The Starting QB for Team 117

will be named as early as late Thursday evening but most likely Friday morning.

I attended a speaking engagement this morning at the new Anderson Training Complex and Bob Kesling straight up asked him when he'll name the starting QB and he said that the guys are getting two days of rest (today and tomorrow) and they have practice Thursday, evaluate the tape and name the starter shortly after.

In an off topic observation of the new complex... it's really nice... my fav. part is the stadium seating auditorium/team room. the screen is massive.. while we were in there... they had a video of practice looping on the big screen... they were doing ol/dl 1-on-1's and I just so happen to see the battle between Big Dan and an O-lineman... i couldn’t tell who it was but whoever is was got ran over... I would say it was maybe Fulton or Stone (surely not Tiny...?) anyway Big Dan had this guy on ice skates for about 20 yards before throwing the poor chap to the ground :yikes: :clap: as the entire defense proceeded to jump on him in excitement as the o-line licked their wounds as they peeled their guy off the field. cool story bro, I know. :cool:

The OL in that match up was Bullard.

Unless he gets hurt before the first game against AP, Worley will be the starter. I also agree that does not lock him in as a starter all season. Any one of the 3 others could replace him during the season, but I think Peterman will be the one to get the first opportunity for playing time in a game since he's already burned his read shirt season.
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The fact that Worley hasn't won the job yet could be because he promised the freshman they'd have a chance when they were recruited. It's too soon for anybody to get uptight yet. The starter should improve as they get the bulk of the reps and game experience.
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The fact that Worley hasn't won the job yet could be because he promised the freshman they'd have a chance when they were recruited. It's too soon for anybody to get uptight yet. The starter should improve as they get the bulk of the reps and game experience.

And the key here to Worley starting is " game experience"
Even if Worley starts against AP and plays well VN will say he sucks and that it means nothing because it was against AP. I don't see this getting settled until the Oregon game.
That is an entertaining idea. Leak was outplaying everyone one up to that point. I think a large part of him not starting instead of Ainge and Schaeffer was that Leak's dad had really ticked Fulmer off and he had enough of that family, so he rolled the dice with the freshmen.

After the sweet win in Neyland (2004 I believe) I was sitting behind the Florida section and watched CJ run over, after the game, to see his parents. They were decked out in gator attire. They had sons on both sides of the field, but all family loyalty was clearly with the gators.
I think I'm now wanting to see this turn out like the year we all thought CJ Leak would be the starter. Shortly before that UNLV game, Fulmer announced the two freshmen would be "starters". We all think it's going to be Worley, but I think if it was going to be Worley, he would have wont he job before a week until kickoff.
Or when Todd Helton was named the starter, to be replaced 3 or 4 games in by a freshman named Peyton MANNING. I wish, LOL.
How does one become judged when he got minimal first team reps in their time on campus with VERY little game experience. New coach, new staff, new attitude. If Worley wins, keep trucking..if not, Ferguson & Dobbs will be licking their chops.
If the coaches can't yet decide who the starting QB is, if it's this close, then play one (Worley) in the first quarter and the other in the second quarter, and see who looks best. Repeat in the second half. Do this for the first two games. If neither looks good, maybe mix in one of the freshmen. I would say give one a half, but if the Vols get out to a decent lead in the first half, then it changes how the offense plays in the second half, maybe. Giving each a quarter would let each run essentially the same play mix. :hi:
Worley and Peterman need the snaps this year and at least one freshman needs to redshirt in my "ideal" situation, but I'm sure the staff knows more than me or most of us on volnation so I will defer to them.
whatever happens if worley isnt head and shoulders above the rest i hope he doesnt start...we arent competing for a championship this season. might as well let the young qbs get any bad experiences out now
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I opened this thinking I'd missed some big announcment today, only to see the same stuff that's been rehashed in like 50 other threads.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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Based on this theory Peyton Manning should have never, never entered a game ever.

What the hell do you mean?

No freshmen has ever started anywhere for any college team at any school ever.

If a freshman were to start the first two games would that qualify for playing in college games and give them experience.

This is just stupid...........

Think about what I'm about to say........

If the two freshman or Peterman is better then Worley, then why is Worley going to be the starter?

Why is COACH Jones naming the STARTER Worley?



Let that ponder in your brain a bit.
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What is so befuddleing about that statement? I know he sucked, but the facts are the facts. You're basically saying if Simms were still here, he'd be the starter (for the plain & simple reason that he's taken snaps as a Qb in college)! your telling me you would take 3 kids that have only played highschool football over a 3rd string NFL QB and has started at a D1 school?

Hahahahahaha wow
Matt sims had college snaps as a starting Qb, you think he's better than all of Peterman, Dobbs, Ferguson?

Worley is not an SEC Qb

Lol yes I think a NFL QB is better then 3 kids that have only played high school football so far?

Foolish me, right? Lawl
Think of it this way. At least if the starter gets hurt there won't be that big of a drop off. According to some, depending on who is named the starter, the backup will be a step up. Having this many guys this close also allows Coach Jake to call plays without fear of getting someone hurt. (read option, designed quarterback draws, etc) Glass half full.
If we knew we had a run game or experienced recievers then the Worley debate would probably be dead. As it stands 3-4 RB's will likely get to play and hopefully establish who the go to guy is. We'll have a half dozen recievers get a chance to do the same thing. Hopefully the coaches find the right combination of all 3 groups because one thing is absolutely clear we don't yet know who our playmakers are or will be. I think that single but complex fact is what makes us discuss potentially decent but vanilla QB play so much.
Think of it this way. At least if the starter gets hurt there won't be that big of a drop off. According to some, depending on who is named the starter, the backup will be a step up. Having this many guys this close also allows Coach Jake to call plays without fear of getting someone hurt. (read option, designed quarterback draws, etc) Glass half full.

A number of posters including myself have said it is good that we have options, even if unknown or untested. No one to my knowledge is worried Butch will get the most from this group.
A number of posters including myself have said it is good that we have options, even if unknown or untested. No one to my knowledge is worried Butch will get the most from this group.

The only problem is: Are the coaches trying to find an A out of B+s or a C- out of Ds?

Competition is only good if you know the bar. From what people have said about practices and, by the scrimmage numbers, the top-to-bottom doesn't look very good.

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