The Red Line: Part Deux

Pretty sure Congress got out of the war authorization business by issuing a blank check in 2001.

elaborate please

oh and my boy Pat brings it

Congress Should Veto Obama’s War | The American Conservative

Why is Obama making plans to launch cruise missiles on Syria?

According to a “senior administration official … who insisted on anonymity,” President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people last week in the two-year-old Syrian civil war.

But who deputized the United States to walk the streets of the world pistol-whipping bad actors. Where does our imperial president come off drawing “red lines” and ordering nations not to cross them?

Neither the Security Council nor Congress nor NATO nor the Arab League has authorized war on Syria.

Who made Barack Obama the Wyatt Earp of the Global Village?

Lest we forget, Ronald Reagan was sold the same bill of goods the War Party is selling today — that we can intervene decisively in a Mideast civil war at little or no cost to ourselves.

Reagan listened and ordered our Marines into the middle of Lebanon’s civil war. And he was there when they brought home the 241 dead from the Beirut barracks and our dead diplomats from the Beirut embassy.

The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. Congress should cut short its five-week vacation, come back, debate and decide by recorded vote whether Obama can take us into yet another Middle East war.
Who made Obama Wyatt Earp of the Global Village? Heck that's easy. Himself & the Democratic Party of YES. Yes in that they make up & put into place new Laws & Regulations as they go along. Doesn't matter to them. They are above all the Laws & Regulations that have been in place for Decades.
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That intelligence report should be released today, it will include captured signals intercepts from the Syrian military.
Several GOP members of the house and senate are saying that Obama needs to CONSULT with congress prior to an attack on Syria. This does include John Boehner.
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some comments about Assad from the last few years

Pelosi (2010):
Defying the White House's Middle East policy by meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad, Pelosi said, "The road to Damascus is a road to peace."

After meeting for three hours with Assad on Wednesday, the House speaker announced that the Syrian president is "ready to engage in negotiations for peace with Israel."
Hillary (2011):
“There’s a different leader in Syria now,” Clinton said. “Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.”
Kerry (2013):
"President Assad has been very generous with me in terms of the discussions we have had," Kerry said. "And when I last went to — the last several trips to Syria — I asked President Assad to do certain things to build the relationship with the United States."

Kerry ticked off six requests for Assad, including purchasing land for a U.S. Embassy in Damascus and border assistance with Iraq, and said the Syrian president fulfilled all of them.

"So my judgment is Syria will move; Syria will change, as it embraces a legitimate relationship with the United States and the West and economic opportunity that comes with it and the participation comes with it," he said.
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We've been at war, in multiple countries, for 12 years with only two Congressional resolutions (not declarations of war), both more than a decade old.

2 congressional resolutions and UN approval are more than O will ever consider. Last I checked we are only "at war" with one "country"
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