The SEC vs the B10

Now if Michigan wins it this year does that make the Big 10 the better conference this year? That’s essentially what you’re arguing.

The answer is no, SEC was a much better conference this year than Big 10. However Big 10 could have the champion. Same with years past. Big 10 might have been a deeper conference but another school won the NC.

As I said I feel both conferences are similar. The top dogs can compete with each other. The bottom feeders can compete with each other. The middle of the conferences is a lean towards the SEC.

The talk of SEC being immensely superior is an exaggeration.
No, my argument is the SEC has in the past had 3 teams in the SEC E that could reasonably compete for a national championship in any given yr. The SECW had 4 programs (I'm counting TAMU as being comparable to PSU) that could reasonably compete for a championship in any given yr. IMO, Ala, Aub, LSU, TAMU, UF, UGA and UT all have the resources, fan support, admin support and just the desire to compete for championships. The big has really only 3 programs that wouldn't shock you to see in a 4 team playoff.

Take this yr for example. The SEC was supposedly down and a few of the traditional powers significantly
under-performed. (UF, AU and LSU) However, you had OM and Mizzou that rose and showed the ability to compete with the top end of the Big. So, in a down yr in the SEC you had 2 perrineal also rans that beat 2 of the Big's elite teams, one of which that was touted as a top 2 team all yr long.

Imo, if Michigan wins on Monday night it will add some credibility to the Big conference BUT it will also mean that one of the 2 premier Big programs finally won a championship. (their first since 97) Since that split national championship the Big has only won a 2 NCs and both were won by the same team. The SEC has won 15 titles being split between 6 different teams as well as 4 teams that have won multiple titles. The SEC was once again this yr, just like over the last quarter of a century, was much better than the Big. Don't believe it? Google OSU's bowl record vs SEC teams. Heck, they're even 0-2 vs SoCar.
SEC sucked this year. They have to cheat to win...and even then can't make the championship game even with Alabama cheating their way into the playoffs via the corrupt committee


Suck it SECheat!
Yep. I want a disclaimer under each score. Guys in the two deep opting out.

I don’t know final numbers, but I’d be willing to bet SEC teams that beat Big 10 teams had more portal transfers than their Big 10 opponents.

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