punishment's sake. Russia and Putin (the guy who didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize) will rightly get credit for a diplomatic solution rather than a military one.

One might naturally ask too why we didn't pursue this path originally instead of taking shots at Russia and a full-tilt move towards military action.

If the deal doesn't go through the US public and likely Congress will still not support a strike (maybe he'll get the Senate) and it will be a good 3 - 6 months away from the his (err I mean the world's) red line.

If you try to spin this into a win for Obama you have lost your dang mind.

Actually, the idea started with an off the cuff remark by Kerry.
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