The Review from Section Q

We should have looked good. Running it down the throats of a bad FCS team is what any team can do with better athletes. I wanted to see timing routes and chemistry between QBs and receivers which didn't happen. Also, AP is so bad that besides the interception, the defense was unchallenged the whole game. We need a LOT of work just for next week, let alone the rest of the season. This game showed our desperate lack of depth.

Running against weak teams has not been something UT has done well lately, so I thought it was nice to see. Everyone knew the passing game would take a step back. I expect it to improve.
Gavol, 2nd response to your comment about the play book. Why is it barely open and completely shut? Tennessee is holding back for what reason? So we can compete against Oregon or hang with Florida? Sorry, Tennessee will not compete with those teams because the play book wasn't exposed, it will be because of toughness, breaks go their way, you know, Neylands Maxims. Part of the grade I gave is because I think butch missed an opportunity to get these guys experience in his overall system. I hope this doesn't come across poorly because I like what jones has done so far.

Nobody does that though. Why put your whole offense on film when 3 runs and about 4 pass plays will win by 45?
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Our depth is going to make staying healthy the main factor in making a bowl game. I have faith in this coaching staff devolping the 2nd and 3rd team guys over the season but we only have two weeks to til Oregon and three til Florida.
Worley looked great, Neal looked great, D looked great... but let's face it, this was a glorified practice game. When Petrino brings his Hilltoppers to Neyland, we will have somewhat of an idea of how the rest of the season is going to go.
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Only on Volnation do people complain when their team wins 45-0...

Seriously, you guys are acting like we won by 3 on a last second field goal or some crap. I realize that it was AP but I also know that Coach Jones and his fellow coaches saw the mistakes that were made. The offense was very vanilla but it should be. There is no reason to show your whole playbook in week 1 against a team you are going to kill. Western Kentucky will see more of the playbook and at least 3 quarters of the starting Offense and Defense.

I know people see Bobby Petrino coaching Western Kentucky and want to go hide in the corner. You do realize he's been there less time than Butch has here and the talent gap between us and WK is laughable?

Oregon is the real test for this team. They are quicker, more accustomed to their offense and playing at home. If we are in the game in the 4th quarter against Oregon I am truly impressed.

Now, can everyone stop hyperventilating and just be happy our Defense held a team scoreless.
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Only on Volnation can our fans give a B+...B-...or C grade for our team having 0 penalties, 0 injuries, and 0 points from the opposing team. Pitiful, guys! Regardless of the opponent, this was an A performance from this team and our new staff!!! GBO!

Scoring 3 points in a half against APSU hardly calls for an A.

Also no injuries is luck, doesn't call for bonus points to be handed out.
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Only on Volnation do people complain when their team wins 45-0...


Don't blame all of VN. Blame the Football Forum.

The only major problems I saw tonight involved the kick coverage (tackling) and overall depth.

I think our running game is going to be pretty solid.

The difference between a Jones coached team and a Dooley coached team is already noticeable based on lack of penalties alone.
The difference between Jones and Dooley is that the issues we did have should get better over throughout the season.
Worley missed two passes.....everyone calm down. Obviously there is stuff to work on, but nothing detrimental. I thought, obviously it's Austin Peay, that we looked more organized and ready than Vandy and Ole Miss. Which is a step up from the last three years.
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Austin Peay loses by 40, all the time, to decent OVC teams. I wouldn't get too excited.

Worley can't play. If he's the best we've got, it's going to be a very long season.
Austin Peay loses by 40, all the time, to decent OVC teams. I wouldn't get too excited.

Worley can't play. If he's the best we've got, it's going to be a very long season.

:lolabove: You signed up to make this your first post. Um... Okay.
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Austin Peay loses by 40, all the time, to decent OVC teams. I wouldn't get too excited.

Worley can't play. If he's the best we've got, it's going to be a very long season.

First of all, that's your first post?

Second of all, we put it in our second and third string in the second quarter....The second and third string played more than the first it seemed like.
Worley's timing either needs improvement or he lacks arm strength to lead receivers but he wasn't terrible. And God bless him but Nate Peterman looked like J. Peterman or Costanza out there.

The schedule ahead is obviously murder but something looked noticeably different about this team from many past seasons. Crispness? Intensity? Focus? I have no illusions about what happens against Fla., Alabama, or Oregon. IMO how the team plays in November could tell a big story about where the program is headed though. Go Vols and Go Butch.
Those people who are freaking out because we only scored 3 points in 2nd half apparently have neve watched an NFL preseason game before. Similarly we had an overall\complete position change from 1st stringers (and some 2nd string guys too) who dominated, to only 2nd and 3rd stringers, so of course there will be a major drop off in production, especially playing as many third stringers and freshmen as we did tonight. Also here was no exotic defense schemes, and the offense was beyond vanilla, quite predicatble actually. Although I would have like to see the starters for one more series after half time I agree with CBJ to give as much experience to the younger players as possible for their development. You never know when you might need to call upon one of them to fill in. There were a lot of freshman who played tonight. Even when the first stringers were in Jones showed us that he will use a rotation of players to keep legs fresh. I also like the distrubution of he ball tonight. I think coaches sometimes make the mistake of relying solely on the arms and legs of their star players. In playing everyone tonight and distributing the ball to a lot of different players Jones showed us that this team will win together as a group, not as individuals and all should be prepared if called upon.
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everyone cheering that Bray left for the NFL are going to look very very stupid this year...Worely isn't even half the QB or talent that Bray was...

And Bray only used half of his...
math is fun
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Austin Peay loses by 40, all the time, to decent OVC teams. I wouldn't get too excited.

Worley can't play. If he's the best we've got, it's going to be a very long season.

I would say welcome to the the Nation...then I read your post and thought...aaawww hell, here's another our guest and retire after just one post
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Worley looks like he can get the job done. His run reads were spot on & he gives effort. Peterman can throw well enough, but can not read defenses, thus why he gets tangled up & gets sacked. reminds me of how Simms could not get the reads right. Worleys throws were off a bit, but most were catchable & the young recievers made adjustments. I think it was more just timing being off a little becuase it was the first game & the juices were flowing. very correctable.
Runners ran hard, was good to see. O'brian can get himself in the backfield & looks like a load. Was impressed with Dan Hood. was in the right spots all the time.
I am concerned only about kickoff coverage. Palardy is a good punter & good enough kicker otherwise.
This team is very well caoched. no penalties................I can not remember ever seeing a game when a team had zero penalties.

Next week UT 41 WKU 21
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In real time the tackling did look bad on that one kick return, but in slow mo you could see that due the the players being blocked they had nothing but arm tackles. It was more of the return man breaking arm tackles than UT players not tackling well.

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