The Soft Bigotry know, the thing...

Let’s be honest. They’re not basing it on anything. It’s a baseless claim that requiring 4 digits of your social=Jim crow on steroids. Or that it “disenfranchises black voters”

How can I honest if I'm just guessing? I'd actually be kinda surprised if there is no research on this.
Yes, an end to all racism and inherent systemic inequality was promised by the Dems by January 31 and they have failed.

Therefore, stop trying.
Thing is though, they aren't trying. That's where your delusion takes over. It is not in their best interest to end racism because there would be nothing for them to exploit.
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How can I honest if I'm just guessing? I'd actually be kinda surprised if there is no research on this.

For one if they were basing this in data, they’d likely present the data. But even then if x% of black people don’t know the last four of their social, they’d also have to not have a Dl, another form of ID, or a utility bill.

So is the number 0%? Probably not. Is very close? I’d imagine so.
For one if they were basing this in data, they’d likely present the data. But even then if x% of black people don’t know the last four of their social, they’d also have to not have a Dl, another form of ID, or a utility bill.

So is the number 0%? Probably not. Is very close? I’d imagine so.

There is no good excuse for not being able to come up with a valid form of ID. Will it be an issue for some people? Yes. Will it be significant issue for the country? Problaby not.
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There is no good excuse for not being able to come up with a valid form of ID. Will it be an issue for some people? Yes. Will it be significant issue for the country? Problaby not.

Thank you. For a bit I thought you may be arguing for the sake of arguing.

Can we take this one step further? Can we both agree the claims that this bill is racist, Jim Crow, etc are complete absurdities and baseless?

Edit: also to clarify, the bill doesn’t even require you have an ID if you know the last four of your social or can provide a utility bill
Nobody said anything about anybody being incapable.

Do you think everybody knows their SS#? Seems likely that out of 350m people, there are some who do not. Would you bet that they are poor or well-to-do?

if they are poor they are likely getting any number of forms of support which are linked to the person via SSN.
Democrats: "If White people can do it easily then obviously black folks can't because of systemic racism, White supremacy, diabetes, swimming pools, nuclear families, and mayonnaise".
But, but there black physicians, black attorneys and successfully black businessmen. Good for them.

What is the difference between those and the blacks with those crazy braids and pants wore down below their butts who blame whitey for all their problems?
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But, but there black physicians, black attorneys and successfully black businessmen. Good for them.

What is the difference between those and the blacks with those crazy braids and pants wore down below their butts who blame whitey for all their problems?

Wrong thread
I don't know what they're basing it on. This isn't about my beliefs. It's about what they said.

Personally, I would guess that poor people are less likely to have a valid ID and are probably less likely to know their SS#, and certain minorities are disproportionately poor. It's not racist to think poverty is the underlying cause of the issue.
poor people are more likely to know their SS because they have to have it for government services
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I think if you don’t know 4 digits of your social or have a dl, or another form of ID, then we are probably better off without your ballot.

I root for a bar even higher than that.

The idea of wanting more people to vote isnt an intelligent one. Unless your goal is power.
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You believe data suggest black people are less likely to know their social security number?
Well according to dems they can’t get an ID so I would be shocked if they assumed this as well
I root for a bar even higher than that.

The idea of wanting more people to vote isnt an intelligent one. Unless your goal is power.
All US citizens should be able to vote, should they choose to do so. Are you implying less is better? That's much more so a power grab than more people voting
My expectations of a couple of subgroups has greatly diminished over the past 5 years.
All US citizens should be able to vote, should they choose to do so. Are you implying less is better? That's much more so a power grab than more people voting
Yes, less idiots voting is better. Always will be
I agree. I shouldn’t have stated the Washington post is claiming that. But if it’s not about knowing your SS# then please tell me what I’m missing?

Does it not say you must have either your DL # or SS# and that this will disenfranchise black voters?

So if they know their social security number, how are they being disenfranchised by this?

If hyperbole or misdirection is needed for clickbait, the argument being made is lacking.
All US citizens should be able to vote, should they choose to do so. Are you implying less is better? That's much more so a power grab than more people voting

I agree that all US citizens should be able to vote. I just think we need to redefine who and what it takes to get citizenship.
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