The Republican Party Today

You forget about people who were brought here as minors. Didn't choose to be here yet forced to live under a government they have no say in.

I will say, you were right. Nobody ever thinks their own views are extreme and true extremist will use any argument to justify their extremism.
So, to be clear, your claim is that it’s “extreme” to accept that minors don’t get a vote, but it’s so common as to be presumed that minors don’t have a say in the operation of their own family?
So, to be clear, your claim is that it’s “extreme” to accept that minors don’t get a vote, but it’s so common as to be presumed that minors don’t have a say in the operation of their own family?

If one suffrage test is extreme all are extreme.

Or you could just admit that some people shouldn't be voting and there needs to be qualifications to vote.
Like it or not it ain't what it use to be. Trump is destroying what it use to be and the basis of it's foundation.
Article is over the top? Not as much as one would think.
What's more, is that this Party is digging a hole to hand over the Country to a bunch of feel good liberals.
Our Country is in total chaos at the moment because of the division and it is not getting any closer to solution.
Most of it is self serving pricks on both sides in their quest for power & $$$$ using any means to stay on top.
You may agree or not agree with this Article. It makes no difference if you do or don't. It is just gas on the fire for both parties to blame each other.
Enjoy the read.

Donald Trump entered the Republican Party into "international arrangements of oligarchies" (

Lost me at. "Today's Republican Party is a de facto criminal organization." The GOP's problem is that they only cater to neutered politicians. Anyone with balls need not apply. This is easily one of the most worthless pieces of drivel ever written.
If one suffrage test is extreme all are extreme.

Or you could just admit that some people shouldn't be voting and there needs to be qualifications to vote.
I hope, for your sake, that your test doesn’t ask you to define the word “extreme.”
That would go over like a lead balloon.

Worked for hiliary, though. Apparent directed candidates are more the dem's style ... the people who aren't criminal and follow the rules?
We need fresh blood. Biden is very beatable but even if he does win, we can't concede the other races down ballot

The GOP doesn't have fresh blood. It's almost like it has to do with conservatism being more toward evolutionary change and liberalism being more toward radical change. Radicals like to set the world on fire, and conservatives bore it to death. We need more common sense and less radical stupidity, but you can't package common sense in things like a Romney or a McCain and expect to be taken seriously.
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Mental capacity?

Does anyone know if a mentally challenged adult is allowed to vote?

From the 2020 election it appears that the mentally challenged are not only allowed to vote; it seems they are highly encouraged to vote.

As an honest answer, there probably should be some qualifying limits regarding mental capacity, but as far as I know there aren't, or determining mechanisms to exclude. That would include cases of dementia and similar in people who were at one time absolutely grounded in reality and knowledge.
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It doesn't. I'll tell you what the ideal "test'" IMO would be, go to the Starship Troopers model for citizenship. It's fair, it's equitable and provides everyone regardless of where they were born a choice.
+1 for using Heinlein.
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From the 2020 election it appears that the mentally challenged are not only allowed to vote; it seems they are highly encouraged to vote.

As an honest answer, there probably should be some qualifying limits regarding mental capacity, but as far as I know there aren't, or determining mechanisms to exclude. That would include cases of dementia and similar in people who were at one time absolutely grounded in reality and knowledge.
Joe Biden votes...
So you have issue with earning citizenship?
I’m opposed to government without the consent of the governed. I’m not sure how there could even be any genuine confusion about that. Do you not see a relationship between the vote and individual liberty?
From the 2020 election it appears that the mentally challenged are not only allowed to vote; it seems they are highly encouraged to vote.

As an honest answer, there probably should be some qualifying limits regarding mental capacity, but as far as I know there aren't, or determining mechanisms to exclude. That would include cases of dementia and similar in people who were at one time absolutely grounded in reality and knowledge.
I think most people pushing poll tests are hoping to measure mental capacity by agreement with their views. Wait til all these gerrymandered l partisan state legislatures (both sides) get the opportunity to start formulating qualifications for voting tests.
Ds and Rs are on the same team. Look at it like each party is a couple of train tracks going to the same end point. It’s all political theater in DC. Once your eyes are opened to this it all makes sense.

It's sickening to see them both read from the same talking points on Ukraine
It doesn't. I'll tell you what the ideal "test'" IMO would be, go to the Starship Troopers model for citizenship. It's fair, it's equitable and provides everyone regardless of where they were born a choice.
Sold me at starship troopers.
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I’m opposed to government without the consent of the governed. I’m not sure how there could even be any genuine confusion about that. Do you not see a relationship between the vote and individual liberty?

Funny, you don’t seem to mind government without the consent of the governed since you support certain people being disenfranchised.
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Funny, you don’t seem to mind government without the consent of the governed since you support certain people being disenfranchised.
Alright, well we’ve reached the point where you try to dishonestly misrepresent what I’ve said to cover for how stupid you made yourself look, so if there’s nothing else…?
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Ds and Rs are on the same team. Look at it like each party is a couple of train tracks going to the same end point. It’s all political theater in DC. Once your eyes are opened to this it all makes sense.
They are both on the same page when it comes to foreign policy and fiscal policy. I haven't even paid any attention to this so-called debt limit fight because in the end, neither one will do anything to cut spending and/or default on the debt.
Alright, well we’ve reached the point where you try to dishonestly misrepresent what I’ve said to cover for how stupid you made yourself look, so if there’s nothing else…?

And here’s the Rocky we all know and love. I haven’t misrepresented anything you have said, you piped up calling me an extremist and by your own words you are just as extreme as me. Probably a bit more since I wouldn’t disenfranchise felons who have completed their sentence and make it easier/faster for someone to become a citizen.
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