The Red Line: Part Deux

Have we conducted strategic cruise missile strikes like Obama said on National TV yet? Been distracted with football. We done anything? Obama formulating a game plan?
Over 80 civilians in a town northwest of the Syrian capital of Damascus have been executed by Islamist rebels, sources within the Syrian military told RT. Many others were kidnapped to be used as human shields.

‘People toasted in ovens’
What the Islamist rebels did when they entered Adra on Wednesday morning was a “massacre,” one a local resident told RT.

“The situation was terrible - with killing, atrocities, and fear as the background. Unidentified armed men came into town, but it was obvious that they were Jabhat al-Nusra militants,” Muhammad Al-Said said.

“The worst crime they committed was that they toasted people in ovens used to bake bread when those people came to buy it. They kidnapped and beat up many,” he added.

Not a peep from the WH on this
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Am I the only one who thinks a civil war in Syria is not all bad? It keeps the little heathens busy OVER THERE.
What are you waiting for it to say?

He hasn't been shy commenting in the past when he could take shots at Assad.

He weighed in on events like the Trayvon Martin case, the Henry Gates arrest, etc.

Seems if Obama wants to play the role of moral authority, for consistency, now might be a good time to speak up.
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Shocking that Syria is no where meeting the plan destroying chemical weapons. Concerns arising about development of biological weapons and of course the stated goal of "Assad must go" is further and further from reality
"Al Quaeda is on the run!"

“Kerry confirmed that,” said Graham, “The first thing [Kerry] said [to the lawmakers] is, ‘The al Qaeda threat is real. It is getting out of hand.’”
typical, McCain and Graham want to start bombing someone or something; anyone or anything.

Rest assured, the GOP war hawks are chomping at the bit to get us in another conflict. Whenever I hear Graham and McCain in the same sentence, I know I'm dealing with the bottom of the barrel.
Rest assured, the GOP war hawks are chomping at the bit to get us in another conflict. Whenever I hear Graham and McCain in the same sentence, I know I'm dealing with the bottom of the barrel.

I think there will be a hard sell on this one though. I don't think McCain and Graham are representative of the entire party on this one.
The status quo is terrible.

Arming combatants could end up even worse.

Bombing might not solve anything.

So it is.
What would you do differently than the administration is doing with Ukraine?

Forgoing my non-interventionists views, if I were serious about making the Russians pay I'd take the following steps;

1. Implement wide sweeping sanctions targeting actual regime players.

2. I would beef up current American deployments in Europe and increase our presences in the Baltic & Eastern Europe.

3. I would designate the Ukraine as a Major Non-NATO Ally and start pouring weapons, equipment, and training resources into rebuilding and reorganizing the Ukrainian military.
Forgoing my non-interventionists views, if I were serious about making the Russians pay I'd take the following steps;

1. Implement wide sweeping sanctions targeting actual regime players.

2. I would beef up current American deployments in Europe and increase our presences in the Baltic & Eastern Europe.

3. I would designate the Ukraine as a Major Non-NATO Ally and start pouring weapons, equipment, and training resources into rebuilding and reorganizing the Ukrainian military.

We are doing #1.

#2 serves no purpose.

#3 is never going to happen and for good reason.
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What would you do differently than the administration is doing with Ukraine?

Do you honestly think sending anti-tank missiles to the rebel forces is a wise idea? Arming the so called "friendly" groups that could and probably eventually will end up allying themselves with the other groups with Al Qaeda links? Once those missiles are out of our hands, God only knows where they will end up once this is all over.

Which doesn't answer your question, because your question is dumb. We refuse to give arms and defensive weaponry to pro-West Ukrainian Government forces, yet give them to Syrian rebel groups that we have zero control over in the long run? Are you seriously asking this kind of question?

But what Burhead said was spot on. If we are going to get involved and get serious about "making Russia pay" then we should be looking at those kinds of weapons systems for the Ukrainians instead of sleeping bags and generators. The Syrian rebels had their chance and if they lose to the government they were fighting, sucks to be them. On the other hand the Ukraine basically was invaded by another nation and we "sanctioned" a dozen Russians and give them cold weather gear?

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We are doing #1.

#2 serves no purpose.

#3 is never going to happen and for good reason.

1. Not really to scale I'm calling for.

2. Serves no purpose? You don't think reaffirming our European commitments would not cause Putin to think twice and also would reassure our NATO allies we are committed to the treaty?

3. Why not? If the Ukrainians had a modern Western military Putin wouldn't have rolled his troops in Crimea let alone Eastern Ukraine.
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Do you honestly think sending anti-tank missiles to the rebel forces is a wise idea? Arming the so called "friendly" groups that could and probably eventually will end up allying themselves with the other groups with Al Qaeda links? Once those missiles are out of our hands, God only knows where they will end up once this is all over.

Which doesn't answer your question, because your question is dumb. We refuse to give arms and defensive weaponry to pro-West Ukrainian Government forces, yet give them to Syrian rebel groups that we have zero control over in the long run? Are you seriously asking this kind of question?

But what Burhead said was spot on. If we are going to get involved and get serious about "making Russia pay" then we should be looking at those kinds of weapons systems for the Ukrainians instead of sleeping bags and generators. The Syrian rebels had their chance and if they lose to the government they were fighting, sucks to be them. On the other hand the Ukraine basically was invaded by another nation and we "sanctioned" a dozen Russians and give them cold weather gear?


What gets me is the weapons show up now when the realities on the ground have radically changed in favor of the government.
What gets me is the weapons show up now when the realities on the ground have radically changed in favor of the government.

So what else is happening that is being covered up?

Forgive my cynical nature, but sometimes I just don't trust the tail not to wag the dog.
So what else is happening that is being covered up?

Forgive my cynical nature, but sometimes I just don't trust the tail not to wag the dog.

Not really related to this but supposedly Yanukovych is supposed to enter Donetsk sometime Sunday, that is really going to cause tensions to go up.

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