The Red Line: Part Deux

Doesn't offer proof of this, other than the supposed documents.

I've heard several gurus opine that this latest attack was too big for the rebels to pull off.

Several links in the video description. Interesting nonetheless.
Never can tell what our government is up to.
as Americans I believe we think way too small when it comes to conflicts like this. This is a world-wide affair and we're simply one of the players. Some small false flag op is all it takes to blow the whole thing up. Unfortunately for the current admin their predecessors turned much of the country off to war
About there being chemical weapons use at all.

pretty sure that's not right. What I questioned was the legitimacy of the reports stating thousands killed and whether it was carried out by Assad forces. I still think both are very much in question
Who are the players?

Russia is on one side trying to protect its oil and NG interests in Europe (also China who doesn't want their supply interrupted). Once Syria is removed the entire region is opened up to bypass the Russians. Who benefits from that? US/UK/Qatar/Saudi/etc.
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Russia is on one side trying to protect its oil and NG interests in Europe (also China who doesn't want their supply interrupted). Once Syria is removed the entire region is opened up to bypass the Russians. Who benefits from that? US/UK/Qatar/Saudi/etc.

There is definitely some other reason than people being slaughtered for our intervention. It always boils down to a strategic interest of a western power. This is also something that gets us closer to a world war.
has anyone in this admin defined what our goals are and what would end our intervention?

I just don't think saying "Iraq Syria has WMDs and a tyrannical leader in Saddam Assad who must be removed" is going to fly with the American people again.

"Tactical actions in the absence of strategic objectives is usually pointless and often counterproductive," Chris Harmer, a senior naval analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, said. "I never intended my analysis of a cruise missile strike option to be advocacy even though some people took it as that."

"I made it clear that this is a low cost option, but the broader issue is that low cost options don't do any good unless they are tied to strategic priorities and objectives," he added. "Any ship officer can launch 30 or 40 Tomahawks. It's not difficult. The difficulty is explaining to strategic planners how this advances U.S. interests."
Architect of Syria War Plan Doubts Surgical Strikes Will Work | The Cable
has anyone in this admin defined what our goals are and what would end our intervention?

I just don't think saying "Iraq Syria has WMDs and a tyrannical leader in Saddam Assad who must be removed" is going to fly with the American people again.

Well the difference would be this time there are actual images of civilians and children being killed. That will change a lot of people's minds. Rightly or wrongly.
Well the difference would be this time there are actual images of civilians and children being killed. That will change a lot of people's minds. Rightly or wrongly.

a few hundred (number is still unconfirmed). How many genocides have we not stepped in to stop in the past few years? How do you think pics of US soldiers dying in yet another ME war will go over?

also there is no evidence this is being carried out by Assad forces. The last time we were told that it turned out to be pretty wrong
Well the difference would be this time there are actual images of civilians and children being killed. That will change a lot of people's minds. Rightly or wrongly.

There were pictures of Kurdish women and children killed in chemical attacks in Iraq.
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a few hundred (number is still unconfirmed). How many genocides have we not stepped in to stop in the past few years? How do you think pics of US soldiers dying in yet another ME war will go over?

also there is no evidence this is being carried out by Assad forces. The last time we were told that it turned out to be pretty wrong

This! ^^ Except Sadam did have chemical weapons.

Again, there have been conventional attacks in Syria that have killed hundreds of civilians, why the sudden outrage over method?
Yep, only difference is we KNEW who used them against the Kurds. We don't know who if (if any were used) used them this time.

Chemical Ali....Saddams cousin was the trigger man....i still remember that mysterious convoy from Iraq to Syria which was strongly suspected of carrying wmds.

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