The Smokeless Tobacco Forum

What do you dip?

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Born and living in Virginia. I guess u could say we r all country boys since we live in the south and dipping is stereotyped as a redneck thing. So if you dip, what brand? I use Grizzly. Great price,taste, and strong:good!:

Mississippi is the south, 10 out of 10 guys dip. 3 out of 10 woman dip. We run cars on snuff down here, and add it to our meals.

True story real quick. I have a buddy that dated a girl that dipped and they loved makin out and swopping dips.
I'm quitting smoking , any recommendations on a dip for someone who hasn't dipped in thirty years.
Thanks ahead of time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
They helped me quit smoking in 98

Ive dipped prolly every kind. Ive stuck to kayak for the longest only because its $1 and does the job. I sometimes get grizzly natural fine cut or straight
I used to dip Copenhagen and chew King Bee twist at the same time. Then moved to smoking. Then got smart and quit all of it.

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